🌾tap🌾 nothing just Louis


🌾tap🌾 nothing just Louis

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yesss Louis we love him
We Stan Louis for clear skin
Louis partridge is the definition of perfection
apple needs to make the finger point thing emoji if you know what I’m talking about
cause that’s what I’d put if it was an option
I agree 100%
Hey Ellie do you have Pinterest?
lol no not yet but I’m gonna try to get it tomorrow
I’m drawing Louis right now and his hair looks ❤️‍🔥
Yasss you gotta post the drawing after ur done!
Also when you get Pinterest my username is Keith_lancesimp
gotcha I’ll let you know what my user is when I make it
I followed you on Pinterest
okay i saw i followed back!
ty! i saw that some of your pins are the clone wars and Star Wars those are like one of my fav shows and movies
Omg yes! ( before I like say anything about it have you watched all of it like season 5 and stuff?)
yeah I’ve finished it all