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I REMIX EVERYTHING! woo! Anyway off topic~ Trials are what make us, us. I am truly sorry for whatever is happening in your life. I'm ALWAYS HERE! I mean really I have NO social life! :P I'm about to get REALLY personal right now so prepare yourself. I haven't even shared this with my closest friends. But... I hope this will help you in understanding that you're NEVER alone. My Dad has cancer and he's never been around much. He always brakes his promises too. My Grandmother has a really bad heart. She got a never heart the middle of last year. She got really sick during December. My Grandmother's body is currently rejecting her new heart. My mom was born with a really bad back. She's lucky she can even stand left alone walk. And me.... I'm just a depressed girl who can only hear in one ear and has stomach problems ever since I was a baby. Soo~ the point was if YOU EVER NEED A GOOD SHOULDER TO CRY ON... IM ALWAYS HERE. I don't know if this helped you at all... Maybe I'm just being stupid ranting out my life story to you. You probably don't care about my problems cuz we've all got our own to worry about. Sorry about all of this. Goodbye. Also thanks for the spam... it means a lot. 😊
Your comments always make me feel like I will be okay. Thank for you for sharing this personal information with me. I'm not very good with words, but I want you to know I truly do appreciate every comment you send me.