Izzy Palmieri (Me)

Born on January 22, 1998
( 18 years old ) 

Was born in
Los Angeles, California, USA 



Izzy Palmieri (Me) Born on January 22, 1998 ( 18 years old )  Was born in Los Angeles, California, USA  Professional Actress 

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how old are you
I am 18
I am too I love acting it is what i do
I am a real celebrity ask me any questions I will answer
uhh what is it like to be on the red carpet
and what Movie did you star in
it's really cool to be on the red carpet and I was on the show good luck Charlie
that's because I was around that age in this picture
oh can we see you now
u look like u were the person from ant farm
your very pretty
no prob
OMG my birthday is January 28
not 1998 though
your pretty