Hey Guys!! Should I do a Q&A? You guys seem to have a lot of questions about my music and gmw!


Hey Guys!! Should I do a Q&A? You guys seem to have a lot of questions about my music and gmw!

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how many seasons in gmw i srsly don't want it to end !! and also will there be joshaya moments in the next few episode cause me and my friends can't stop freaking our the gm ski lodge part two scenes of josh and maya 😹😻
definitely do a Q and A!!!
We just shot the season finale for season 3. We are not really sure that there is gonna be a season 4. We are waiting for Disney to tell us.
The scene was pretty hard shot in ski lodge part 2 because me and Uriah couldn't stop laughing.
I already tweeted that I had PicCollage. I created an account in November last year and I tweeted that this my official account.
what is your favorite book?
we are not sure we are waiting for Disney to tell us.
my favourite book is the fault in our stars
r2d2selfie bombed you