💜Tap Please!💜

Amí: Just talking things out with Litlo. Nothing interesting.
Have a wonderful evening my beautiful family. * smiles, glancing at you guys and back to Litlo *


💜Tap Please!💜 [6.2.17] Amí: Just talking things out with Litlo. Nothing interesting. Have a wonderful evening my beautiful family. * smiles, glancing at you guys and back to Litlo * [6.2.17]

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Lilly: *cries, runs inside*
Lilly: *cries into her shoulder*
Lilly: *shaking*
Lilly: *eventually falls asleep*
Lilly: *asleep*
Kat: *walks in and speaks softly* hey Litlo?
Kat: *whispers* you ok?
Kat: *whispers* ok *hugs Litlo gently*