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do u wanna do the half and half thing i normally do? also any ideas for the theme?
Yeah we can do the half and half layout, for themes we could do musicians? Do u listen to any of these artists: twenty one pilots, The Chainsmokers, Why Don't We, Billie Eilish, Tom MacDonald? Or we can do a diff theme/diff ppl if u want
i haven’t listened to any of those… maybe we could do actors/actresses? idk 😂
i can remix the layout rn :)
is in the shape or portrait btw :)
Yeah we can do actors/actresses
U have anyone in mind?👀
Stephanie Beatrix?? idk if u have heard of her but she plays Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn 99
Yessss we can do her. Do u want me to do someone else from Brooklyn 99 or is doing the same person fine for the setup??
idk… OH DO U SHIP ROSA AND GINA!!?? bc if u do u could do gina?? idk if u watch brooklyn 99 so u might not know her 😂
I've watched Brooklyn 99, and I love ittttt lol. Yeah we can do that ship <3
But can I do Rosa and u do gina?? If not that's fine too :3
yeh that’s fine… as long as u make rosa hot bc i love her sooo freaking much ❤️
Oop- ill try XD
kk if u don’t then… sighs… be afraid of me 😂
Well then- ill try my very best lol
as u should >.<
(btw i’m kidding with all this haa)
Is there any specific color palette u wanna use??
I was thinking black and white, maybe monotone, is that ok???
i don’t mind!! i can use any!! i’ll match it up when i do my side :)
just remix when ur done ur side :)
Oki I'm working on it now, sry if it takes a while-
don’t worry :)
take ur time :)
what side r u doing??
Ill do the bottom right side
Do u want me to add a quote or anything??
‘What kind of a women doesn’t have an axe’ that’s a rosa quote 😂
Alright I was thinking of adding that and once I do my side will be done
Ya like my side??
done my side :)
CUTEEEE! I saw ur recent post and I'm sorry ur not doing well, I'm here if u wanna talk <3. When do u wanna post it??
thanks :)
stuff happened and i don’t really wanna talk about it :)
also do u wanna post it today?
Ok and I'll respect that u don't wanna talk :) and yeah we can post it today
great!! what time?
well we could post it now bc i have a busy day planed 😂
Alr we can post it now for me it's 11:20 but I'm pretty sure we're in diff time zones so-
r u wanting to post it at the same time?
i mean we could post it 1pm scotland time zone?? (idk what timezone i’m in 😂)
Welp it's too late for that noe lol 1pm for u is 8am for me and rn it's 5:36pm- lolll
How abt we post it at 5am (for me) which would be 10am for u, does that work??
*tmr btw
idk i’m really busy with school and studying today… could we post it tomorrow? :)
Yeah sure
kk i was thinking 4pm? like for scotland?
Oh my goodness I keep missing the time lolll what if we post it @ 3pm (for me) which is 8pm for u tmr. Does that time work??