// click \\
// same tbh, but my mom hates fedora-type hats \\
// listening to I Don't Love You in a loop because that's what I do with my life. // @GRACE WHERE ARE YOU BBY \\


// click \\ // same tbh, but my mom hates fedora-type hats \\ // listening to I Don't Love You in a loop because that's what I do with my life. // @GRACE WHERE ARE YOU BBY \\

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I don't love you- By MCR?
I love that song
^ yep
it's gr8 in so many ways I can't
It makes me sad though
MCR is gr8 in general
yeah, I cry like every time I listen to it but I love it so much that I listen to it again
mcr makes me cry so I'm used to it
my dad made me cry one time by asking if mcr had a new album out
I look like a potato at this point
"Do they have a new album" I wish
same I started crying in the middle of Home Depot
I would do that
yeah my eyeliner didn't run thank god
that's good...I'm sure I wouldn't be that lucky
it was waterproof eyeliner so yeah
lol mine is not
my waterproof eyeliner has a sucky brush so I use the brush from my non-waterproof eyeliner haha
lol that's great
yep but the non waterproof one is glittery so I have to wipe the brush everytime
oh that's a bummer, I don't like glitter in my makeup though