


30 2
heya I'm nahima😇⚓️
is there anyone that's 11?
nope sorry
oh.. it's alright
I had my eye on u but ur too old for me
Hey I'm Grace and I'm single
oh and I'm almost 15
hey I'm autumn and I'm single(almost 15)
I'm 14 and I think you're really cute
I told my friend I wouldn't get a girlfriend for another year cause we're having a contest to see who can go the longest without a relationship
or longer than a year
Really? Deleting my comments??? Woooooww
I know you are just role playing
I didn't delete anything
My comment earlier is gone -___-
I love you too baby girl
babe I love you so much
I love you too
I think that you guys would be the perfect couple
hey Markus!! what's your last name?
aww thanks
no sorry...
who r u dating
babe I'm sorry I haven't been on for awhile it's Abbie