Please tell me


Please tell me

3 0
for many reasons 1. you're ugly 2. you're fat 3. you're not popular 4. you cut(I guess that's a good thing) 5. you're not good at anything you do 6. you're really really dumb 7. you're not good at sports 8. they guy you like will never EVER like you back so get over it
and how exactly did you know all this stuff??
it's so obvious!!!!!!!
I just found out that you've never kissed anyone wow shocker jk no one would ever want to kiss you for the many reasons above
oh shut up. if you have nothing good to say don't say anything. do us all a favour and bugger off.
and @hey_there_everyone whatever you do, DON'T GIVE IN TO THE HATERS! You are so much better than them and you can be strong. They are just trolls and for gods sake STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! I KNOW you can do it! I believe in you :)
there just jealous they can be like you. you're not ugly your pretty. you're not fat whatsoever. you're very popular. you're great at making collages!!! you're amazing!!!! lots of love!! Xx
if you could tell me who you are that would be great