What was you guys' first impression of me (and also w tf is this background Jesu)


What was you guys' first impression of me (and also w tf is this background Jesu)

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you seemed pretty chill and I thought you were one of those 9 years old who try to act older than they are but bOI was I wrong you're gr100000000000 friendo
I thought you were great (you are great) cuz you told me you'd steal my mailbox
i thought you were a pretty rad bean and i didn't know how old you were and your username was lowkey awful but haha what no
but you're chill and i love you platonically
right right and I'd steal your muffins
mine was "SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME THAT DOESNT WANT ME TO PROMOTE THEM" in other words I thought you were a gr9 human
I thought you were v nice and gr9 so I wanted to be your Fren
ill send the rest tomorrow i really need to stop procrastinating
at first you just started commenting random things on my posts that were completely unrelated to the post and they were about something that happened in your life so I was like "I don't really care but I'll be nice" and then we talked and became frens and now you're probably my best Internet friend
i was thinking: "I'm rlly hungry oh look a cool person I won't follow them but I'll stalk them"