~I will fight until you cry~ | REDRAW! |


~I will fight until you cry~ | REDRAW! |

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hey. I'm alive and I have improved a lot since I've been here.
hello!! I've been good hby I've missed ur cool art fren
well my parents got divorced. y'know my sad usually life and my arts not really that cool
oh god I'm so sorry fren that must absolutely suck oh god I hope it gets better are you okay I mean no that's not a good question but do you wanna like talk about that or something... but yes ur art is very nice it makes me happy
I'm fine I'm fine. my dad was a dïčk anyways... I've gone through to many 'dads' for this to phase me.
allllsoo... I have a new ship for you
Oooh a new ship u say????
I have this new demon oc
and I kinda ship her with lucel o3o