An entry for @nightandae's contest! I highly recommend you check her out (amazing freaking edits~!), including maybe joining in her contest! Oh, and @nightandae, tell me if this counts or not for water! If it doesn't, I'll change it!


An entry for @nightandae's contest! I highly recommend you check her out (amazing freaking edits~!), including maybe joining in her contest! Oh, and @nightandae, tell me if this counts or not for water! If it doesn't, I'll change it!

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@-Beyond_The_Limit- Thank you so much! If you also entered, I wish you luck as well!
Good luck on the contest!
T~T such beauty✨
so pretty! juvia is one of my favs!!!
@everyone^ Arigato~! I really appreciate all of the kind words you always tell me!
@nightandae Thanks for letting me know!