Forgive me…? πŸ˜‚β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•


Forgive me…? πŸ˜‚β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•

203 0
i use my school i pad too your account so I am sooo happy you are not going.Howver I was going to ask if you could help get a good account started ? xx
I'll try but I'm not sure what you want me to do
I don't want to sound desperate or mean but like maybe like what people do when they win a contest πŸ’–
ooh well I don't do contests. I've only been in one contest and that was it for me. but whatever the theme is just stick with it and fancy up fonts. use the app Perfect Image. it's a good app to use and it'll help with collages
contests if your a winner they get spam and shoutout ( why do I have to sound mean to my fab pic collager !) X
can u plz give me a shout out? I need more likes! THANKS!πŸ˜„
it's good your not leaving EVERYONE WHOS LEAVING SHOULD STAY! (that doesn't sound mean or forcing or creepy or bossy does it?)
nah it doesn't πŸ˜‚ but some people have no choice but to leave
I was wondering if you could give my most recent collage a shoutout...? and add whatever else you want to, to it.
of course! I really think your account is just great. more people should check it out if you ask me.
you do know that you can open the pic collage app and your account on other devices. right?
yes I know that but I don't have anything else to use PC. I would have to wait a couple weeks before I get my own iPad instead of using my school iPad
my collage b4 this one tells you that I would need to wait until I get my own iPad
I use my school iPad and my iPod and iPhone at home