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Plz comment πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ

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I still love you but I feel that you feel the opposite I feel more comfortable with Bak and gen then you because you hang out with a lot of people and like you said it's not your fault that you can make friends but me I stay with my old friends then you because you hang out with new people I don't that why I got mad at you when u said Bak is your bother because he is my only friend who been with me sense all of the sutff that happened he had my back
don't say anything about Cheyenne she is one of my best friends and she is like a sister and I'm not going to let u say anything I got her back and she has been there for me this year and a lot has happened she is like a sister and yes u are my friend but it is different with her don't say anything about her u don't like when people say things to u leave her alone
just leave her alone if u don't like her I'm not going to dill with u guys
then don't she can **** remao I don't care I told her that so they can stop tell Brandon stuff he is one of my closest friend to so yes I am going to defend him you can say oh don't be tell her stuff when you should of told her that she was also tell him stuff to so I would be talking you need to stay out of my life because that hole thing had nothing to do with you so you can't be tell my stuff when you SISTER was telling my BOTHER stuff you you need to stop like just stopβœ‹
no u messed with my best friend
and 19
wall you batter tell you BEST FRIEND to stop talk *** the only reason why she was talking *** was because she had remap and she was behind a fenc
just leave her alone and she didn't say anything u did so just stop
don't tell me what to do like you said you are not going to dill with us so don't you need to stop talking for her god gave her a moth to talk so you can stop βœ‹
she doesn't what problems so that's why I'm trying to get u to stop
so doesn't what thing to start or happen. so I'm sorry 😐
well to let you know she was also talking *** about him so instead of you tall me stuff you can tall your BEST FRIEND to stopπŸ˜’πŸ˜•
I had told her and u so can we just stop this
we can stop βœ‹ this is none of your business for you talking to me like this so ya YOU can stop but if she talks about my closet friend than am going to say something and you cant say anything about it because YOU said you want to STOP
I'm sorry I didn't mean to say something u don't like
it's okay now i need to stay by Brandon because he wants to fight thxs a lotπŸ™„
what no I will be by his side I don't what him to do that he can get hurt and I don't what that to happen to him
I care a lot about him we need to protect him for getting in a fight
thxs to you you can go ahead and be with your SISTER because me and gen got himπŸ™„πŸ˜’
he is like a brother I don't care about romar he is not one of my friends he is
just someone I talk too I'm not going to let romar do anything to him
can I ask u a question
oh okay so you can tell me stuff when you so call sister was talking about your bother me and gen were the only ones defending him you told me stuff when all I was doing was defending him that just stupid *** right thereπŸ™„
yes ask me a question😐
no I wasn't defending romar and I just didn't what nothing to happen with u guys that's why I said
I just seen him and he said that he is going to get in a fight with romar
I told him to meet me after school u want to come when I talk to him
waer at
he was mad though
I'm scared
don't be I got him😌
he will be fine I hope I will be by his side the hole way
me too is he going to do it on the walk home cause it can't be at school and the bus too many people and he will get into trouble
I'm sorry about all the stuff about what happen with yesterday
can we still be friends I don't want to lose u again
no it's my fault I got mad that all am sorry😌
it is ok
I told him to meet me at the steps and I told him u would be with me and it was an emergency
so what is the planπŸ˜‚
oh okay
I don't know if he is going to come but we can see I will meet u by where people pit there bikes
or do u want to meet somewhere else
the steps
ok where on the steps
in the front of the school
ok if I don't see u call my name
if we see him we have to get him so we can talk to him cause I want to know why
and try to stop him