Running is such a nice thing we ran around 5 miles in track today and it felt so nice


Running is such a nice thing we ran around 5 miles in track today and it felt so nice

15 1
are you in California ¿
I have this weird feeling like I'm about to meet you but I'm not bc I live far from any airports
the closest one to me is 40 minutes away
well we are going to different places on the trip so maybe
im going to San Fransisco tomorrow that's the only place I'd possibly think you'd be going
were gonna be by collages? if you ever go to Stanford or Berkeley I think we'll be there
no my collage days are over
idk where we would meet then ://////////
yeah ://////////////
my head hurts so much I feel like someone's ripping my brain apart
that should be a leathermouth song
what am i going
oh lord
someone needs to help me
I need sleep
im thirsty
where's did my water bottle go
oh no
I think I left it in the car
now I feel like crying I want my water bottle
am I about to get my period
is that why im having major mood swings
aw I hope you feel better ♥︎
my period literally does nothing to my mood or stuff and I get so confused when people talk about it because I don't understand 😂
aw lucky and thanks
I managed to accidentally slice my foot while shaving I was only trying to shave my ankles ish lower leg part and I chopped off like a chunk of my skin and my shower was hełła bloody and shįt
oh that sounds bad
I cut off some of my finger once trying to cut bread it was bleeding a lot
wow that must have been some hard asŠ bread
it was frozen 😂