Another oneπŸπŸŽƒ


Another oneπŸπŸŽƒ

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OML Your Collages Are Amazing!
heh tysmπŸ’™ I'm in love with your collages as well we should collaborate sometime?πŸ’Ž
Awesome, I Would Love To Have A Collab With You!
yass it would be great we can arrange it at some time!πŸ‘‘
Sure! What Time Do You Think We Could Collab At?
do you have insta where we could talk?
Sorry No I Don't Have Insta πŸ˜”
okie let's talk about it here but i need to go rn bc I need to sleep so byeee
hiii is chu online
I'm new to doing collabs but I was waiting to do one for so long! so I was thinking what should our theme be maybe it could be that we collab for a few times and make a different color theme each time we collab so our first one could be pink themed and second green and so on, and we can choose a celebrity to match with each one, let me know wat chu think :)
I Think That'd Be Great! What Color Scheme Do You Want To Try? And What Celebrity Do You Want To Base The Collage On?
maybe pink? and Ariana grande orrr a youtuber like laurdiy or nick dominates
Do You Wanna Do Ariana or Laur? And Yeah We Can Do Pink
hmm I don't mind u can chooseπŸ‘Œ
Let's Do Ariana
Do You Want To Start The First Half?
do u like doing backgrounds or text I prefer text if it's okayπŸ™ˆ I got an idea for the background maybe u can get some Polaroid overlays and put Ariana grande pics
Alright So I Do The Background While You Do The Pics?
Alright I Have The Background Do You Want Me To Send It To You?
yes please