Yep that's me


Yep that's me

26 0
Why? Why do you feel that way? You're so amazing. I love you.
whats wrong? amazing collage and i keep forgetting to mention i love ur prof pic
Thankx for the comp and I know cal pal is the best and Alex it's just me I'm worthless okay
YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS (sorry for stalking)
it's not you. You're amazing. I don't want you feeling this way.
no don't be I like stalkers just kidding but I'm cool with it and yah I really am
haha i think the whole fam is cool with stalkers
but it is me I am worthless and that's what people don't get
yah because we are stalkers cal pal I like check every social media site every second of every single day 😂👏🏼
you're not worthless at all
what happened with you guys?
no you didn't Athena I've always been like this and yes I am
why would she ? imperfections are what make u , u ! and perfection is boring . I like ur flaws
and ur NOT worthless . I know sometimes u feel like ur totally worthless and no one cares ... but they do some ppl have a hard time showing it . and some ppl are trying to show it ... u are loved I promise . don't think like this . every girl thinks this way . but look around here .. we love u
idk why you guys love me tho
okay whatever not gonna fight
it's true we love u bc ur u we love u bc of ur flaws we love ur imperfections. we love how ur not perfect. we love how ur amazingly sweet . and beautifully beautiful
Thnkx but I'm not gonna fight over something that is not true
it is true !!!!!!!!! think about it ... if someone is perfect what is there to like ? what is there to like about someone who is fake ? trust me flaws are good ! if everyone wanted to be perfect , where would all the fun go ? well all be the same ? now that's just lame
but perfect is beautiful
no it's not !!!!
yes it is
perfection isn't beautiful!!!!! flaws are beautiful you are beautiful every girl is beautiful.
every other girl is beautiful correction
it is models?
life is an adventure, it's like climbing a mountain , u trip u slip u get bruised u get cut . but at the end u climb to the top , and then u feel proud bc u accomplished something . how would u have gotten there without a few cuts and bruises ?
oh btw I wrote that myself 😂😅
your really good
haha thanks I love righting
and I spelled that wrong ... some author I am 😑😑
so flaws are beautiful right?👅😝😂👏🏼
yes they are !!! 💕