I wrote a whole meaning behind this poem, so I will drop that in the comments. It's long af but I think it makes it all even more beautiful.


I wrote a whole meaning behind this poem, so I will drop that in the comments. It's long af but I think it makes it all even more beautiful.

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About how fast the world is. About social media and the need to always be better, work harder, go faster. About praising people one day and turning away from them the next. About cancel culture. About how fast you can climb to the top and how you fall down even faster. About the need to always be the best version of yourself. About always working and never being able to catch your breath and have that still not be enough. About how fast we change opinions. About not being able to keep up. About friends and how one mistake can ruin a friendship. About knowing someone one day and then realising they're a stranger to you another day. About friends forgetting your birthday, even when you remembered theirs. About looking back and seeing how much you've lost. But also about family and the friends that feel like family. About the ones you can always, no matter what, fall back on. About those who just get you, who know something about you before you do. About some people feeling like home. About the constant support you get from a small group even when the world gets ugly. About those who know you, really, completely, deeply know you. About being one of millions to some and one in a million to others.
not me bawling my eyes out. there are so many truths in this poem. it’s beautiful in every way💗
new post!🥀
It’s like you sat me down in a chair and yelled this inspirational poem to me
And I appreciate it
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Oh no need for thanks you sweet soul 😩
thank you for existing
I’m flustered lmaoo🥺
brb crying
Wow, this is so beautiful! but it’s so true and I relate to it so much ❤️
And you were right, I read the comments and it gave the poem so much more meaning
awww tysm ❤️💗✨
@caption: that’s exactly what I felt ahh- not to mention one of my friends (a different friend, I have a lot of friend drama happening rn 🥲) stopped talking to me after he found a significant other. it’s crazy how so much can change in a day, and this poem sums that up perfectly :)
thank you! and yes, i understand. it is truly amazing how words can move you, and yours always mean something to me. So thank you❤️