I now think Nozomi is queen and can't choose between Kanan and Mari anymore
Also, sorry Umi fans, I just feel like i try my best to like her, but I feel like I can never do so. I wish she got more character development in the show, but other than that I d


I now think Nozomi is queen and can't choose between Kanan and Mari anymore Also, sorry Umi fans, I just feel like i try my best to like her, but I feel like I can never do so. I wish she got more character development in the show, but other than that I d

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(continued from the description box)I don't have any huge problem with her.
to me, Umi is the misunderstood character and that's why I love her
^Exactly!!! Umi is life❤️But I don't really care cause every one dislikes her so I'm used to it:/ BUT FINALLY I FOUND SOMEONE ELSE WHO HAS CHIKA LAST!!!
I love Umi! She is misunderstood. But, that means more KotoBirb for me.
Plus, Nozomi is like eighth on my list:P but, I don't hate her.
@cherry i also feel like i don't usually like her type of character? I guess how hard she acts on some of the characters reminded me of someone from my childhood...
but i don't hate Chika, but I do think it that she could have not ignored You for a long time there
Agreed. I mean, I understand Yō for being lonely. But Riko came and Yō came out of the picture. One of the reasons why I hate Chika. My sister doesn't like her either. She calls her the girl with weird hair who chooses favorites
I actually like Chika and so does Yukari