"Did ya really have to reveal me…...? I really didn't want people to know about me……*sigh* alright…hi…I'm mudsdale…a new sun and moon Pokemon…woo…" THIS THING LOOKS SO DEPRESSED I IMAGINE IT JUST BEING THE POKEMON VERSION OF THAT SAD DONKEY FROM WHINE THE


"Did ya really have to reveal me…...? I really didn't want people to know about me……*sigh* alright…hi…I'm mudsdale…a new sun and moon Pokemon…woo…" THIS THING LOOKS SO DEPRESSED I IMAGINE IT JUST BEING THE POKEMON VERSION OF THAT SAD DONKEY FROM WHINE THE

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^heck i can't feel upset about that, I'd take a Zebstrika or a rapidash over that any day
^keep lookin for a trainer that'll take it, I don't have room on my team cause of all the Mimikyus I love
sorry :P