I'm leaving I hope she is happy


I'm leaving I hope she is happy

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I'm sorry I just waned to be friends with him
bye everyone
don't leave even though I didn't know you that much you look cool and I don't want you to leave
I don't want to leave but me and my gf broke up for good I think she didn't want me anymore
I'm here for you 😊
aw thanks
so what do you want to talk about
anything u want to
ok why do you like me
ur cute and u seem cool and ur nice and I'm single
ok I think I'm single now but idk 😂😂😂
oh yay
I'm sorry I wanted to be urs but I had to take shower and I do want u back but I guess u don't
fine be that way I wanted to at least be friends but I guess not
we can be friends
hey I want to talk to you
just look at what I said on my weird post
I did
yeah I know I'm just so stupid
ya me too and I'm going to kill myself I want him
ya but none that like me