💛This is going to be hilarious...💛


💛This is going to be hilarious...💛

10 25
Kendall and Chase were pretty relaxed as their dad owned the school. They didn’t have any conferences, and Skylar wasn’t worried because she’s Skylar
Omg I have a gooood plot twist
Laura remembered parent teacher conferences were today. “Bye Halle!” Laura said and scurried up to her room and changed. Michael was waiting for her.
what is ittttt
And I can’t sayyy
“bye!” halle said
Laura walked up to Kendall. “So, um..what’s a parent teacher conference?” She asked, embarrassed.
Kendall and Chase walked around as they watched Parent Teacher Conferences unfold
*leaves and goes to library*
Kendall turned around, “Where your parent/guardian comes and your teachers tell them your grades,” she responded
Laura blushed. “Okay.” She turned around and walked off. “Geez Laura. That’s what you knew it was and of course you had to clarify because you’re such a dummy and you’ve never been to a stupid school before! You need to get it together.” Laura murmured to herself
Halle’s mom walked in, not happy, she wanted to be in California but had to come here
Laura and Michaels guardian, Mr. Joshua Crane walked in with his fancy shmancy business suit. He took of his sunglasses and gave Laura and great big squeeze. “Joshhhhhhh.” Laura whispered
(kat look at my report card)
...the teachers walked around...actually being nice?
He high fives Michael and kissed Laura on the head. “Ohmygod Josh you are so embarrassing...”
Just then a women walked through the door. She had dark hair and a tan complexion, and she made both of Kendall and Chase’s jaws drop. “M-mom?” CHASe managed to get out. Here’s the the thing though, there mom died over ten years ago.
check again hehehe
“Halle, why am i here again?” Mrs.Gardner asked, Halle sighed “parent teacher conference”
“Charolette! I didn’t know your kids came here.” Josh smiled
(kat check notifications)
“I didn’t know your kids came here either Josh,” she smiled back. Kendall and Chase were busy making conspiracies in the corner
“Jordan! Where is Jordan my little girl?” A big burly man asks with a small accent.
Laura’s eyes were wide open. Her and Michaelwent over to Kendall. “Who the heck is she? And how does she know Josh?”
“Better question is...HOW IS MY MOTHER ALIVE FROM 10 YEARS AGO?!” she shouted. Charolette faces Kendall, but she didn’t say anything
Laura and Michael both stepped back. Laura looked at Michael cluelessly. They both went back to Josh. “Josh who is Charolette?” Michael asked.
“I am their mother,” she replied simply as Kendall was extremely confused, “But you died...”
“Okayyy then. Uh..uh..when do..they start? I..should..” Laura stuttered. Michael covered her mouth with his hand. He took it off when Laura kicked his shin. “Hmmph.” He grumbled. Josh just stood there smiling and waving at every parent and kid. He went to walk up to Skylar. “NONONO Josh that’s my friend you aren’t ruining our friendship NONONO.”
“Yes sir?” Skylar asked as Josh walked up to her
Laura mouthed. “Sorry.” To her. “Hi! Do you know my..child I guess we’ll call her?” Michael started choking in the corner laughing and Laura stood behind Josh in lots of pain.
“Um, yeah, Laura right?” she asked as she looked up because Skylar is short
“Yes. Is she doing well?” Josh asked. Michael was rolling on the floor laughing by now.
“Has anyone seen my little girl? Jordan? You!” *corners Chase* “Do you know where my daughter is?”
“No idea sir,” Chase replied.
“She’s a good friend of mine, but you should probably see a teacher if you want to talk about grades...”
“Ok thanks.” Josh smiled and walked to Laura. Michael was crying now. “HAHAHAHAHA.”
Ms. Z was smiling brightly as she had to...
(WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT? btw r there orders for goin in)
isn’t it funny that irl my best subject is my least favorite but yet I have a 102%?
Laura quietly walked up to Ms. Z. “Uhm, excuse me?” She said politely
“Yes ma’am?” Ms. Z answered
Not really
lol ya 😂
“Uhm, can my guardian go first? He’s just being embarrassing.”
Tomas, Emilia and their mother (who drove for four hours) sit outside the office. (idek)
“Yes ma’am,” Ms. Z replied
(does anyone have any ideas who I should ship Emilia with its stressing me out)
“JOSH!” Laura called.
(I don’t know🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry)
Skylar, Chase, and Kendall resumed walking around.
(lol neither she can stay single for now)
Josh proceeded into the room. “Do my children come?”
McKenna just did stuff.
"Anyway, you two better have behaved," their mother says lightly, "I can't think WHY you wouldn't, it's SCHOOL after all." Some people might be a little weirded out at her positivity, but that was only people who didn't know she skived off whenever possible and threw her gum at the teacher's hair.
(also what's the case with the field groups, when are the field trips and do they meet up and ugh I'm confused)
(pfft I knew that)
Josh was very tall so he bent down. “You two better have good grades. If I have to tell Cassie that you got below a D..” Josh began. “I know.” Laura said. “Why did you even marry her?” Michael added. Josh got up and turned away. Laura and Michael looked at each other.
“He married her for his mother’s sake dummy.” Laura said.
(where’s KAT)
"Mum, hypocritical isn't a good look on you," Tomas points out, eyebrows raised. She just grins, "at least something's a good look on me, Tommy Wommy." Tomas looks shocked, before turning to Emilia with an accusatory glare. "You told her?!" Emilia beams. "Course I did!"
(so what are we doing?)
(well isn't Max a little smarty pants)
Micheal heard “Tommy Wommy.” “Pfft. Hahaha.” He couldn’t help it
(hey that’s how he got into this school🤷‍♀️)
(p/t conference and I’m just waitingggg)
Tomas looked over, and mimed sobbing, while his mother grinned wickedly.
(I don’t even think I can have a conference I just got here)
“Yes sir,” Ms. Z replied as Skylar, Kendall, and Chase were bored.
Max bit his lip. His parents wouldn’t fly all the way over JUST for a conference—He would have to...improvise...
Laura and Michael rolled their eyes and followed Josh. Michael turned to Max and whispered. “I ate two of your brownies.” And walked off
Max shot Mikey with a grape
(Mikey I see how it is Maxy)
Emilia groans. "Where does he get these grapes?!" And Tomas said, "Maxy! Hey, come on over!"
oh no
(hey it's Tommy, Mikey and Maxy)
Max reluctantly walked over. he smiled sweetly. “yes my darling Tommy?” he said
my gosh^^
He sneaked a grape in Tommy’s shirt.
I don’t know what to dooo🐔
"Nothing, I just saw you were lonely," Tomas shrugs. Emilia looks up. "You know, I'm sure we could cover for you, seeing as you're sort of, ah, parent less at the moment."
Kendall sat down as Skylar and Chase did the same. “Parent Teacher ConFrEncEs are boring!” Skylar said.
Michael itched to be over there. He took a grape and shot it at Maxy’s bütt. “oh sweetie my bad.” Michael smirked
I’m just sitting🤷🏻‍♀️😂
Max brightens. “y-yeah, that’d be awesome!!” he said happily
Tomas shrieked at the grape. "Yeah, I'll be a part time guardian," their mum shrugged.
(can ms z interview josh and stuff now lol)
Max pretended not to care but turned around and selectively raised one finger at him before turning back around.
“thank you so much uh...part time mom” Max said, laughing faintly.
I don’t know what I’m doing here I should just get ready for soccer
Laura slumped down against a wall. “I’m not going in.” She complained. Meanwhile, Michael ran over to Max and Tomas and Emilia. “Oi! Are you Tommy’s mother?”
Emilia gasped loudly. "Maxy! Swearing in school?! I don't believe it!"
"Hmm?" their mother looked up from her nails. "I am, yes. You are ... ?"
Max widens his eyes innocently and raises his hands. “I didn’t SWEARR” he responds
(you’re in tRoUbLE)
Emilia smirks. "Course not, Maxy. Course not."
Ms. Z looked at the reports, “Your children need some work. They are failing nearly everything, but Science for Laura and History for Michael!”
“Michael. My sister is too lazy to..” Laura jogged over. “Actually, I’m well enough.” Laura stated.
Max pînches Mikey on the back and smiles at Tommy and Emilia’s mom
Laura smirked and slapped Max’s arms. “HOW DARE YOU!”
And then the rest of characters kept walking bc they have no friends woop
Max ran behind Emilia and loaded his grape gun. “SELF DEFENSE” he reasoned.
"Alright, you're Maxy, correct?" their mum says, the corner of her lip curling in a smirk.
what’s her face was still doing stuff
Michael wiggled Maxy’s hand off and pinchęs him back.
Max glared dagger at Tommy while responding “noooooo, but YOU may call me that”
"And nice to meet you, Michael and ... ?" their mother says.
Skylar, Kendall, and Chase came up to Peyton and Ara, “Hey,” Skylar said, clearly bored.
Max yelps. “you son of a butterfinger” he mutters to Mikey, stuffing a grape in his hair.
Tomas grinned back at Max while Emilia eyed the grape gun suspiciously.
Josh stood in the corner of the wall talking to Cassie. “Yes, I am. Michael proved me wrong and I don’t want to give him up.....no. Yes you are leaving the house....I paid for it Cassie.....we can go later.....yes......yes.....bye Cassie.” Josh hung up the phone.
yeah and she walked into the rooom and satttt down but she technically didn’t need a conference and yeah
Laura smiles. “I’m Michaels twin, Laura.”
"I'm bored. I'm going in. Wish me luck," their mum stood up, putting some gum in her mouth.
Max stuck a grape in her purse.
“Good luck. Tommy Wommy luvssss you!” Michael called
(who's purse)
(the mom)
"I know!" their mum turns round before she enters.
Laura slapped him again. “Max! She’s a nice lady.”
and now my person is sitting in the room waiting for this shabang to be over
Kendall was pacing around. She couldn’t believe her mom was suppose to be dead was...well alive.
Max shrunk back and shrugged. “she said ‘wish me good luck’ so I did” he replies
"Max! My mum just offered to be your part time guardian!" Emilia scolds him, furrowing her brows. Tomas raises his eyebrows.
“I WAS WISHING HER GOOOOD LUCKKK” he repeats, throwing his hands up in exasperation
Well I said something to both Josh and Ara, but welp never mind
“Grapes aren’t good luck dummy. I’ll tell yo...” Laura trails off.
(oof sorry dan josh come in)
"A GRAPE IS NOT GOOD LUCK, YOU DWEEB!" Emilia says loudly, bordering yelling but decided to keep it down.
“tell me what?” Max tilts his head
I already said the conference as well because I thought he was already in.
Max shrugged. “well I think that IT IS” he says defensively
Tomas and Emilia's mum sits in front of Mrs Z.
“What do you mean failing everything?” Josh asked
Nope she didn't she's waiting outside.
McKenna sat down and sighed. She got out her earbuds and music and did her whole shabang
"Emmy? Emmy, it's the hospital," Tomas says quickly, staring at his phone screen. Emilia grabs his arm and rushes off.
Max bit his lip again. “uhh..do you think you’ll mOtHeR will mind I have a B-?” he asks nervously.
"No, I got an F and she laughed!" Emilia calls as they turn around the corner.
“Ugh I’m leaving.” Skylar mumbled as she decided to drive through town. She hopped on her motorcycle and decided to pick up lunch at her favorite cafe. Her head pounded, but she just kept on driving. Just then, some dude ran a red light and tboned her motorcycle. She went flying, but then, moments later, she went flying back onto her motorcycle and not a single thing was damaged. The person who ran the red light was caught by the police as Skylar went to the cafe.
Max looks up in surprise “that’s good”he sighs in relief and relaxes on a bean bag.
(Not for long.)
Laura casually walked away. “Where are you going?” Michael asks. “None of your business.” Laura responded sharply.
I actually have no point in this rp rn....😖
(max is lonely rn)
Josh raised an eyebrow. “They’re failing?”
haha same come to the cafe
Tomas and Emilia are intently listening to the nurse, before she hangs up. Tomas stares at Emilia. "That's not good." She stares right back. "Yeah, I know. I know. Mum's not going to be okay, we should take her to the beach - we - " Tomas slides down the wall and buries his face in his hands and Emilia sits next to him.
“Yes, they’re failing,” Ms. Z repeated, showing him the reports.
Laura slowly made her way down to a café and saw Skylar. “Hey.” Laura sai
(Anyone who is lonely can come to the cafe...some weird stuff is about to go down)
(Ayeee I just did that)
Josh tapped his fingers on the desk. “THEY ARE FAILING?”
Max walks to his mini and decides to go into town and get a waffle. He goes to a local cafe and sits down at the first empty table and immediately starts reading.
"C'mon, Tommy," Emilia says gently. "Let's go get something to eat." Tomas eventually gets up and they go to ... a cafe.
“THEY ARE FAILING!” Ms. Z pulled out more papers. “Hey,” Skylar said, with a forced smile. The waiter came around, “I’ll have a iced coffee and some crepes,” she said to the waiter, “Laura what do you want?”
McKenna ordered something and sat down and listened to music because she had no friends...😂
“Do you have a vegan menu?” Laura asked
Tomas sees everyone else there. "Hey!" Emilia turns around. "LETSGOLETSGOLETSGO." Tomas shakes his head. "It's a distraction, c'mon!"
Max looks up as the waitress came by. he smiles. “I’ll just have an ice water with lemon” he said quietly and then he got back to his book.
“Do I need to do anything more?” Josh asked
"Hey, Maxy, can we sit with you?" Tomas calls. Emilia looks like she's going to try and run for it but Tomas is holding her shoulder.
“Nope,” Ms. Z replied as The waiter handed Laura a menu.
Max smiles and nods, he moved over so the others could sit down. “sure, no problem”
Just then the waiter brought out Skylar’s food. Skylar started to eat it only to get a second order, “Oh no- I already got my-“ she was stopped as the waiter went to go get a third dish, then a fourth, then a fifth. The cycle kept going and going and going and then everything stopped as time resumed back to normal
Laura scanned through it. “Uh, I’ll have a bagel with vegan butter and an iced almond milk latte please.” Laura said and returned the menu. “Wait, anyone else vegan?”
They sit down next to Max. "Toilet, I'm going to the toilet!" Emilia decides, but Tomas won't budge. "You know you're going to run for it. I'm not moving."
The waiter brought McKenna her iced coffee. “Thank you,” she said and smiled as she handed her the money for her drink.
Max laughed. “someone’s jumpy today” he remarked
Kendall and Chase showed up as well and they sat down at an empty table because they knew Skylar wasn’t in the best mood until they saw the waiter doing some creepy stuff.
Josh stood up. He only saw Michael. He knew Laura wandered off like that. “Tell her I love her and I did divorce Cassie. Bye, Michael.” Josh walked off
like irl at school? or fake?
"We'll have two cheese and ham paninis and two waters," Tomas says quickly.
(can I still audition for hairspray?)
Michael went to the café and took a seat next to Laura. “The waitress has the vegan menu.” Laura said. The waitress handed Michael the menu. “Avocado toast and an iced almond milk latte please.” Michael said
Food was piled up to the ceiling right in front of Skylar.
(yea just not right now!
“Woah Skylar, chill!” Laura laughed, taking a sip of her iced almond milk latte.
"Can I come in?" their mother calls, seeing someone leave the office.
The waiter then brought more of Skylar’s order and more and more and more until it filled the whole cafe...
Max yawns and puts his book down, deciding to socialize. he stretched his arm around Tommy and stuck a grape in his other ear.
Tomas groans and throws it at Max. "Dude, whyy?"
Emilia still looks jumpy and isn't talking.
Michael smirked and threw a chunk of avocado at Maxy.
Max looked around and shot the waiter bringing food with a grape. “BAD SERVICE YALL”
who wants to hang with the lonely bean?
“MAX!” Laura yelled, dropping her bagel on one of Skylars dishes. “Oof, Sorry.”
She can hang out with Kendall and Chase
Max ducks as avocado goes by his face.
and Laura cause Laura just being vegan over here
“WHAT IS GOING ON I ORDERed ONE ORDER NOT 100000!” she shouted
"CAN I COME IN?" their mother repeats, yelling at Mrs Z's door.
Laura took some vegan butter and grabbed a spoon and flung it at Max
“SURE WHATEVER.” Ms. Z yelled.
Michael turned to Skylar. “Is it vegan?” He asked
Then all at a time all of the dishes slowly disappeared leaving Skylar with one order.
Tomas gets up, noticing a good fight, and splashes some water in Max's face. Emilia uses this opportunity to escape to the bathroom.
I said she can hang out with Kendall and Chase
oh wait I have to go to soccerrrrrr
Their mum entered. "Hi, I'm the parent of Tomas, Emilia and guardian of Max."
Laura flung some more butter at him. “HaHA!”
Max groans and puts a slice of lemon down Tommy’s shirt. “YOUR WELCOME” he pouts
Max throws Emilia’s panini at Laura
Tomas shrieks loudly. "Wait, did you see where Emmy went?"
Then a moment later...someone with a gun came in and demanded money. He ended shooting at the cafe, but the bullets went straight back into the gun. I wonder who is actually going to comment about this.
Michael, meanwhile, finished his toast and was eating one of Laura’s half of her bagel
Max looks around and shrugs. “no, I think she just probably escaped” he says
Max shrunk under the table when a robber came in
Laura ducked under the table, taking her iced almond milk latte with her. “WHAT IS THAT” She screeches
Laura slurped at her iced almond milk latte and quivered with fear. “Aghhh....”
Emilia, however, was in the bathroom with her head against a wall, thinking the commotion was the food fight.
Max threw a grape at the robber.
Michael stood up and got out of his seat, taking a bit of Laura’s bagel of course. He walked towards the robber.
"GIRLS COULD YOU SEE IF EMMY'S IN THE LOO?" Tomas yells before hiding under the table because ROBBER
“That helps.” Laura laughed. “Why aM i lAugInG”
Laura rolled out from under the table and ran to the washroom, she saw Emilia washing her hands.
Michael took more steps towards the robber.
The robber shot again, but once again the bullets kept returning.
Max threw a bagel at Ara
"Oh, h - hey Laura," Emilia stutters.
Laura grabbed Emmy and shoved her under the table on top of Tommy. “SORRY!” She called over the commotion. She tried to grab Michael, but somehow he was...in a trance.
Max scoffed and pelted her with peas.
Michael violently grabbed the gun from him.
Tomas threw his panini at the robber, hitting him in the nose. "Ooh!" and then he pauses. "OI, LOVEBIRDS! AIM YOUR FOOD AT THE ROBBER!"
“no shît” max muttered as he watched Mikey
Laura saw Michael and started to cry a little.
Emilia rubbed her head and noticed the robber. She groped around the table and threw a glass at him.
Michael turned the gun at Laura, who was now standing up in front of him. “HOLY....” She screamed
max glanced at Laura, worry in his eyes.
Michael pulled back the trigger. “Uhm, Michael? Mikey?”
The gun only came back to him and this time when he started shooting, this bullets shot a girl in particular
"LAURA! LAURA GET DOWN!" Emilia screeches, getting up.
Laura’s arm started flowing with blood
(oof I gtg soon😩)
Laura tried to grab the gun from her brother but he turned around to the robber.
"MAX, MAX! CAREFUL!" Tomas screams, losing it for the first time.
(this is messed upppppp)
Laura was in so much pain she passed out, and right before she did she said. “Take it from h-“
"LAURA GET DOWN!" Emilia repeats, dashing over.
(the robberrr has the gunnn)
(dude I'm sort of scared)
(we know we know. KAT was a demon yesterday get over it 😂)
(Yeah the robber has the gun now...)
Max stood in the middle of the room in confusion.
(I'm here)
Emilia yelled, "ARA! HELP ME MOVE LAURA!"
(mmmmmmiiiiiicccccchhhhhhaaaaaaeeeeeellllll shot it before thooooo)
“holy shi” max passed out from the stress and confusion.
Michael shook his head and was out of his ‘trance’
(wooo join the club Jackie)
(there. now I don’t have to worry bout max XD)
"Laura? Laura?" Emilia said quietly, leaning over her.
Michael rubbed his eyes. “Hmm?” He saw the robber and went into full on death mode. Michael grabbed a wine glass a chucked it at his cheek. He kicked and punched
"Thanks, Peyton," Emilia nodded. "God, I'm so scared."
Tomas was smacking Max. "Get up. Get UP."
Laura’s eyes fluttered open. “Tomato’s.” Was the first thing she croaked.
The robber shot the bullets and one hít Skylar in the head. All the weird madness stopped as all of the remaining bullets landed in the wall
(works every time)
Max’s eyes fluttered but he didn’t wake up.
Tomas smacked Max again.
Laura saw Skylar fall to the ground. She unlocked her phone and handed it to Emilia. “D-dial the cops.”
Max didn’t move.
Emilia laughed a little. "Yeah ... "
Laura looked at her arm and nearly fainted from shock. “What the heck..”
Then she called the cops. "Gun - robber with gun. Hurry, we've got a casualty!"
Max winced faintly but still was unconscious
Tomas looked at Ara. "That works too, I guess."
"Maybe if I step on his face ... ?" Tomas muses.
The robber ran off leaving Kendall and Chase to sprint after him. The busted through the door as they stared to run. Meanwhile Skylar was completely down...for now.
Laura climbed out from under the table, grabbed a cloth and stuck it in her wound. She grabbed Michaels full iced almond milk latte too
Laura slowly crawled over to Max and spilt the whole thing on his head.
Then, she went over to Kendall and put her hand over the bullet wound
Tomas laughs happily. "Yay! That was funny!"
Kendall ran off
(as in spilling the stuff on max)
Max’s face twitched as cold stuff ran down it. still unconscious
"Sorry, Maxy. I don't want to have to do this ... " Tomas said, lifting a foot over Max's stomach.
Laura studied first aid at her surfing course in case of a shark. “Someone get me water and a cloth.” Laura said, still wincing from pain but managing to hold Skylar in her arms
Laura kept her now red stained hand on Skylars head
Max burps loudly as a foot came down on his stomach. “JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED” he shouted
Just then...jagged letters appeared into her skin. “HELP ME.” The letters read
(let’s just say the foot came down😂)
"Oops, he did that already," she giggles. "You got trod on."
(and I gtg eat brunch)
Then she stops dead. "W - what's happening?"
(k byee)
Laura remembered the acceptance letter. She pulled out her phone, remembering something sketchy about it. She looked at all the capitalized letters, which spelt out Help Me.
“WHERE IS WATER AND A CLOTH?” Laura screeched
“Yes.” Laura says more calmly now. Her hand is a mess
"Police? Ambulance? Hurry up!" Emilia says urgently, staring at the letters.
Emilia winces and looks away from the blood.
Laura stuck the cloth in the wound and started poring water on it. She lifted up Kendall and went into the employee kitchen. “Someone follow me.”
Tomas too, is on the floor, everything hitting him in huge waves and he shudders, fighting tears.
She ran towards the kitchen. She laid down Skylar and put a towel under her head.
It’s Skylar who’s hurt😂
Laura’s arm is killing her, but she does what she can.
Emilia follows, gulping. "Let me help."
Kendall ran off to find the robber
(wtc is going on?)
(oof my bad sry)
Skylar was barely breathing...Meanwhile, Kendall and Chase were trying to find the robber. They sprinted down the streets.
“Thanks Emmy. I need the ambulance to come get Sky and I to bring to get fixed up. When they arrive tell them that. I also need cold water. A pot filled.”
Laura started CPR for a good two minutes and let go. Her arm was throbbing more than ever.
They caught the robber and tied him up, but instead of heading back, Kendall and Chase just kept running.
Laura takes it a runs back to the kitchen. She stuffs the second cloth in Skylars wound and pours more cold water on it while Emmy gets her the pot filled
Emilia grabs an antibacterial wipe she has in her bag (she has Tomas for a brother). She starts dabbing at the wounds.
"Wait, Laura - your arm!" Emilia exclaims.
"I've got wipes - here!" she passes her a wipe.
“W..w...what about it?” Laura asks
The words slowly started to change on Skylar’s arm, they read, “Highschool Exemplary Left Play Meet Excellent,”
Laura dabs the wound and flinches every time. She then wraps it up and a cloth and starts pouring more water on Skylar.
"You need to clean it up, it'll get infected. I'll clean it up, Peyton, can you look after Sky?" she says quickly, taking out another wipe.
Laura’s eyes opened wide. “I-that’s the thing I was talking about...”
“It’s fine *gasp* I’m fine.” Laura gasped.
"Oh my God, oh my God. Get working, now," Emilia snaps, panic kicking in but she hides it.
"And Laura, please go see my brother, let him clean it," she adds.
“My brother. I’m fineeee.” Laura cries
"You're not! Please, Laura!" Emilia begs, trying to clean Sky at the same time.
Laura groaned. “Okay, y’all panic too much. But fine.” Laura groaned
A new message was scratched into Skylar’s arm, “[insert the two truths and a lie thing because I don’t want to retype]”
“Okayyy.” Laura frowned
"Oh my actual God, please no," Emilia cries.
“I...I saw that t..to...*gasp*....too....” Laura said
“Th...the..t*gasp*thir...d...o...o..*gasp*...one is....a...a*gasp*...l..l...lie..•
"Ambulance," Emilia mutters. "Where is the ambulance?!"
“The hooded g...guy was eit...either someone we knew o..or it was m..Michael who betrayed us...” Laura gasped
The next message was in a bigger text. “I’M COMING. I’M COMING FOR YOU ALL. IF YOU SAVE HER. SHE MAYBE THE DEATH OF YOU. IF YOU DON’T, I WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU,” the letters read.
“A..and one p..*gasp*....person who dies...”
(Well so much for Kendall having any sort of relationship😂)
"No, no, no, no ... this isn't right," Emilia says, fast, rubbing her head. Tomas runs in. "What's happening?!"
"We save Skylar - now. Someone start cleaning her up, cloth and antibacterial wipes," Tomas demands.
Laura frowned. “W...what...”
"No, no, no, no," Emilia repeats. She feels really pathetic right now.
"It doesn't matter who shot her!" Tomas snaps. "We need to help her!"
Laura passed out onto a bowl of raw meat
Y’all don’t even know what I have planned😂
"We have to save her, or this thing will kill us! Skylar can't die, she can't!" Tomas repeats, head pounding. Emilia helps Laura.
(OK byeee)
Another message was scratched into her skin, but it was unreadable, however, it brought Skyla back. She woke up, breathing hard.
(run in dramatically)
"Oh my God, Skylar!" Emilia breaths, and runs to her.
(I missed the demon thing, and I'm confused now)
(This has no relation to the demon thing)
"Skylar!" Tomas grins. "How're you feeling?"
wwwwwaaaait I was reading through it before I had to go and KAT goes SKYLAAAAAAAA
"This is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad," Emilia mutters. "Oh, holy shît." Tomas us surprised to hear her swear.
“And when I was almost killed when a giant truck ran into my motorcycle,” she groaned.
(ok where Laura be I’m back)
"You're alive! How are you alive?" Tomas frowns.
"That's a good thing, enjoy it!" Emilia snaps and smacks the back of his head v
Laura wakes up stands right up. “CORN ON THE GOSH DANG COB.” She screams
"Well, there's a traitor, someone's going to die, and I think I'm going to pass out," Emilia groans. "Nice to see you up though, Skylar."
(lol I’m creative ok)
(that works just fine)
“Sorry.” Laura said. “Wooo what’s up with my arm.”
Skylar wiped herself off, “Yeah, when I was driving to the cafe a giant truck hit my motorcycle and I went flying, but a few seconds later I was fine,” she shrugged
"Not good," Tomas mumbles. "Oh, this is such a nightmare."
Laura looks at Skylar. “Did my cloth and water help?” She asks. “MY ARM HURTSSSSSS.”
(seriously when I filled in the application form I was just expecting a normal drama filled high school)
(this is way better lol)
Laura jumps up and down. “MY FREAKING ARMMMMM.”
Laura pouts. “Oh? Okay. Is this better? MY ARMMMMMMMMMM.”
“It did...Thanks Guys,” Skylar smiled.
"Oh my ... Mum's still at school," Emilia utters. "Dad's still at hospital," Tomas blurts and then covers his mouth. "Don't tell anyone."
Laura pauses. “W-what?” She says, her arm flinching. Meanwhile, Michael is sitting outside the café. (we can’t forget Mikey)
(Yeah Guys, This is a Kat school...WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME)
Laura sat down. “WHERE IS....ahem. Where is Michael?”
"Our dad's in hospital," Emilia says again, "please don't tell anyone."
(drama rama)
Laura smiled and hugged her. “I won’t.”
"Thanks," Emilia hugged her back. "I'll talk when I'm ready, but now isn't the time."
(Maui, dramashifter, goddess of torture and death, I am Moana. You will BOARD MY BOAT OF LOVE.)
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Skylar said, “And Where is Kendall and Chase...?”
“Their all probably eating chocolate for all we know.” Laura shrugged
"They went after the robber," Tomas says, still feeling unloved because it's his dad too......
Laura went over and hugged Tomas awkwardly. “I don’t hug boys.” She whispered in his ear while hugging him
"Clearly not," he agrees, feeling better now he got a hug.
Laura wiped herself off. “Um, so, my arm is better. I’ll go get them now.”
“Splendid idea.” Laura joked
Tomas chuckles in spite of himself.
"He's right, sit yourself down young lady," Tomas nods, and Emilia says, "yeah, I don't want anything to get worse and neither do you."
"Hey, Ara?" Emilia said quickly. Now or never, right? "Can I talk to you, uh, outside?"
“Hmmmm.” Laura groaned.
Skylar sat and watched everything unfold. She was lost in her thoughts as her mind instantly went back to the motorcycle and the shooting.
Emilia slowly shuffles out and once they're in a private area, she faces Ara but stares at her toes.
(oOh I wAnNa KnOw)
"Ok, so, I may have the teeniest tiniest smallest crush on Max, but I don't want it to get in the way of anything, so I thought I'd tell you, and then not do anything about it whatsoever and pile all the descisions on Max instead," Emilia blurts.
Laura slumped down on the kitchen cabinets. “Can I call the police?”
She pulled up her sleeve to reveal more writing, “Light’s out,” it read...
Liam sat in the library struggling to finish his science homework.
"Course we can! And, yeah, I sort of assumed you liked him and I have a slight thought Max is torn, so I thought that even if he's an idiot, we might as well be smart about it," Emilia visibly relaxes.
(nervous for Max's decision?)
(and what's the IDEAAAAAAA?)
All of a sudden all the lights flickered out. Telephone cords were cut and there was no service. The lights suddenly turned back on, but EVERYONE was gone.
"I mean, I'm still looking for options," Emilia shrugged, "so no hard feelings between either of us, right?"
"Oh gosh, what just happened?"
Everyone was chained by their ankles in an abandoned warehouse...a figure waited for them to wake up.
"Dāmn it, what happened?" Tomas cursed. Emilia felt like a smoked ham.
"Who's up?" she called, and Tomas grunted. "Tomas!" she cried.
(and yeah cause they get tied up 😂 first thing I could think of)
"Guys, who's up?" Emilia repeated, struggling against her bounds. "Who tied us up?!" Tomas demanded.
(plus it's something Emilia would think, so ya)
"Peyton?" Emilia calls. "Is he awake?"
Skylar was up and grabbed an arrow as an attempt to saw her way out. Unfortunately, these were shackles, “Anyone up?” she asked.
(See the problem with me is I create so many problems, but I never stop and think how we’re going to get out of this😂😂)
“Ugh my head hurts...” she mumbled as she tried to sit up. “Wait...where even are we,” she muttered.
"Ara! Hi! Skylar! Also hi!" Tomas struggled. "Any guesses as to where we are?" Emilia asks.
(I do that with all of my stories, example: wouldn't it be great if there was an evil traitor? ... why would he be evil? ... what would he even do??)
“Probably in a traditional bad guy hideout- an abandoned warehouse,” Skylar groaned.
"Why on earth would we be in a warehouse?" Tomas groans. "I think my head exploded." Emilia then says after he says that, "don't worry, nothing on the inside was injured, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING ON THE INSIDE!" She gets super angry randomly, and starts pulling and tugging at the chains.
(I’ve tried doing that before, but I didn’t get far😂)
(ooh sounds cool! I'm doing one from one of the sort of side characters POV, but she's main too, just not MAIN main)
Emilia feels a drop of sweat down her neck. "Holy shît, holy - I think I hear something."
“Most likely about to announce an evil speech typical...” Skylar sighed as she did sit ups with the shackles
(I'm on page 20)
Tomas groaned. "Please no. I always fall asleep in that part in the movies."
(I’m doing a book from the sidekick’s point of view)
(yeah, I have a group of people who have to find these ingredients, and she's one of them, but not the best and not the worst)
(What’s the longest book y’all have ever written?)
(omg tell me about it, I can never finish something off, but now I'm trying to actually try 😂😂)
(uh, I have one on my phone which is sorta long but I'm thinking of discontinuing it)
(How many words or pages?)
(I’ve finished one “novel” so far)
"Mr Evil Guy? Or Miss! Or Mrs! Oh, just Evil Person, I think the blood is rushing to my head and IM NO GOOD PASSED OUT!" Emilia called, and Tomas snorted, and then said, "Peyton disagrees."
(idek, like 7 longish chapters)
Emilia smiles despite the situation. "I'm bored now."
"I think I'd like to live," Emilia says. Tomas agrees.
(sorry guys gtg I'll be back at ... some point)
(Oh cool. I finished Alive, but I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THAT BOOK, but the longest book I’ve written is like 90-100 pages long)
The figure remained in the shadows as they were silent. Skylar just kept doing sit ups waiting for the guy to give them the stupid speech.
“Highschool Exemplary Left Play Meet Excellent.” The figure smirked. Skylar looked closer to the figure, “No...” she whispered as tears filled her eyes, “Please don’t do this..” she said. But as the figure came closer, it’s shape changed revealing Headmaster Black. “HEADMASTER BLACK?!” Skylar then yelled, confused
(Hi, I'm back)
Skylar looked genuinely confused, “Highschool Exemplary Left Play Meet Excellent...Help me...” he whispered.
He simply smirked, “Betrayal is coming. Death is coming. War is coming.” he stated simply as he disappeared in the shadows. However, there was another Headmaster Black who was on vacation at this very moment...And he had been since school started.
(what’s up?)
(woah this got deep)
(I’m actually supposed to be practicing rn😂)
(idk what ta do wit max tho lol)
Skylar saw that there was a rope that attached the shackles. She grabbed her arrow and she yelled, “COVER YOUR HEADS!” as she took the arrow and attempted to saw them off
Well everyone was teleported to this warehouse
Max sat on the ground eating grapes
(max eats grapes in shackles
That’s what you get when you enter my school.
Max looks calmly at the others. “why did I wake up in a warehouse chained to a wall?”
The whole shabang came down and everyone WAS FREE. DOBBY WAS FREE.
Max shrugs. “imma free elf” he says, rubbing his wrists
(someone tell what’s happening?)
“I don’t know what you guys are doing, but I’m going to get some Rodeo Whip,” Skylar said, with a hint of sadness.
Max smiles grimly. “WHAt a suPriSe”
(We were all kidnapped and now we are escaping)
(where are we?)
Max stands up and stretches, walking out of the area and outside. “anyone know where we are?” he asked quietly.
h(I’m confused on what to do 😂)
Tomas and Emilia wake up. "Hey, d'you mind if we tag along? I could go for ice cream!" Emilia smiles.
Max grins widely. “there’s always room for ice cream” he says happily. he cartwheels a few times for no reason.
"Or not, it's up to you, we don't mind," she quickly amends.
Skylar went to the frozen yogurt place and sat down alone. A lot of things happened and she need a lot of time to think.
Nathan, Jack, & Sam went to the HPOW to eat some waffles.
Max threw a handful of grapes in the air before running off as he tried to find ice cream.
Emilia can't help the grin on her face. "Thanks, Ara." Tomas is now confused as to why they can read each other's minds, but he assumes it has something to do with their chat from beforehand.
(holy place of waffles 😂)
(*facepalm* DUH NVM)
(I love that)
(uh - huh sure 😂)
Kendall and Chase were all bloodied for various different reasons. They decided to go to the HPOW because why not.
"What's your favourite ice cream flavour?" Emilia asks to no one in particular.
“chocolate waffles for all please!” Jack told the waiter, as Nathan took a look at the drinks & Sam was just looking around.
Max smiles. “SUpeRmAn” he exclaimed, spinning in a circle.
And then Skylar walked out and ate her frozen yogurt. She checked the writing on her arm and then pulled down her jacket sleeves. Of course she was alone, but then again...maybe it was for the best.
Jack saw Kendall &. have and waved them over because he needed other friends other than Nathan & Sam.
"Caramel biscoff with a drizzle of honey!" Tomas bursts, unable to hold it back. Emilia face palms.
“wow, look at Tommy getting all FANCY” max said, laughing loudly.
Emilia smiles back. "That's my second favourite after vanilla."
Kendall walked over and Chase followed. “Hey!” she said.
"Look at Maxy, ashamed he doesn't have my taste!" Tomas says, grinning.
“Vanillas pretty neat” max says, throwing a grape at Tommy.
"Vanilla's safe and it goes with everything, so I can have whatever topping I like," Emilia explains. "Even though TOMMY says it's boring."
Tomas catches the grape and eats it. "I take it your favourite is grape?" he jokes.
“just add your honey cćráp on top and it’s just as good Tommy dear” Max says sarcastically.
"You know, I never liked strawberry ice cream for done reason," Tomas says idly. "But I like strawberries."
(oh...sorry Connor)
Skylar kept walking and then she saw the group that was at the warehouse. She didn’t say anything as words rang into her ears, “You save her, she may kill you. You don’t, I’ll kill you,” Skylar became lost in that quote.
"Again with the rude language!" Emilia sighs. "Honestly, what's gotten into you, Maxy?"
Max sticks his tongue out at Tommy and frowns. “NO WAY! Whenever people try to capture the essence of grape they get it ALL WRONG” he says angrily
Tomas bursts out laughing.
Emilia can't help but grin. "Then again, there was me swearing half the time in the warehouse."
She walked past the ice cream place as more writing showed up on arm.
"And yeah, I can't stand orange flavoured stuff but I love oranges," she nods carefully, walking along the curb like a tightrope walker.
(and was reading it 😂)
Max picks a random flower from the ground and eats it. “have you ever thought if flowers are edible?” he says, chewing the flower thoughtfully.
"I ate daisies as a kid," Tomas shrugs. "I came out fine." Emilia coughs loudly at this.
Skylar saw Max eat the flower, but she didn’t say anything as she kept walking. Meanwhile...Kendall and Chase were eating waffles.
(waffles vs flowers....)
max stifles a laugh
Emilia bursts out laughing. "It'll be grape flavoured!"
“oops” he said as he ran to the nearest bush and hurled.
She and Tomas are doubled over with laughter.
Hey” Jack said, eating waffles. Sam waved yellow and silently ate her waffles. “so what happened to you guys?” Jack asked gesturing to the blood on them.
(I ate a flower before and it it horrible.)
"Only daisies," Emilia points out, gesturing to her brother.
Max comes back. he wiped spit from his face and smiled, his face turning red.
Skylar stifled a laugh, but she really wasn’t in the mood. She pulled up her sleeve again to check a new message. All it said was, “3...2...1...” Skylar made a confused face. “What?” she muttered.
“well that was an experience I will never repeat” max says drearily
Tomas and Emilia slowly stand up straight. "Taste like grapes?" Emilia can barely hold in her laughter.
“Um well...Skylar was shot, we chased after a robber, then the robber kidnapped us, but then we escaped and ran here,” Kendall said.
Max mock flares at Emmy and throws a grape at her. “YES. YES IT DID” he says loudly.
"Huh, that's actually quite cool," Emilia smiles thoughtfully. "Oh, no, mum's gonna be looking for us!"
“is Skylar okay?” Sam asked, looking up from her food.
“Relatively.” CHASe responded as he took out a piece of paper. “So what’s up with you guys?” Kendall asked.
Max squeals happily as they approach the ice cream parlor.
"She's going to kill us, she won't know where we are!" Tomas moans. "She'll probably kill you too Max, as you're part time guardian. And Ara, for not killing us yet."
Max giggles and runs to the ice cream shop. “don’t kill me” he calls back
"We've gotta run and find Mum!" Emilia yells. "Need to tell her about da-"
She pales, and Tomas widens his eyes.
(it didn’t blow)
Most of my characters have been close to death at least twice in twice, so whatever😂🤷🏻‍♀️
*in two days
(😂how optimistic)
“Nothing, we just bOrEd humans who-“ Nathan said, before being cut off by Sam, “Is Skylar in the hospital?”
Jack saw a note left from Connor who just left, he walked over and grabbed it and read it secretly.
"Can we just call Mum, she'll find out about ... you know ... soon enough," Emilia points out. "We'll die, but we get ice cream."
(....how do you know?)
“She’s taking a walk,” Chase replied. Kendall laughed lightly at Chase’s statement, “Yeah we’ve been pretty bored too,”
"Thanks, but it's cool," Tomas scoops up his phone. "Oh no."
(I just ate one..)
(yeah I thought so)
Kendall looked to Jack, “What’s that?” she asked.
(I would if I could but the grass is shrivelled and yellow, so I'm not really going to try....)
“a note” Jack said, “left from, Connor.” Jack said.
"5 missed calls from the hospital," Tomas utters. "Bad, bad, bad."
“Oh...let me see,” Kendall said, standing up.
(we just ate mint leaves all the time)
max stops spinning and leans dizzily on Emmy. “Wha..? missed calls?” he asks, then flops on the ground.
"F - five?" Emilia stutters, her eyes wide and face pale.
(mint leaves are like...juicy and it weird😂)
Skylar kept walking and walking and walking because YEAAAH
"Dad," Tomas says, fast. He takes off running. Emilia turns to the others quickly. "Our dad's in hospital, long term. Something's happened. Got to run!"
(same they're sooo .... minty 😂)
Kendall read the note, “Wow...” she just said.
“the note is well, um deep” Jack said quietly, “we should go after him”
Max looks up at Emmy and smiles. “there are three of you” he says sillily, pointing to the three Emmys
Tomas and Emilia reach their mum, and she tells them they didn't do so good in some stuff, did OK in some stuff, and did good in others. They tell her about their dad, and she breaks down. "I'll go to the hospital," she murmurs. "I'll call you."
Max rolls around in the grass
what happened kids
"Hey, Max! What're you doing?" Emilia demands, Tomas at her shoulder. Both their eyes are rimmed red.
(max is rolling)
“Yeah. I agreee.” CHASe said, “I’ll call Skylar,” he said, “She needs to get her mind off of things and an adventure seems like a good idea,” he explained
Sam stood up, “I’m gonna look for Connor, you guys coming?” Sam asked, Nathan stood up and so did Jack.
ugh now I have to go again 😩
(headmaster black is evil)
(oh byee)
“I’m rolling in the grass” he says, his face in the grass
awH Bye
(adios looooo)
(imma go soon and practice again)
"Can we just get ice cream now?" Tomas says quietly, in a defeated sort of way. That's surprising, even for Emilia.
“Hello?” Skylar answered. “Yeah...yeah okay...I’ll be there,” she responded, still concerned about the countdown. Kendall then said, “Skylar is meeting us at the school,”
(where's Clara there's been no Tara in forever and Tomas is getting antsy because he likes flirting)
Max rolls face up and nods. he gets up and hugs Tommy and Emmy. then he climbs onto Tommy’s back.
Tomas only orders vanilla, and he sort of just picks pathetically at it, whereas Emilia has the same but eats it fast.
Max licks his Superman ice cream and looks at Tommy strangely. “I thought you wanted your honey schmoodle?” he asks curiously
"I did," he mumbles, "vanilla reflects my mood."
“aww, is your dad not well?” he asks tentatively
(bye chirren)
"I resent that," Emilia grumbles back, "Also I think my brain froze."
(imma practice another 30 mins or something)
The three amigos headed for the school to examine Connor’s letter
Tomas and Emilia end up staring at their vanilla sludge. "This is actually so depressing," Emilia groans. "I don't like being depressed," Tomas frowns.
Ophelia went to the beach, as she normally did. there was almost never anybody there
"You know, I'm gonna call mum," Tomas decides. "And then we can be social."
‘isn’t he in my field trip group?’ Ophelia thought. ‘what’s his name...Connor’. Ophelia decided to introduce herself. “hi. it’s Connor, right?”
Ophelia smiled, even though she knew he was looking for alone time. “I’m Ophelia. what’s up?”
(s'okay don't worry)
"Mum? Yeah, is he ok? Is he?! Oh, oh, ok." Tomas says. "He's still on chemo, they're not sure if he'll pull through, they're saying about 5 months."
"Just in time for his birthday," Emilia says quietly.
“lost in thought?” she said.
“Alright so this note says he’s leaving, but where.” Kendall muttered. “I don’t know...” Skylar and Chase both shrugged
Ophelia sat down. “save them? what’s wrong?”
"It's been going on for two and a half years now," Emilia said carefully. "They gave him three months to begin and he made it two and a half years. We'll have - have to see," she stutters the last part and Tomas wipes his face.
“But...there’s Parent Teacher ConFrEncEs today, so any chance his parents knows?” Skylar suggested
“well...” she said “maybe you can tell me something. I might be able to help.”
“do you know what the story was? I’m awfully good with riddles and such.” This was so mysterious, why couldn’t he just say it straight
"I'm not going to say I'm sorry, because you've probably heard that too many times. But I really hope you and your family are ok, and we're here if you need us," Emilia nods gently.
“So we can just check records,” Chase said as the three shrugged and nodded. It seemed like a good plan. Then Skylar froze...Kendall and Chase didn’t know about their father...
“huh. well, we’re you guys like involved in something? were you a thing?” Ophelia huffed. “Connor, I don’t know that much about you. what about your gir- I mean, friend, Skylar? could she help?”
Tomas nods firmly. "Thanks."
(~future grandma~ dang 😂)
Skylar was at a computer, “Hey! She just got here!” she pointed out, still shaken that she hadn’t told the twins about their dad yet. “We just need to know where she is exactly...” Kendall said. “I’ve got this-“ Skylar said, “MRS. CALLERY~AKIN MAY YOU PLEASE REPORT TO THE FRONT DESK!” Skylar shouted
“bye...” Ophelia said. ‘what an odd person’ she thought
Emilia gets up and hugs her. "Seriously, thanks for everything. D'you want to go to the beach, or ... ?"
Ophelia perked up. “Callery~Akin? that’s connor’s name!”
“Skylar. Skylar Levely.” she said as she put her hand out, “We will lead you to the conference room now,” she smiled, “Will your son be attending this ConFrEncEs?” she asked.
‘maybe she knows something about his friend, whatever her name was’
(btw what did Mrs Z have to say about Tomas, Emilia and Max?)
Liam sat in the library staring at his textbooks, not reading them
Tomas walks a little springier to the beach, each arm over Ara and Emilia
(She said you all failed...she twists the truth a lot)
‘I’ll go to the library’ Ophelia thought. nothing like a good book to clear the mind
“Alright, please enter the room,” Skylar commanded as Ms. Z was waiting for everyone. She grasped the note in her hand.
(well I can understand for some of Emilia's stuff, but it's not like their mum cares ... I'm gonna say she laughed, spat her gum in Mrs Z's hair and walked out)
"So, did you fail too?" Tomas asks Ara as he sits down on the beach.
Ophelia entered the library, and saw Liam sitting at a table. she decided to remain quiet
"Our mum is amazing, she doesn't care we failed! She just checks out report card and tells us to keep doing what we love! Also, she spat gum into Mrs Z's hair," Emilia laughs.
Tomas adds, "although I was hoping Mrs Z softened a tiny bit, because she smiled at Emmy. I was wrong to hope. WRONG!" he cries, and then grins.
(so wrong, Tommy. so, so wrong)
‘he seems thoughtful’ Ophelia thought. “Liam, hey.” she said softly, not wanting to startle Jim
(him 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Skylar gave him a slight wave as she held up the note in the background. The three went outside of the door. “Well...he passed! Flying colors!” Ms. Z exclaimed. “Oh wait...we mixed up everyone’s reports cards with his...He made a 63, 44, 22, And a 10,” Ms. Z exclaimed, handing Connnor’s parents the card
Emilia frowns. "I don't get you. Now Z'll hate us even more, thanks mum."
(so, we didn't fail?)
(Nope...but Connor did)
"That's cool, probably because you're a math freakazoid," Emilia laughs. "I think she liked my dance."
“He also made a 100 in Gym though...” Ms. Z shrugged, “Alright questions?”
"Huh, now I wanna know if she actually liked it. I'll ask her next time I see her," Emilia shrugs. Tomas says, "well, I liked my dance, I hope everyone else did, but I don't really care either way."
Frustrated Liam slammed the book, not noticing Ophelia. Just than he heard and voice and looked at her embarrassed, "Heyyy...sorry you had to see that" he said blushing.
Ophelia jumped backwards. “what’s wrong?” she asked.
Liam sighed, "well I'm failing almost all of my classes and I just feel really stupid....and I'm just really mad at this textbook." he said smiling trying to lighten the mood. "Anyway I'm over worked, I need a distraction."
Ophelia smiled. “let’s be distracted then.” she held out her hand
^just commented on pic collage’s page!
“She has As, but she’s been missing.” Ms. Z said planning
“Somewhere as in skipping class?” Ms. Z questioned. The three amigos tried hard not to listen
Liam smiled and took Ophelia's hand.
Ophelia pulled him up out of the chair and towards the door. “what does moody jock do for fun?”
^is this turning into stranger things?
a lightbulb went off. “do you surf?” she asked
(Liam respond I want to go surfing)
"actually moody jock does surf" he said smiling
Ophelia smirked. “let’s go then! we’ll stop at our dorms first?”
"Let's do it", he said letting her lead the way.
Tomas and Emilia sit with Ara in silence.
(where are de potates?)
Ophelia arrived at her dorm, just wait here a second I need to get my stuff.” she disappeared into the room
(jack, Nathan & Sam are gonna join Connor & Kendall& Chase)
(who was hacked?)
Hello sorry I’m back
(yeah, I've commented two long comments, and honestly the hacker's behaviour is disgusting and I have said so)
Emilia rests her head on Tomas' shoulder slowly, watching the sun reflect over the water. Tomas is currently watching a seagull feeding its chick.
(I’ve commented as well)
Sam stood next to Kendall, “did they find erica?”
(Wait hold on...I’m going to say something)
Liam waited outside for Ophelia trying not to think of his grades and instead thought of the fun he was about t have with a pretty girl.
“Not yet,” Kendall responded
y’all I’m coming on in like a half hour kk
(Alright I wrote a small paragraph to her)
(And I have to leave in awhile, please not to much drama or else I’m going have to put this account private...)
(okay 👌🏼)
(hEy, I haven’t been on and so much drama has been happening 😂)
(the ultimate team is saf, joey, & Matt.)
(hackers are so rude.)
Ophelia came out in her swim dress (super sorry I got busy with life 😑) “ do you need anything before we go?” she asked
(when you ruin it by taking too long 😂)
(I hate hackers.)
(hackers are such ignoramuses)
yeah, let me just get my bathing suit" Liam took her hand and ran to his room quickly getting his bathing suit on. "Let's go!" he said grinning
The two made their way to the beach, Liam grabbed a broad and jumped into the water immediately. "Come on in, the waters fine." he said laughing
Ophelia laughed and followed Liam into the water with a board.
“the waves are great!” she yelled as she paddled to the waves
"watch this", Liam said. he tried to catch a big wave, but instead it knocked hi, right off his board. He came up from the water coughing and laughing. "hmmm I guess it's been a while seen I last surfed."
frens OML I’ll be back in like two mins kk
(hey I'm new)
Cayden walked into the school. he hand't been there for along time since he missed the plane to get here on the first day like an idiot. he trudged in.
Hadley skipped into the school not knowing anything because she was new.
(everyone left)
(hello anyone ppl's approachable)
“haha, me too.” Ophelia said. (I feel like we’re both rly busy 😂😂)
(and like on rn)
(are any of ur characters approachable)
Cayden walked around trading his duffel bag on his shoulder. he didn't know anything. “ Hello could you help me?” Cayden asked a guy. (Peyton)
(anyone of urs approachable for Hadley?)
hey ok what exactly happened
(not much and I am new so)
(YAYA ask many ppl are on)
(I was on hiatus for like 2 months but I’m back)
excuse me what happenedddd
(Cayden and Hadley joined his rp)
(Cayden was an idiot and forgot to ride the bus to the school for like forever)
let’s say they went hone with josh to help move Cassie out and came back. josh came to the café and took them to the house and Laura was wearing a wrap
“Um, I’m new and I basically know like nothing so...." Cayden said. "Also I'm Cayden."
Wait what happened? There wasn’t to much drama RIGHT
Laura and Michael walked back into the school and bumped right into Cayden. Michael and Laura both fell on top of each other.
(iDk I mIssEd aLOt cAn wE JUsT saY I CaMe iN lIkE tHat?)
“Gah!” Cayden said. "Sorry..."
(not much happened Cayden and Hadley joined that's allowed right)
“No, no we’re sorry.” Laura said for the both of them. “You Okay?” Michael added.
Skylar, Kendall, and Chase walked around being obviously bored. Skylar was extremely stressed out by a whole lot of things.
(Alright, anyone available to talk to a few lonely beans?)
“Er, I'm fine!” he smiled. “Are you guys? You guys practically toppled over each other." Cayden stood up and let two hands out to he two. (to help them up)
(Hadley is a lonely bean)
Laura smiled. “Welp I’m Laura and see my friends so, talk to you later.” Laura waved and ran over to the three amigos. “Heyyy.” She said, rubbing her wound. “w-what happened?”
Michael sighed. “She’s so rude.” Michael rolled his eyes.
(Cayden and Hadley entered the school at the same time. yet Cayden already has met 3 people and Hadley is still clueless.)
“It's fine, but is she ok? she has a wound..." Cayden asked.
“I'm new I missed my bus on the first day and ended up here after a long time from the first day." Cayden said.
(I own this school and I have like two friends😂)
“Oh, yeah she’s fine. She got shot but she’s fine.” Michael smiled. “I’m Michael by the way, and if you couldn’t tell because she talks like five million miles per hour she’s Laura.”
Michael laughed. “That sounds like something Laura would do. But man that sucks.”
Nathan sat in the garden, he sat down playing with the grass.
Cayden laughed a bit nervously because of the word SHOT. “Cool, I'm Cayden," he said.
(hOlo iTs mE agAin)
The three walked around even more bored ten usual. Skylar was still nervous about a lot of things and what was yet to come. “Does anyone want to go surfing?” Kendall randomly asked as Chase and Skylar shrugged
“Hello," Hadley said to a boy (nathan).
(holO I’m AlOne)
Laura’s leg gave out. “Ahaha Sorry.” She said and stood up.
(Laura legit walked up to them 😂)
“oh hi” Nathan said startled, he faced Cayden. “I’m Nathan, you?” he asked.
(Hadley walked up to Nathan Cayden is talking to Michael)
(dRammmA laMmA)
(OoOoo Oops)
“Hadley, nice to meet you. I'm new here," she said.
“Oh hey!” CHASe said to Laura, “We were about to go surfing, want to come?” he asked.
Laura looked behind her and smiled back. “Yes.” She said and yawned.
(He’s turning into Hunter with his dramatic walk...)
“Nice to meet you too” Nathan said, “when did you arrive?” Nathan smiled warmly.
Cayden had overheard the conversation at the beach. (which was like magically right next to them)
Sam overheard Connor, she gasped. “we need to do something” she said rubbing her forehead.
“I arrived like two minutes ago,"Hadley said.
“we CANNOT let Erica become dinner” Sam said, “oh no. we need to give up one of our lives for..hers.”
“The dòctor told me not to get salt wâter in my arm.”
Nathan laughed, “so how do you like this school for the two minutes you’ve been here?”
“GAH!” Cayden was so confused and ran to the boy who was called Connor. "Are you ok bro?"
Chase, Skylar, and Kendall headed down to the beach and heard Connor’s whole conversation.
“It's been nice so far no dramarama. What's this school like?" Hadley asked.
“Oh okay,” Kendall said to Laura Sadly, “Well we can just talk..”.
“WHAT?!” Cayden asked shaking his arms.
(jeopardy song)
“It’s fine. Go surfing. I’ll hang with Nathan. Anyone but Michael.”
(everyone like leaves. either writing a huge par. or left)
Skylar went down to Connor. “Hey, we’re here to help. Now what’s story are you talking about?” she asked.
“WAIT WHHHATT” Sam exclaimed, “someone needs to sacrifice there life” she said quietly.
“Hello, the dude on the phone said something about killing! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SCHOOL?!” Cayden asked so confuse.
Nathan laughed, “this is school is well - VERY different than your normal school. People getting captured, well there’s a lot of drama and adventures” Nathan smiled at her.
Sam turned to Cayden, “this is school is VERY DIFFERENT” she said, she turned to Connor, “do you know where she is?”
“Huh, seems like a fantasy novel the way you describe it more than a school," Hadley smiled.
“GEE." Cayden said panicking.
“Who is the ginger girl or whatever?" he asked
“maybe it is” Nathan grinned, “let’s see the others, so you can get a idea of the students. race ya!” he shouted as he started running down to the others at the beach.
“Well Yeah...” Skylar said, “Demon ta-Never mind,” she said
“The ginger girl has a name, Erica.” Sam said, “where is she though? maybe we can rescue her?” Sam said.
Laura sat on the grass frowning. “Never mind.” She said. She wasn’t allowed anywhere near the ocean.
“Hey!" Hadley laughed as she ran after him.
Kendall sat down next to Laura. “C’mon I rather hang out with my friend then surf,” Kendall said to Laura. Chase sat down too because why not😂
“Erica, hmmm...." Cayden said. " I don't even know her a tinsy bit"
“of course not. your new here, right?” Sam asked, she looked around. “we can make a rescue team I guess?”
Skylar was glad Cayden didn’t hear the part about the demon takeover and getting shacked by their ankles, “And your name is?” Skylar asked.
Nathan ran down to Connor and the others, “what’s up?” he asked the others, he looked at their concerned faces. “oh no, what’s happening now?” he said slumping his shoulders.
“OMG. What happened here?" Hadley asked Nathan seeing people talking about killings, missing person, strange stuff.
(peyton so calm while there,s gonna be a sacrifice)
“Cayden! You?”
Laura smiled. “Thanks. It’s nice to have friends to count on.”
“Have we met somewhere before?" he asked the girl. (Skylar)
(waits for answers)
“I’m Skylar. Skylar Llevely,” she said, putting her hand out, “And perhaps.” she shrugged.
(Check remixes^^ That’s an explanation why everyone is so calm😂)
Cayden shook her hand.
(Skylar and Cayden PERHAPS met in another world)
“so we’re doing a sacrifice?” Sam asked, she definitely didn’t want someone to die.
Hadley was confuzzled.
Skylar turned to the group, “There’s always a loophole. A second way.” Skylar stated promptly.
(I’m surprised I’m not already in an insane asylum😂😂)
“Huh?" Hadley said confused.
(Ara is also me)
Laura stood up. “Guys, I hear a POCO LOCO.”
“Same here,” Kendall smiled, “So what’s up in your life?” she asked
Skylar turned around and she said, “War.” she didn’t why she said it, but she said.
“My exact question,"Hadley asked.
“What?” Cayden asked Skylar
“WEL, WHAT IS IT?” Cayden asked frantically.
“I don’t know...” Skylar said, confused herself.
“DIES?}” Hadley yelled.
“I told you all there was a loophole...” Skylar muttered as Chase came down, “Uh what’s going on?” he asked
“5 words, Ginger, war, sacrifice, call, Connor." Cayden said to chase.
“How come you answer his question and not mine? I asked the same thing," Hadley said.
Laura jogged down to the beach. “What’s going on?” Laura asked. She saw Michael running down. “ugh.”
“Does it matter?" Cayden told the girl.
“Michael!” Cayden said.
“What?” Michael said concerned.
Hadley followed Connor hoping he wouldn't notice.
Laura followed Hadley. “Hi I’m Laura.” She whispered.
Skylar grumbled, “Well If Connor doesn’t want help then fine, but I’m not going to let someone die. So?” she said out loud.
(#Fandom High)
Startled Hadley looked behind her. “Hadley,” she whispered back. “what is going on. he seemed to be the cause so followed him."
“I don't know." Cayden said louder.
“great” Sam muttered.
Hadley's eyes widened. Someone had to die. Why...
Laura scratched her arm against a twig and winced and stepped on Hadley’s foot. “Sorry.” Laura said. “I’m not sure about Con..”
Hadley took a step closer but accidentally snapped a branch
she quickly lunged behind a tree. luckily that fully concealed her.
Laura hears ‘sacrifice’. She steps out of the bushes. “Uhm, Hey. I’m Laura, you don’t know me but um I have an idea.”
Laura rolled her eyes. “What was that for?”
“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Hadley whisper yells.
“Well...it’s obvious he’s making phone calls. We can trace the phone call back to it’s original point and find her,” Skylar stated.
“They never said what species the sacrificial person had to be. We can sacrifice a freaking snail!” Laura whispered back.
“I mean just the sacrifice.”
(hey what is everyone doing)
Hadley quickly went up to the man and punched him in the stomach and kicked him on the face.
(I was going to sacrifice a doll)
(They never said it had to be alive either)
(where is everyone?)
Hadley tossed her jacket at the man. “Sacrifice this!”
(lol ^)
(We should sacrifice a trash can because taht’s where that man belongs😂)
(you guys can sacrifice tea.)
(seriously where is everyone?)
Hadley ran after the two who had fled.
(IK I’m just saying what we could of done)
(gtg do laundry aGh)
Laura stepped out. “Connor the man didn’t specify what the species had to be for the sacrifice. We can sacrifice a freaking doll.” Laura yelled.
(Skylar would of killed you.)
“Um, are you ok?" Hadley asked Erica.
Laura sighed. “I’m Laura Mariah Shirley and I’m willing to sacrifice my life to save Erica.”
Hadley poked Laura. “WHATCHA DOING?”
Skylar somehow figured out everything was okay and just walked around...
(and I’m back)
(what’s up)
(Well my characters are bored and just walking around...again)
(oh whale)
Max sits on the floor of the kitchen eating a cinnamon roll
(Does anyone have anyone I can talk to?)
(Halle, when’s the dance? im waiting for sal to come 😂)
(Okie because I’m so drunken bored)
(talk to Halley
(I have Hadley and cayden)
(imma make that my bio😂drunken_bored)
Max untied Aras shoe.
“Of course not.” Skylar stated, “When do you want?” she asked, “I’m so drunken bored...Sorry inside joke,”
can we make it the next day soon
Max smiles happily and doesn’t move his head so the grape stays on
Laura got bored so went inside. She heard breathtaking music and decided to follow the sound. She crept up towards it and saw Peyton.
(my dogs asleep on my bed while I’m laying on the ground😂)
(cAn sOmeOne sOciAlzE wIth mE?)
(tHat iS sO dEpResSing)
Max stands up, still keeping his head still and takes Aras apple. he munched away, still having a grape on his head.
Kendall and Chase walked around bored as well.
Laura listened for a bit. “Wow!” She said.
(what are the dorms and how do I sign up for clubs?)
(No specific dorms tbh, and idk)
Hadley walked around and accidentally bumped into Chase. “My apologies!”
She smiled. “If you’re embarrassed, don’t be! That was awesome! I wish I could play that gracefully.”
“It’s okay,” Chase said, not recognizing her, “Are you new? If you are, I’m CHASe,” he said.
“We can do it now if you would like,” Skylar replied.
“Yep, I'm Hadley. Sorry again. So far this school has been tots chaotic," Hadley said to him.
(I love how it automatically capitalizes XD)
“I'm still confused because I don't even know where I can get my dorm info and out my stuff down or even grab a snack."
Max finishes the apple and goes back to his roll.
“Not that great?” Laura asked. “Excuse me?”
He smiles innocently. “oopsie daisies” he says. he giggles and runs outside into the gardens.
“It’s not a problem, girl’s dorms are on the left, then you take a right and the cafeteria is straight ahead.”he responded
(Me too Peyton. me too)
“Thanks. I tried asking but I got tangled into that sacrifice mess," Hadley said.
Max scampers up the tree that they had been in when they first met, going about halfway up it. he smiles and looks down at Ara.
Cayden the lonely bean walks around
Laura frowned. “You shouldn’t doubt yourself.” She began, walking towards a chair. “One day I bet y-“ Laura said and tripped up. “HOLY FREAKING COW.” She screamed, mid air.@
Max giggles and throws grapes at Aras head as she approaches him. he starts to climb higher and he sighs happily.
(waits for responses)
Halle sat wherever everyone else was
(a tree)
Laura brushed the air out of her eyes and laughs then gets up. “It only happens 25/8. I’m fine. As I was saying. One day you’ll do great things with the viola thingy.”
(Laura’s also just really smart in school just nowhere else which is totally me)
Chase laughed, “Yeah...this isn’t a normal school.” Skylar nods, “Alright, do you want to meet somewhere?” she asked
Max grins as he reaches near the top, relishing the cold wind this high up.
Omg...the sacred laptop hasn’t shown up yet
“Oi! Finally, some to relate to.” Laura laughed. “And no problem.”
(well everyone else is busy so..)
(I guess so🤷🏻‍♀️)
Max looks at Ara, at a loss of words for the first time.
Laura looks around. “So, uhm..are you..uh..uh...dating?” Laura’s eyes wide open. “I AM SO SORRY THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO COME OUT IF MY STUPID MOUTH.”
(I miss Cece so much...like I remember when Cece, Aspyn, Ace, and Skylar did crazy karaoke in Paris...everyone was so close in that rp)
Cayden kept getting texts
(Chase responded)
“Thanks for showing me Chase, it's good to meet someone who isn't going to lead me into a dramarama." Hadley said.
(Like almost no one was antisocial or just walking aroind all the time. WE ACTUALLY ALL HAD LIVES)
(IK sorry I was making that and I almost forgot sorry)
Max giggles and shakes his head, releasing the grape into the wild. “guess what?” Max whispers, scootching getting close to Ara.
(frick look at that he’s scootching getting🤷‍♀️)
“Okay. I’m so sorry. I have a stupid mouth...” Laura grumbled in embarrassment.
“I’ll try not to,” Chase laughed.
(will anyone volunteer for getting hurt by Cayden's stalker.)
“I’ll trynot to too. You wanna go do something?" Hadley asked chase.
“I’ve decided” he says as he looks into Aras eyes. he was breathless looking at her, seeing the cold air flush her face and the stars coating her.
(Prob Friday)
Halle sat alone and put her hair in a messy bun
“Thank you, thank you. I try.” Laura laughed. “It was my destiny, you know?”
(I’m not gonna be active tmr b/c I’m heading to some aunts & uncles place aGh I’m stuck in the car for 2 hours.)
Max shrieks as rocks pummel him. he falls from his perch on the tree, getting whipped by the branches scratch him relentlessly.
Nathan saw Ara and Max, “MARRAAA” he shouted and then he scampered away laughing.
(wow I didn’t expect it so soon. geez😂)
Laura stood up and twirled around. And guessed what happened when she went to sit down.
(rocks immediately after he volunteered)
Suddenly outta no where a gun shoots at Chase.
(I hurt him)
Halle heard Nathan call out Mara “mara,has a nice ring to it”
SHE FREAKING FELL KIDS THATS RIGHT. But this time she never fell, she just stumbled onto Peyton’s lap. “Oof.” She mumbles
“Sure,” Chase shrugged, “Have you ever surfed before?” he asked
Max lands hard on his back, biting his lip until it bled. “oh butterfingers that hurt” he mutters, groaning in pain.
Jack sat on the beach, he let the water splash against him. He drew stuff in the sand, and let it get washed away with the water.
(you know what I’m proud cause I came up with Mara I’m really proud)
And Kendall walked around, bored as ever.
(kudos lily👏👏)
(max and Ara)
(thank you thank you)
“Sorry. Again. This will happen a lot.”
Michael saw Kendall and ran up to her. “aHoy there best friend.” He flashed her a smile.
Halle saw Jack alone and sat down next to him “want to meet my friend bob?” she asked randomly
Sam sat in the library, reading a book. She finally gave up and threw the book against a wall.
OooOooOh bob the ghost?
“Ello Mate,” Kendall said, as she skipped stone by the water.
Max’s eyes fluttered as he looked up at Ara. “you look perfect tonight” he whispers deliriously, not registering what she had said, it was like he was underwater.
(Sorry that's why I deleted the max and switched it to chase sorry. but at least now it can show how much ara cares for max?)
Michael grinned. He skipped a few perfect ones and THEN GUESS WHAY
(no 😂)
one fell on his foot. “wHat Is It wItH lAuRa aNd I.”
“Yup I've surfed before," Hadley said. "Once."
Jack turned to face Halle, he smiled. “sure” he said moving a bit, allowing her some space to sit.
(im watching theodd1sout and he’s taking about his horiabl spellin)
“What about you? Oh god it’ll be the first time I’ll put a person in hospital because of my clumsiness..I’m so stupid why do you even TALK TO MEEEEE...” Laura rambled on
(Hes so funny😂😂👌)
Halle drew a stick figure named bob “bob this is jack, jack this is bob, say hi bob” halle said
“You wanna surf” Hadley asked him.
Halle pretended she was bob and said “hi bob”
911 comes to the rescue
Max giggles, still not able to hear anything. “I’ve liked you since I’ve seen you” he whispers, blinking sluggishly.
(has anyone watched hotel Transylvania 3?)
(can I pretend to be 911)
(why not?😂)
(he makes up my life haha 😂)
(yes it’s amazing)
Laura rolled her eyes. “What armmmm. I have two.”
The ambulance siren came around the corner. "Hello Miss are you Ara?"
(haha denis looks a like the principal’s son @ my school 😂)
911 came in less than a minute
“hi bob. your very well uh, weird.” Jack said with a laugh, “bob. bob, bOb. bOB. BOb. BOB.”
Halle laughed a bit “bob is weird, but he listens to me, and never tells me to sHut uP” halle said
Nathan sat in the observatory. he was lonely as usual.
Max tries to get up but whimpers. “m-my back” he says sadly. “it’s got a boo-boo”
“Yes, well. Is this the guy? Are you willing to be his guardian for tonight?" the man who came from the ambulance asked.
(Hadley replied to chase)
Michael laughs. “wE nEeD hElP.”
Nathan heard some steps creep up behind him, Nathan turned his head and there was a figure, holding a knife and a gun. Nathan backed away slowly, thinking if he should scream. Nathan managed to let out a small shriek as he was dragged away.
“Sure,” Chase said as he handed her a board. He paddles out into the water and did a Rodeo Whip- I mean flip
(Hadley doesn't know the commotion her stalker has caused.”
“I am so sorry I talk too much.” Laura said, frowning.
“shUt uP bOb” Jack told bob, smiling.
Kendall skipped some more rocks at the ocean while she did the splutsZ
Max winced and started to sing the ABC’s, still delirious
The ambulance men carried Max into the ambulance and escorted Ara into the ambulance and they rode to the hospital.
“Okay. Good. Hurting people is freaking bad we don’t want that.”
(when i googled it I started laughing ALOT and my mom thought i was weird 😂)
“Thanks," Hadley said taking the board and going into the water. She gulped the last time she went swimming was when she was 9 years old.
RoDeO wHip aNd DruNken BoRed
Max grins goofily. “I’ve always wanted to be in an ambulance with the siren on” he says happily, still humming the ABCS
Nathan managed to let out a muffled scream, he jabbed the figures stomach but that didn’t affect him. Nathan saw that he was being led into a van, he was tied up and was gagged.
Halle smiled at Jack and Bob and then Bob got washed away “bye bye bob” halle said
(max and Ara are in an ambulance together)
“byebob” Jack said waving to bob.
“Why is there sirens?” Laura said, running out.
“Halle, I was wondering if..well uh you’d be my girlfriend?” Jack asked, avoiding her gaze.
Max looks at Ara sadly. “buh—can I have a grape pleasee?” he whines, trying to reach his pocket.
She saw Aras figure in the window. “Here get in the shotgun.” Laura said. She grabbed her keys from her purse and started her car. “That’s Ara in an ambulance. We should follow it.”
Halle looked at Jack “r-really? uh of course!” halle said blushing
The ambulance arrived at Teheran hospital and lauded Max on a bed. They gave him some ointment, checked it out and luckily it was just bruised. “Nothing broken m'am, he'll have to stay here for the night until he's fully into his right mind," the doctor said.
gtg to swim byeeee
(awH bye)
Laura pushed on the pedal and sped after the ambulance.
Jack was speechless, he hugged Halle. “wanna get something to eat?” he asked
Max sets his head back onto the bed thingy, his eyes watering. “okay..” he says, then bursts into tears. (yes he’s still delirious😂)
Skylar headed a scream and grabbed a weapon. She saw a SkEtchY whIte VaN and thought she saw Nathan. She got on her motorcycle and started going after him.
They arrived to the ambulance to see Max getting wheeled in. “MAXY!” She cries. She turned to Ara as the hospital people ran off. “What happened!”
(Now I’m alone again woop)
Halle nodded and smiled at Jack
Nathan was led out of the car and was led into, another..castle. The castle seemed to be broken but sturdy, with vines wrapping around it. Nathan was led into the basement or so he thought and was chained to a wall.
(no no hunny what ab Michael)
Max looks at Laura, still crying. “SHES NOT GIVING ME ANY GRAPES” he complains loudly.
“MAXY! Ara! What happened?” Laura screamed, falling out of the car. “Of course.”
Max hums the ABCS again, trying to console himself.
Laura looked at Peyton’s dazed face. “Oh..sorry! I’m bad at driving.”
Max giggled. “much better” he replied, chewing the grape happily.
“Of course he did. WaIt wHy iS aRa’S hAnD oN mAxy’S...MmMm MaRa”
(Michael never said anything after I responded😂)
Max continues to hum abcs as he watches the conversation.
Laura runs over. “On the way back you drive.” She smiled, at sat next to him. “Haha you’re really pale...I mean...ohhh gosh you are so paleeee...”
Nathan screamed for a few times before the figure came back, threatening to shoot him.
Skylar parked her motorcycle and stood near the castle. “Hm...” she was slightly confused, but she was seeking an adventure, so here it is...
“I’m a giraffe” max muttered to himself as he tried to reach his grape pocket.
(Halle respondedddf
“I’m a giraffe!” max says, his back pain making him weird again. he puts the grape in his mouth and spits it at Ara
Jack started running towards the kitchen, “come and get me!” he shouted.
“Well you are.” Laura responded
(Kendall said something to Michael)
“it’s bad.”
Halle ran after him and laughed
Max smiles happily at Laura as he makes spit bubbles.
Skylar saw a ledge and jumped towards it. She grabbed the ledge and peered through the bars.
Max whispers the abcs en Español.
“Max is pretty much high, Peyton’s not doing well and Aras just being her normal self.”
“Not unless you’re well enough.” Laura said
“I’m maxy waxy the girraffy” max mutters. he closes his eyes and falls asleep, his hand clutching Aras.
Kendall skipped some more rocks and looked at MICHAEL for a moment before she went back.
“Mm? What? It is?”
“High Maxy is asleep wooo 80% of my problems fixed)
(I gtg set the table👋)
Max continues to make spit bubbles in his sleep.
Kendall turned back around and didn’t bother saying anything. She just skipped another rock as Skylar dove through a window.
Laura hops in the passenger side. “How is my face red??”
Michael grinned. “You should be a professional rock skipper.”
“Thanks,” she said quietly with a small smile.
Laura blushed. “Am I Okay?”
(aye we know)
“It is really hot. Oh wait that’s because I’m here.” Laura smirked
“No problemoooo.” Michael laughed
Laura’s eyes widened. “What?”
“What’s up?” she asked quietly as she skipped another rock.
(haha 😂)
aye aye I have more in store 😉
“I’m just eating pizza in Africa what about you?” Michael joked.
“Thanks.” Laura blushed. She turned on the radio. “IT LINGERS WHEN WE’RE DONEEEE! WE KNOW LAURA IS A GOOOODDDDDESSSSSS.” Laura sang. “My Queen Ari will be proud.”
“Orbiting Jupiter,” she replied as she skipped another rock. She just sighed..Meanwhile, Skylar was slicing down vines and branches and all sorts. Her hand was bleeding slightly from breaking a window, but she was Manith alright.
do you ever really wanna get to roleplaying so you make a trash collage for a contest so you can? or just me..😂
anyways... how is everyone’s day?
Pretty boring😂
“gOD iS a WomAnnnn.” Laura continued, grinning. “Ayeee all these compliments I’m giving myself.”
I’m fine👍I had soccer and then I went to my friend’s house and there was a twin fight...😂😱it was really funny😂sorry that sounds mean😂
Chase was surfing. Kendall skipped rocks. Skylar was scaling a castle wall...
“How exciting! Orbiting Jupiter is my absolute fave.”
“You aren’t bad!” Laura grinned.
Kendall laughed lightly as she skipped more rocks
Laura smirked. “Okay you kind of suck.”
Michael skipped on on her foot. “Haha bad aim sorry.”
Laura winked. “You’re most welcome.”
“It’s alright, here I’ll show you,” she said, taking his hand...
(where are we...)
Michael let her take his hand.
GUYS THERES A NEW PC AWARDS... CHECK IT OUT😏😏I voted for you peeps👍
Kendall is hanging out with Michael, Chase is alone surfing, and Skylar is scaling a castle wall atm
when I do that kind of stuff I forget everyone and yeah... so I didn’t fill out like 5 spots😂
(what’s it called)
how do I come into this😂🤦‍♀️
just check my latest remix
Well I’m mostly rping alone so you can surf with Chase or explore a castle with Skylar
Laura laughed and hopped out of the car. “You are a way better driver than me.”
ok. easy. simple. right? I should be able to come into this. yeah? yeah. okay. OK. now stop talking to yourself.
“Oh thank you. I dedicate my life to traumatizing people in a car.”
Kendall held his hand and did the motion, “Got it?” she asked, as she still held onto his hand on accident.
Max opened his eyes. the lights had been turned off, and Ara was sleeping. He smiled and looked at her gratefully, watching her eyes twitch as she dreamt.
Michael let her hold it.
McKenna didn’t know that many people so she decided to do something on her own. She got a surfboard and paddled into the waves.
Chase did a few rodeo flips as he maneuvered around rock. He then did a back flip as he surfed to shore. Kendall realized she was still holding his hand and she just smiled.
Michael looked at her with a smile
Laura yawned. “You drive too slow I’m tired that was BORING.”
Laura grinned. “At least you don’t fall every sec...” Laura fell.
McKenna did some stuff that I’m too lazy to write.
She put down her rock and said, “C’mon, I want to show you something!”
Michael smiled. “Okay!”
I’m listening to music
if you were wondering
and having a dance party
Michael followed Kendall. Meanwhile Laura was brushing dust off her knee.
She did some more stuff that I’m too lazy to write
Chase kept surfing as Kendall dragged him to her car. She started driving towards the city.
Skylar ran back from the castle after examining it. She rode her motorcycle back to the school.
Michael sat, smiling. He turned on the radio.
and I’m all alone...
Kendall smiled as she started singing what was on the radio.
Laura takes it and stood up, smiling. Michael started singing too. “SO IM GONNA LOVE YOUUUUUUU LIKE IM GONNA LOSE YOUUUUU.”
Chase saw McKenna, “I didn’t know you surf,” he said as he did a flip.
Max smiles at Ara. ‘I’m so glad to have her’ he thought to himself, squeezing her hand softly.
at the school though
oh never mind
(sorry I had to clean the dishes😂)
McKenna nodded. “I live near a beach, so I surf a lot to clear my mind,” she said.
Chase nodded, “That’s cool,” he said. “What’s up?” he asked.
Max sat up, wincing as his back flared up again. he rummaged through his pocket for some extra grapes and found some. he carefully placed them all over Ara, making sure not to wake her up.
Skylar was a bit scratched up, but she knew she had to tutor Connor, “Hello,” she said, wrapping up her hands.
(no I’m just loving the lyrics😂)
(hes bored XD grapes are his second bae)
Max smiled goofily. “yeah...that was really weird..” he says slowly, running a hand through his hair.
(aghhhhh I gtg AGAIN and watcha movie)
(same radio) Michael started playing air guitar and Laura laughed. “Okay then...uhhh.....”
Kendall pulled up at a building and she pulled Micheal up a flight of stairs to the top of the building.
Max shrugs and touches one of his bruises. “I don’t remember that much really” he says. “w-what happened?”
“Where are we?” Michael asked
Halle laughed and ran after Jack
TimE fOr guEss wHat bOoK sAl is ReaDinG
Ermm leTs seE hiStoriCal fictiOn
yOu hAve 3 hiNts
sorry I’m back
(I freaking love Anne) PERCY JACKSON
McKenna shrugged. “Nothing really, I barely know anyone here,” she said and sighed.
IT stArtS wiTh “giRl in .....”
girl interrupted
"This is somewhere that's very special to me.
“Oh?” Michael said
Kendall started as she stood on top of the builing that overlooked the whole vity
girl in the bunker
girl in translation
(“giRl iN thE _______”
“It’s beautiful.”
i responded ish😂
"Oh...to be honest, me neither," Chase shrugged. Skylar had a few binders, "Are you ready?" she asked
and then, Nathan died.
r.i.p Nathan jk
“giRl in the bluE cOat”
McKenna went back to doing tricks on her board and stuff and yeah and chill bro👌
Laura sighed. “YOU BELIEVE GOD IS A WOMAN.” She laughed
“That’s a start,” Skylar nodded as she took out some notes. “Where do you want to start?” she asked. Kendall started dancing around and playing music, “I thought we couldhang out here for awhile,”she shrugged
Chase did another flip cause Ya
(wE nEeD aNotHer nEws pApeR)
(i googled a rodeo flip 😂)
Michael smiled and started randomly dancing. “Sure!”. Laura grinned. “This is the only time I’ve made someone laugh. My jokes and singing suck.” Laura laughed too.
the twins are players
McKenna finally went back to the shore and started to dry off.
“Of course they are.” Laura smirked.
Halle was in the kitchen and she was doing some dance chorgraphy from her last solo
McKenna sat down in the sand and looked into the ocean. She missed her friends, and I guess she missed her parents.
“Tell Michael that.” Laura laughed. “But thank you.” She flashed a smile at him
And then...a slow song started playing on her speaker...😂😏
“Alright,” Skylar said, “So, [insert a BUNCH OF GOOD INFO bc Yeah] Do you understand?” Skylar then asked
Michael started blushing. He knew this song off by heart and used to dance around in his room to it with a broom.
(iM bOrEd bUt hAppY for mIchDall 😂 or whatever it is bc it’s goals 😂)
Laura started walking towards the beach. “Wanna sit and watch the sunset? It always looks really beautiful.”
(anD hAcK iS reAl kIddOs)
“So...” Kendall said quietly.
Michael walked up to her (wait does the boys hand go on the waist or shoulder?) Laura sat down and started tracing a bunch of hearts in the sand.
Michael took his hands from behind his back and put them on Kendall’s waist.
Laura began drawing stars and diamonds. She added more hearts than ever though.
“Cool! We can start on math now...” she tried not to express her hate for math.
Kendall put her hands on Michael’s shoulders.
Michael quietly began to hum the tune. Laura, meanwhile yawned and her eyelids fluttered.
Laura smiled and fell asleep on his lap.
gtg 😑
going offline for a 24 hours. please not to much drama
PoOf oKaY🤯