-Look in remixes-
I’m not religious, and neither is Zysto, but it isn’t ok to hate on someone because of their religion. It’s a sad thing to hear, to hear what humanity is becoming...
It’s one of my ocs’ birthdays today :’) and I forgot they exist


⭐️Tap⭐️ -Look in remixes- I’m not religious, and neither is Zysto, but it isn’t ok to hate on someone because of their religion. It’s a sad thing to hear, to hear what humanity is becoming... It’s one of my ocs’ birthdays today :’) and I forgot they exist

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caption continued: existed :’’)
ew I hate drawing in block colour-
You’re totally right. It’s crazy what people do nowadays and how far the world has gone. It’s totally unnecessary. Sometimes I’m scared to go to church because of things like this.
re: yeah in my school we’re forced to take a language if we want to go to a good college lol :’)
the thing that happened in New Zealand.... i heard that was really bad......
there was a shooting in Brazil too :(
RE//: That’s terrible! I remember one time our school was threatened. It was just a false alarm, and they caught the person by the end of the day, but I was terrified and my mom had to come pick me up, along with other parents picking up their students as well. Scariest day of my life.
re: I could see that haha and yeah I was thinking stitches too
You are so right Skye... no one should ever be hated based off anything....
RE//: Awwww Thanks! I really don’t think so, it’s just a different style. I wanna animate the entire podcast (13 hours), but I can’t animate so I just listen to It day in and day out wondering what I’m doing with my life.