Thanks giving break is coming up school will resume on Monday!!!
Take a break guys have a great thanks giving!!!
Sorry for the. Break the games will resume on Monday 
The break is here because I won't be able to come on till Monday due to thanks gi


Tap!!! Thanks giving break is coming up school will resume on Monday!!! Take a break guys have a great thanks giving!!! Sorry for the. Break the games will resume on Monday The break is here because I won't be able to come on till Monday due to thanks gi

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Hannah plans out her week, to maximize the use of her time
celesta: plans out her timetable including running, Filling out her journal and catching up with others.
Ava: OMG I won't see you guys for ages I'll miss you (ready to go and go for her run and swim before staying in her room for the break watching Netflix...)
Chloe: ooooh I can eat ALOT
Ava: Morning guys (up bright and early as usual)
plz enter my games
I got logged out of my main account
Ik I thought it would be for like one day but it’s been for ages then an update came and I was like finally
but then it stayed the same.:.
cara: I’m new, or I applied... (thinks this in head) hopefully everyone will except me... I’m.. nervous..
cara I will add you in but you will be behind your taking Jades spot cause she dropped out
break is finally over