Dont gotta be major.


Dont gotta be major.

21 0
i was walking my dog in the little patch of woods behind my neighborhood and a man came in without a dog or anything and i got genuinely scared because it was early (like 7:00 am) and i was in my pajamas and alone with my tiny dog who honestly couldn't really do a whole lot to protect me. i was terrified so like any sane person i started speed walking back to my house. he sorta started talking to me about how he cleaned the woods up and it was super awkward, and i remember i had my phone in my pocket and i turned it on in my pocket and opened the phone app just in case i needed to dial 911. it could've just been me being paranoid but i was so terrified that he was going to do something to me. it was horrible
also. one of my best friends was ráped last summer. she was 14. i met her at an all girls camp this summer and one day she told all of us. two other girls opened up about how something similar happened to them to, and i didn't say anything but i was also assaulted by a boy last year who wouldn't stop touching my hair or grabbing my backpack in the hallway, even when i told him to stop. just knowing that i, along with 3 other girls i know, have experienced horrible things like that disgusts me.
and the name is grace^^