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which is crazy to say because we haven't actually met
yeah. but i honestly feel the same way.
I mean like, I just want to hug you and hear your voice
i get over-emotional watching internet friend meeting videos.i just want you to come here. I'd take you to all of my favorite restaurants and I'd show you hot topic and ugh it would just be the best.
random question, but what do you want to be when you're older?
I get you. I avoid watching them all together. it makes me really sad that I can't talk to my parents about you or anything.
I have no idea what I want to be tbh. how about you?
I wanna be an arts and humanities teacher I think
Ohhh that sounds cool
when I'm older I'd like to move to somewhere near the sea
and I feel the same way. honestly. I wish I was able to just explain that there's nothing weird about it, but I really don't want to take that chance. it's just unbelievably frustrating. and it's so discouraging that we may never meet because of it.
I was just thinking if you wanted to major in something I could research the programs in the colleges near me. I know them pretty well.
I have to go pretty soon
I do too. I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow. and if anything goes badly then remember I love you and that I'm always here for you
oh wow do i love you. and i'm grateful for you every day.
I'm grateful for you too
how was your day?
it was kinda boring honestly
Same here tbh
i was actually going to go sports with dorothy but then it started storming. it's been really rainy here lately, London weather almost.
Ahah, It's been okay here the past couple of days. minimal rain but cloudy
that actually sounds quite pleasant
Yeah, it's meant to be sunny here today though, I think