Hey guys I don't know what to post so chat please


Hey guys I don't know what to post so chat please

6 3
so....how's life?πŸ˜‚
What up
pretty good only I have a cold
ur post r awesome
oh that sucks
thank you
do u like sports?
I bet your posts are awesome too
I hope so I have lots of trouble creating them
yeah volley ball basket ball and badminton
hey what's up
those are the sports I like
oh cool I wanna start field hockey soon and I play softballπŸ€—
good for you
how r u guys doing
I dunno I'm bored
I'm eating breakfast
I haven't eaten all day
what time is it for u?
what are you having for breakfast
a smoothie
it is 9:08 a.m.
oh, for me it's 10:09
oh I live in Minnesota
oh...I live in Ontario
I'm in MD
where's that
what grade r u guys in?
I have alway wanted to live in California
u don't know where Maryland is?
it's so cold here πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨πŸŒ¨β„οΈβ„οΈβ„οΈβ„οΈβ„οΈβ„οΈβ˜ƒβ˜ƒβ˜ƒβ˜ƒβ˜ƒβ˜ƒ
it's cold by me 2
I am in 6th grade
just 3 more months until I am going to 7th
oh I just didn't know what MD stood for
I'm in 7th grade
but we have this Freaky Friday dance that we have at the end of the year
I'm in 7th grade 2
the last dance I went to I strained my ACL
I'm gonna make more collages
do u guys a lot of homework
yeah a lot of home work
oww that must've hurt I've done that to during my schools mile challenge
w have that every year and I am always sick
sorry we have that every year
I have track and field
we have that at the end of the year too
my goal is to try to get 430 followers by the end of the week
do you play any sports
at school I do but not out of school
I play instruments though
I have a surprise for you guys
check on my page
oh ok
do you like it
like what?
that thing
that I posted
the thing u made?
yes I love it!!πŸ’•
I don't like it I love it love it
you are the nicest person I have ever talked to
what do you like to do in California
I've only been there once...but I went to sanfancisco and I visited the Golden Gate Bridge
and I was a flower girl in a wedding
how long have u been on pic collage? I've been on here for about a month
at least 4 months
and I don't have a lot of followers
oh...I'm actually surprised I have this much followers for wing on for 1 month...I never thought I would have 500+...
for being*
ur so pretty!! and ur cat is sooo cute...I wish I had a dog
I know it is crazy how some people get so much followers so fast
thank you I bet you are pretty too
I guess...
what r u doing now
um just playing with my cat
lol, the last pic of u catπŸ˜‚
I know it's like he doesn't care
he's cute though
yeah he is my little Chester bug
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ur funny
heheh thanks
I used to have three cats but he got really sick and couldn't keep his head up so he kept running into thing so we put him down
oh sorry!
no it was last year
ya I know I'm just saying like sorry that you had to put him down
yeah thanks
what kind of collage should I post
idk I like doing quotes...
but u can do what ever u want😊