Forever single


Forever single

21 352
hey Matt
what's up
any nice girls πŸ˜‘
where did they all go ☹☹☹
I don't know
me either
hey- Jasmine
hey Matt what's up
sounds fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
yeah ig lol
any body ???
hm sorry I asked
it's ok
ok 😞
I'm tired
ok you can go to bed (thinks probably doesn't want to talk to me )
no it's fine I wanna talk
ok πŸ˜‘ if you don't want to it's fine get your rest
no it's ok
ok so what should we talk about
I don't knowπŸ€”πŸ€”
πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” what should we talk about ???????
what -should - we-talk-about
Mackenzie is having trouble breathing😐😐
really I'm so sorry
yeah I don't know what to do
maybe take her to the doctor or hospital
she won't let me
oh then call her parents
they won't answer
ok then just stay with her is there anyway I can help
I don't know you can try
what should I do ?
I don't know but she just said that no one is gonna care if she dies so now I'm scared
is she ok
yeah I think so
ok good
*gets a call from brooke*omg she just passed out and I have to go drive her to the hospital
oh my god ok do you want me to come or just stay here
you can if you want
ok let's go *gets in the car *
*drives fast*
*looks out the window * (thinks oh I hope she is ok )
-we get there-
*i run with you to the house to pick her up *
brooke-*crying*. Mackenzie-*passed out on the floor*. Matt-*picks up mackenzie*
it's gonna be ok Brooke are you coming ? (thinks wow Matt really cares about her )
Brooke-yeah. Matt-I can't lose her she is my best friend
ok let's go Matt you sit in the back with Mack I will drive and Brooke you can go in the front *runs to the car *
*drives fast to the hospital * -mumbles- you are gonna be fine
please don't cry it will only make things worse *looks at Brooke *
Brooke-*wipes tears*. Matt-*runs my hands through her hair*
*drives as I hold back my tears * we're here *gets out *
brooke*gets out of the car*. matt*picks up Mackenzie and goes inside*
*i talk to a nurse * (I say ok she needs Immediate treatment) *they take her into a room *
*cries*-Matt *brooke sits down*
*sits in between both of you * Matt she is tough sh-she will make it *looks at you*
I know-Matt *puts my face in my hands*-Brooke
* looks at Brooke * brooke and if she isn't you need to be strong for her
I know
ok ( thinks they probably are annoyed by my pep talks ) *looks down *
Doctor-she is gonna be ok she is asleep right now though. Brooke-Thank God Matt-oh my god
* smiles I get up and slip out while you are with her *
Matt-*holds mackenzies hand*
*i see you and smile then walk out *
*Brooke walks in*. *mackenzie wakes up*
*i sit down outside and think*
* walks back in and I see Mackenzie and i smile *
Mackenzie-what happened Matt-you passed out
(thinks I'm glad she is ok but I don't know if I should stick around)
matt*turns around and sees mary*you can come in ya know
no no this is a you guys moment *smiles * don't let me get in the way
no it's fine-all three
* smiles and walks in *
( thinks I'm glad she is ok. they are so nice to let me come )
*yawns*-Brooke Doctor-she is gonna have to stay all night. Matt-looks like I've found a new bed for tonight
* looks around and then slips out of the room*
so Mackenzie who is this boy you have been talking too-Matt
* I hear what you are saying and I smiles *
shut up matt*smiles*-Mackenzie
* I laugh a little and look at you to *
*mocks you*-Matt
* laughs * ( thinks they are so funny )
*mocks you back*-Mackenzie
*my smile fades and then I walk outside *(thinks I hope nobody sees me )
*looks around for mary*-Matt
* walking *
*walks outside*there you are-Matt
shoot * stops and turns around * oh hey Matt
what are you doing
nothing just waking ya know around
Mary I know better what's wrong
nothing I'm just just walking
fine * sits down* I don't feel like I belong here I don't even think they like me
yes they do Mackenzie said that she looks up to you and she called you get life saver
* smiles * but I just don't feel like it I mean we aren't together and we just act all awkward I don't know how 2 feel
I know me too
* looks down * I didn't want to make u feel bad that's why I was trying to leave
I don't want you to leave and she did t want you to either
ok * walks back in with you *
*walks in the room*. yay your back-Mackenzie
* laughs * yes I am * looks at Matt *
Matt eh not so much*laughs*just kidding I love you Matt. Matt-*rolls eyes*
* laughs * ( thinks Matt Is so sweet )
I love you too Mackenzie-Matt. *smiles*i know you do-Mackenzie
* smiles *
it's so sweet how yo both love each other and are so nice
thanks-both but we are usually mean to each other lol-Mackenzie
I mean not then but now * stands by huge door*
oh lol
yeah * stands against the door and looks around *
* steps out *
*lays down*-Mackenzie
* looks at Matt and then Mack and smiles*
*slowly falls asleep*-Mackenzie
Matt come here * gestures outside *
ok*walks out if the room*
* looks at you * thanks for letting me come and making me smile * hugs you and come close enough to kiss you *
your welcome*hugs back and kisses your cheek*
*blushes and pulls away *
* smiles *
let's go back in*walls in and Mackenzie was watching the whole time*. *sits there with my mouth wide open*-Mackenzie
* walks in * um uh,.....
why don't you guys just date-Mackenzie. because.....-Matt. oh sorry-Mackenzie
* looks away and walks out *
I'm sorry-Mackenzie
* starrs to walk to,the street * why did I do that
oh my god why did I say that-Mackenzie I'm gonna go find her-Matt
* sits on the curb * I shouldn't have done that oh my god
*walks outside and yells your name*-Matt
huh ? * turns around and sees you *
she said she was sorry she didn't know
it's it's fine I guess * covers my self and shivers * she I didn't know
I guess it kinda my fault too*hands you my jacket*
thanks * grabs it * how is it your fault?
I should have told her
it's fine Matt * leans close to u *
*puts arm around you*
* smiles *
*'looks into your eyes*
*looks at you*
( thinks I want to,kiss him but I can't ) * looks at you*
*looks in your eyes*
* leans in *
*kisses you*
* kisses you back *
* smiles * ( thinks oh my god what did I just do)
(thinks Ethan is going to kill me)*smiles*
hey can I tell you something
yeah what is it
Ethan dumped me * looks at you hurt *
he did that aΕ›Ε›hole
it's fine I don't care anymore ( thinks wow he really cares)
you sure*looks at you*
yes * kisses your cheek and walks inside *
*walks inside*
* smiles at you and hugs you in the doorway *
*hugs back*
*looks at you as I lean in *
*kisses your cheek*
* pouts then kisses your lips *
*smiles and kisses back*
* smiles looks at Mackenzie sleeping * so sweet * kisses you *
*kisses back*
*hugs you I hear something I look and see Mack moving* oh no * moves away *
Mack everything ok-Matt
* I look at you *
Mack-yeah in fine it's just that this bed is very uncomfortable
here * hands Mack a pillow * just sleep on top of it
thanks*takes it and lays on it*-Mack
welcome * smiles at Matt *
* walks over to you *
* smiles and kisses you *
*kisses back*-Matt. *opens one eye to look*-Mack
* smiles at Matt *
*smiles*-Mackenzie. *smiles*-Matt
* kisses you *
*kisses back*
* turns around to look at Mack *
*hurries and closes my eye*-Mackenzie
* taps Matt *
look * points at Mack * I think she was looking
*shakes head*-Matt. *tries not to smile*-Mackenzie
* looks at Matt * do you think she is awake ?
yeah-Matt. ^tries not to laugh*
shΓ―t she saw us * looks at Mack *
really Mack-Matt. sorry-Mack
* puts my hands on my hips *
*looks ashamed*-Mack
* walks over to Mack * it's fine * winks * it never happened
my lips are sealed-Mack
* smiles *
you should get some rest
yeah*slowly falls asleep*-Mack
* walks over to Matt *
*half asleep*-Matt
* kisses your cheek and walks out of the room*
*falls asleep*-both
* smiles * ( thinks this time he won't follow me out)
*wakes up*
*walks to my car *
Mary again*walks outside*really Mary
* turns around * you were sleeping I was gonna go * looks at you *
I didn't want you to go
* smiles *
ok then I won't * walks back inside *
yay*walks inside*
* smiles *
*walks in the room and sits on the recliner couch*
* stands*
come here*gestures you to sit next to me*
ok * sits next to you and snuggles *
*leans close to you *
*kisses your forehead*
* blushes * I feel so special * looks over to mack*
* laughs * so
( thinks what does this make us )
* looks at you and thinks *
*looks in your eyes*
* looks in your eyes*
* smiles and puts my hand on your face and kisses you *
*kisses back*
*kisses you sits in your lap and smiles *
*smiles*so I was thinking.....
since we are doing all of this does that make us a couple again
* looks at you * of course
* smiles *
* kisses you
*kisses back*i have to go to bed I love you
love you to
what's up with Mack
what do you mean
is she ok remember yesterday?
oh yeah she is fine she got a boyfriend
awe how cute
so did you wanna hang out or ...
ok who's place mine or yours
ok wanna walk
*holds your hand*
*smiles and walks *
*looks out and walks *
*looks at you *
*smiles and yawns*
* smiles *
I gtg to bed goodnight I love you
what's up
nothin hbu
same wanna hang out
what are we gonna do ?
I don't know
hmmmm πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜
I'm tired wanna go cuddle
ok that works ☺️
ok my place or yours ??
ok wanna walk or drive
let's drive it's cold
ok *gets in the car *
*gets in and starts it*
*buckles up and smiles at you *
(thinks wow I can't believe he took me back after everything ) *smiles *
*smiles and drives*
*puts my hand in the middle and looks out the window *
*holds your hand*
*smiles *
*smiles and drives*
* looks at you *
*looks at you then the road*
so can I ask you something *looks at you *
yeah what us it
so when we were at the hospital and everything did you really want me there *looks at you *
of coarse why would I
just wanted to know I felt like I forced us back together *looks down *
no you didn't
I'm glad we are * squeezes your hand *
me too-we get there-
*i get out and walk towards your house*
*gets out*
*walks toward the house *
* waits for you *
*opens door*
* walks in * nice
so where are we cuddling? * laughs *
my room?
ok show me the way
*leads you to my room*
* follows and walks in *
*sits on my bed*
* sits next to you *
*lays down*
* looks at your arms and then lays down *
*wraps my arms around you*
* smiles and grabs your arm and gently kisses it * I'm sorry
it's ok
* smiles *
*kisses your forehead*
* blushes *
I love you
I love you to * puts my head on your chest *
*runs my hands through your hair*
*leans close to you *
*hugs you tight*
* hugs back * ( thinks I wish this moment would never end)
*doesnt let go*
* smiles * you are amazing
*smiles*so are you
* smiles *
*thinks I can't believe she took me back after everything that happened*
* looks at you * what are you thinking about ?
just about how happy I am that you took me back after everything that happened
why wouldn't I? * looks at you * I couldn't bare you hurting yourself every tim you cut I felt the pain *looks down*
idk but I'm happy
me to I'm just glad all the bad things have stopped -mumbles- for you *looks at my arms *
me too for both of us
(thinks I can't tell him ) *looks away*
what's wrong*looks at you*
nothing *looks back at you *
*lays down * why
just wondering
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
*pulls you on top of me and kisses you *
what *smiles *
*smiles and kisses you *
*kisses back*
(thinks if I take off his shirt would I be moving to fast) *laughs *
what's so funny
*tries to hide my smiles * nothing *kisses you and tugs on your shirt *
you want that off don't ya*smiles*
*laughs * yes very much please *smiles *
*takes off my shirt*better?
much better *kisses you chest and then your lips *
*kisses you and wraps my legs around you *
*kisses you*
*kisses you *
I love you
I love you to *lays down *
*lays down*
*slowly falls asleep *
*falls asleep *
*slowly falls asleep*
(dreams about us )
*wakes up *
*walks out of the room and downstairs *
*sits on the couch and cries *
*wakes up and looks for you*
*looks at my arms and then cries *
*walks downstairs*
*dries my eyes *
babe what's wrong
*curls up * I hate myself
why*sits down*
why don't you look and find out *sticks out my arms scars all over * I hate myself
oh babe*sits next to you and hugs you*
*cries * don't take pity on me its awful and you know it *looks at you with tears rushing down my face *
*wipes your tears*
*looks down * why do you do this
because I love you
*lays down in your lap * I'm sorry I'm such a burden
your fine
*falls asleep *
*carries you upstairs*
*sleeps *
*puts you in bed and lays with you*
*toss and turns *
*lays there*
*sleeps * -mumbles - leave Matt alone ..... go away.....
*looks at you*
* sleeps * -mumbles- how could I let this happen ....
*looks at you*
* wakes up with a jump * ...
you alright
no no I don't know what is going I just ...... *looks worried *
you had a bad dream*hugs you*
*breathes heavily hugs you back * thanks
your welcome
*looks at you *
*looks at you*
-mumbles under my breath- what if all that comes true
you ok
I don't know *gets up and walks outside *
*sits outside and turns away*
babe something is on your mind what's the matter
nothing just gonna keep it to myself *looks at the floor *
(thinks no matter what I do I screw up )
(thinks what is wrong with her why won't she tell me)
you can go back upstairs I will be there in a minute (thinks I'm sorry Matt )
ok*sighs and walks upstairs*(thinks does she not trust me)
* gets up and walks down and onto the road *
(thinks I better go check in her)*walks downstairs and onto the pitch and sees you in the road*MARY
I'm not doing anything I'm not even on the road * stands near the car *
what is wrong please tell me
nothing just bad dreams going to my head * walks towards the road *
Mary please don't do this
I wouldn't do that to you I'm just walking around to clear my head * walks on the other side of the road *
*walks around and walks towards you *<a car comes >
oh shΓ―t*rubs in the road to grab you*
* bangs my head on the sidewalk as you pull me out of the way * <the car misses >
you alright
* lays there * no it hurts
*picks you up*lets go inside
ok *my head is bruised * sorry I didn't know
your ok*carries you inside*
*looses conciseness *
ok let's go to the hospital
what *closes my eyes *
we are going to the hospital
oh ok ...
*gets in the car*
*gets in and then closes my eyes*
*drives to the hospital*
* puts my hand out *
*holds your hand*
* touches my head and my hand is covered in blood and I hide it *
-we get to the hospital-*gets out*
*walks *
*holds your hand*
* I sit down and wait *
*sits down*
when are we getting a room * closes my eyes to avoid the pain *
in like 5 minutes. nurse-your room is ready
ok * stumbles *
*picks you up and carries you to the room*
thanks *texts my sister *
* sleeps *
*sits in chair*
(thinks I would be dead if it weren't for him I'm so lucky)*smiles *
*slowly falls asleep*
*waits for you to fell asleep *
*falls asleep*
*sits up and looks at you to make sure you aren't hurt*
* gets up and walk towards you *
* I see some bruises * oh no * covers my mouth with my hand *
* touches the bruises * I'm so sorry Matt (whispers)
*walks away *
*turns and sleeps*
*I go down to the cafe *
* i sit there for a while *
*toss and turns*
* walks back up *
-has a nightmare-
* I walk into the room *
*wakes up with a jump scare*
* jumps back * um Matt u ok ? * walks towards you *
yeah just a nightmare
* hugs you * you can tell me if you want
it was where we were on the road playing and a car came and you got hit
oh * looks down * it's only a matter of time
what*looks at you*
nothing I had a similar dream
oh ok
yes sorry I didn't tell you
it's ok
* runs my hands through your hair * go back to sleep it's ok
ok*slowly falls back asleep*
* kisses your forehead *
*sleeps *
*wakes up I go to get a drink *
*walks back in * (thinks is he having nightmares because of me)
*dreams about mary*
*sits down and waits for you to wake up and falls asleep myself *
*dreams and smiles*
*sleeps *
* I wake up *
*gets a text from brady**wakes up*text says hey wanna kick some aΕ›Ε›*
what's that
a text from Brady he asked me if I want to help kick some aΕ›Ε›
what why
someone left s note on his door saying you won't be able to protect her forever or something like that
protect Anna ?! oh shΔ«t ok you go I'll stay here
yeah I'll be back
ok * kisses you *
*kisses back*
please be careful
I will
everything ok with the whole kick aΕ‘Ε‘ thing ?
*texts * I was discharged from hospital can you pick me up ?
*texts back*yep on my way
*texts * ok *waits for you outside
*pulls up*
*looks at the car * hey *walks toward it and gets in *
*smiles * thanks for picking me up
your welcome
*kisses your cheek *
*smiles * (thinks I missed him so much even though it wasn't long )
what happened to Anna ?!
she was choked*has cuts and bruises all over*
Matt *looks at you * I'm sorry *kisses your bruises *
it's ok
your hurt its not ok *hugs you *
yeah I know*hugs back*
*kisses you * I'm so sorry
I'm fine
ok *holds you *
*looks at you *
I'll be back later
Matt you back
hey *hugs you * u ok
*hugs back*i think so
are you sure *looks at your bruises *
I don't know*looks at you*
you will be fine *kisses your forehead *
welcome *smiles back *
I love you
I love you to *smiles *
*hugs you *
*hugs back*(thinks I don't know what I would do without her)
*smiles at you * (thinks I love him )
*pokes your cheek *
* whispers* want to go upstairs *smiles *
*walks upstairs *
*smiles and sits on the bed *
*lays down*
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
I would do other things but I don't want to hurt you
*pouts * oh well *kisses you *
*kisses back*
*kisses you *
*smiles and blushes *
*kisses your neck *
*kisses your bruises and looks at you *
you sure you're ok ?
ok *kisses you gently * (I hope I don't hurt him)
*kisses back*
*smiles while I'm kissing you * (thinks I wonder if I'm hurting him I really hope not )
I love you
I love you (thinks why does it sound like he is saying goodbye ) *looks at you worried*
what's wrong
nothing I was just think about something
you can tell me
whenever you say I love you it makes me sad for some reason I feel like you are leaving me
what no I'm just telling you how much I love you*looks at you*
I don't know why I feel that way *looks down * is there something wrong with me ?
no not at all
I don't know why I felt that way *looks down *
*hugs you*
*tears up * you won't leave me right
no never
*yells a little * UGH WHATS WRONG WITH ME ?!
nothing is wrong with you
*sighs * -mumbles- that's not true
yes it is too true
*laughs * you are adorable you know that
*smiles*no you are
nope you are *smiles *
nope you are
*bites my lip * NO youuuu areeeee
no you are
no no no no (thinks am I gonna let him win or is he gonna let me win )
fine you win
hehe *kisses you *
*kisses back*
*lays on top of you and then jumps off * sorry
it's ok
I forgot * looks at you *
it's ok*looks at you and smiles*
* smiles * I really wish I could've done it ugh! *looks down *
( thinks I hate that he is hurt ) *smiles *
*kisses your nose*
* blushes *
aww your blushing
* nudges you * stop * blushes hard *
it's not funny * blushes*
it kinda is
* laughs * ok fine just stop,saying it * blushes *'( thinks I can't believe how much I'm blushing)
you are so cute Matt
I ... *fake smiles *
you what
nothing I just um nothing *looks at you *
what is it
I love you *smiles *
I love you too(think I wonder what she really wanted to tell me)
( thinks I hate saying that now he probably is questioning me )
(thinks what is she hiding)
*looks at you *
*looks at you*
I'm not lying I just get said thinking about I love you's it's just like a goodbye to me * yells* WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
nothing is wrong with you
* gets up and walks outside * I need to clear my head
*lays in bed*
* walks towards the road sighs* ( thinks I hate myself )
she is gonna try to kill herself I already know it*walks downstairs and goes outside*mary what are you going
nothing * walks on the outside of the road * see
I'm not doing anything *walks in the middle and then back toward you *
you can go back upstairs * looks at you *
no I'm gonna stay out here with you
ok * walks back to you *
* I look down and don't see you *
* looks up and walks *
*keeps watching*
* walks to you and looks at you *
*looks at you*
* hugs you *
I'm gonna go to bed
sorry about yesterday *hugs you *
it's ok
*looks at you * why do just forgive me for everything
because I don't wanna lose you again
you wouldn't loose me *smiles *
you can be upset I will understand unless it's totally crazy I won't get mad
I'm not upset
not now I mean if I do something wrong in the future *looks at you * and I'm sure I will
oh ok
yeah (thinks why did I say that )
*smiles and hugs you *
*hugs back*
I love you
I love you too
* smiles *
wanna do something ?
let's go to the park *smiles *
*walks to the park *
*walks next to you*
*walks and looks at looks at you *
*holds your hand*
*blushes and walks *
-we get there - race ya to the swings *laughs and runs *
*laughs and runs*
*i slow down *
*slows down*
*sits down on the swings * I win *smiles *
*laughs and sits down on swing*
*kisses your cheek and laughs * so
*swings * so ..
*looks at you * um can I ask you a favor
can I ask you a favor
yeah what is it
will you stay at my house tonight please *looks at you *
thanks *swings *
your welcome*swings*
*gets up * lets play hide and seek sorry I just feel really childish right now
it's ok
ok should I count or you
I will
ok *goes to hide up in a tree *
*sits there *
*gets to thirty*im coming
*climbs a little higher *
*looks for you*
*climbs down when you aren't looking and hides behind a slide*
where is she??
*holds my breath *
*walks around the swings and sees your butt sticking out*
* crouches out to look for you *
*laughs*nice butt
*falls over * ugh ! *laughs *
*brushes my legs off and gets up * so you were staring at my butt for this whole time *laughs *
what no...
*laughs * yeah ok *smiles and kisses you *
*laughs and kisses back*
*puts your arms around me and kisses you slowly *
*kisses back*
*kisses you and smiles *
*puts my arms around you *
it's like we're dancing *smiles *
yeah lol
*smiles * so wanna go home
*walks *
*shiver but hides it * that was fun
*holds your hand *
*stops and gets on one knee*mary I know that we have had our ups and downs but I love you so much and I want to be with you forever so will you make me the happiest man alive and Mary me
*stops and smiles * oh my god Matt *smiles really big * yes
*puts the ring on your finger and hugs you
*hugs you tight * I love you Matt
I love you too
I'm going to make a post brb
I did *hugs you * I'm so glad I'm engaged
me too
are you making one ?
I will when I get home it will be like a half hour
ok *kisses you *
Matt ?
sorry I was in the car
it's ok so did you see my post about us
yeah I'll make one hold on
ok *hugs you *
*hugs back*
I love you *looks at you *
I love you too
so wanna walk outside
*i walk outside before you *
*walks outside*
*hugs you *
*hugs back*
*walks around the house*
*runs behind you and jumps on your back * hehe
*laughs *
*a hang on to your back and kiss you *
*runs with you on my back*
*laughs * this is fun
*keeps running*
*gets off * thanks my form of payment is A KISS ! *pulls you in for a kiss *
*kisses you*
*smiles while kissing you *
*pulls away *
*looks at you*
*walks *
*looks out *
* looks at you *
gtg to bed goodnight
I'll be dreaming about you
I will be dreaming about you and missing you πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
wanna hang
yay we can do my house this time *waits*
*waits for you *
*drives to your house*
(thinks I can't wait to see him )
*knocks on your door*
*jumps up and opens the door * hi !
*hugs you tight * missed you *smiles *
*hugs back*missed you more
nope I did *smiles *
nope I did
fine you win *smiles and kisses your cheek *
*sits on the couch * you can pick a movie
how about billy Madison
ok *puts it on *
*sits on the couch*
*watches the movie and looks at you for a second *
*puts arm around you*
*smiles and snuggles up with you*
*grabs a blanket and puts it on us *
*puts my head on your shoulder*
*smiles and watches*
*watches *
*looks at you*
*watches the movie *
* leans close to . to kiss you *
*kisses back*
*kisses you and accidentally hits the remote to turn off the tv*
*sits in your lap and kisses you *
*kisses back*
*kisses your neck *
all you do is smile Matt *laughs *
I know
*smiles * it's cute
what ? *looks at you *
I keep smiling
it's cute don't worry *kisses you *
*pulls you on top of me *
*kisses you*
*kisses back and takes off your sweater *
*smiles * dΓ€mnit Matt now you e got me doing it *laughs and then kisses you *
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
*pulls your shirt off and kisses your chest *
*kisses you and pulls away*
you alright
I'm fine *looks at you *
*sits *
*looks at you*
*looks down * (thinks why did I just do that )
*lifts you head up and kisses you*
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
* pulls away and sighs *
what's wrong
I'm just thinking
about what
something that happened between us a long time ago *looks down
oh *looks at you*thats the past
I know but I just am thinking about it *looks at you *
oh ok
Matt ? *looks at you *
I just wanted you to know what I was thinking about was good and I won't let it get in the way *kisses you*
*kisses back*
* kisses you for a long time*
*takes off your shirt and runs my hands down your chest *
*smiles*dΓ‘mnit I'm doing it again
*pulls my head up * it's ok Matt I think it's adorable
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
*lays down and pulls you on top of me *
*smiles and kisses you*
^=* runs my hands through your hair and kisses you *
*smiles *
your so cute
* blushes * thanks
your welcome
but you are adorable
but you are gorgeous
awe so sweet *kisses you *
gtg be back later
awe ok bye
love you
love you to please text me when you get back
I will
yay ok bye for real 😘
u back
Matt ?
hm wanna change that 😏😊
ok what should we do
wanna walk
*gets up and walks with you
*holds your hand *
*kisses your cheek *
I love when you smile
I love it when you smile too
*smiles *
*kisse your cheek*
*blushes *
I love you
I love you to *pulls you close to me and kisses you *
*smiles and kisses back*
*kisses you and stands on my tips toes *
*picks you up*
*smiles and kisses you *
*kisses back*
*hugs you * I'm glad I'm short
*kisses you *
*kisses back*
<it starts to rain > *kisses you regardless *
*smiles and kisses*
*holds your face and kisses you * (rains )
*pulls away and twirls in the rain *
*dances gracefully *
*smiles and looks at you while I dance *
*pulls you in to dance with me *
*smiles and dances*
*kisses you * wanna go in or keep dancing
I don't care
*pulls you inside *
*walks in*
*hands a you towel * sorry I kept you out there so long now you are soaking wet
it's ok*dries off*
*goes into my room takes off my shirt and changes *
*dries off*
*come back down *
hey I was thinking
yeah *looks at you *
after the wedding or whenever do you wanna move in with me
*smiles * sure we just have to plan I guess
* smiles *
I can't believe we have come so far *looks at my engagement ring *
me either
but I wouldn't have it any other way *kisses you *
me either*kisses back*
*kisses you and pulls you toward the couch *
pulls you on to the couch and kisses you *
*kisses back*
*kisses your neck *
*lays down *
*kisses you*
*kisses back and almost falls off the couch * ugh !
*catches you*
* flinches * oh thanks *sits up *
your welcome
wanna go upstairs *looks down * I don't think I will be able to keep my balance
*smiles and kisses back I almost fall off the couch *
*picks you up and carries you upstairs*
*smiles * wow you are super strong
*smiles and walks up the stairs*
*blushes * (thinks I'm so stupid why did I say that )
*smiles and walks*
* looks at you *
-we get in the room-
* gets down *
*sits in the bed and yawns*
*sits next to you *
*lays down*
*lays down *
*wraps arms around you*
*smiles and cuddles you *
*slowly falls asleep * - your phone rings -
*answers it*yo what's up
*smiles *
it's just Layla
ok * waits for you to hang up*
I'm gonna go to bed tomorrow we can do wedding planning if you want
ok πŸ˜”πŸ˜˜
I'll be dreaming about you
I'll be dreaming about you πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜˜
I love you
hey I'm on sorry I have been busy
finallyyyyyy God I've been so lonely alllll dayyyy πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
it's fine you are here now so can we hang out
I'm going since you aren't on *walks away * πŸ˜”
sorry I'm really busy
ok whatever but I really wanted to hang I have a lot to talk about to you
I'm sorry
so you won't be on at all
I'll be on as much as I can
which isn't much but it's ok I guess what are you doing right now
nothing at the moment
ok so about the moving in thing you said before
are you sure you want me with you
Matt please don't leave
I don't know if we are staying or not
but ..... * walks away and cries *
I'm sorry it's not really my choice
ok if it's not your choice then you obviously don't want to do anything about it I thought that you wanted to stay this time
I do I honestly do
you are the only person I ever really felt comfortable to me myself and now you are leaving I guess I will to
no we aren't leaving
oh thank god I didn't want you to
me either
can we hang out at my place to talk
ok * waits *
*drives to your house*
( thinks I can't stand the thought of him leaving)
*knocks on your door*
* opens it * hi * gives you a big hug *
hi*hugs back*
come in * closes the door *
*walks in*
* sits down * so you know how you said you wanted me to move in with you ..
you sure about that * looks at you *
yeah why wouldn't I be
I mean it's a lot of work and stuff
it will be ok
so are you going to the wedding
cool me to its on my account so *looks at you *
why do you seem so out of it today * looks at you *
I don't feel good I have been throwing up all day
awe * kisses your forehead * is there anything I can do to help
I don't know
* hugs you * do you want anything i can go get
ok *drives to dd* *texts * what kind do you like ??
any I don't care
*drives home *
*walks into the house * hey sorry I took so long . long line *hands you the coffee
it's ok thanks*takes it*
*sits down * welcome feeling any better my bby *kisses your forehead *
that's good * puts my head on your shoulder*
*smiles tries to kiss you then pulls away *
I would but you are sick * fake Gags*
*laughs * I don't want get sick *fake throws up * yuck ! sorry if I'm being no mean * hugs you *
it's ok your not
you know what I don't care *kisses you *
*smiles and kisses back*
*giggles and kisses you *
we have to go to the wedding
Matt you on
hiiii sorry I'm being weird rn
it's ok lol
lol so
what's up
no just missing you 😘😞
I meant nm but I am missing you
ik so embarrassing
not really
what's up
nothing talking to my princess
I'm talking to my amazing prince
*kisses your cheek *
I love when you smile
*smiles*i love when you smile
*smiles and hugs you *
*hugs back*
*blushes *
*lays in your lap *
where did you go ? let me guess busy
yeah sorry
it's ok
I'm making cookies
I wish I was there
they are yummy
I'm so jealous rn 😀😁
right now I'm having ice cream with brownies
definitely πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
can we hang for a little
what should we do ??
wanna just walk out side
ok * we walk outside *
* holds your hand *
what should we do * smiles as we walk *
let's play hide n seek I will count
* counts * 123.....
*runs and climbs a tree*
* counts *
*sits there*
ready or not here I come ! * looks for you *
*sits there quiet*
(sorry got busy ) * looks around * Matt where are you ? * laughs *
*stays quiet*
* goes to the front of the house*
*sits there*
* runs back and sits down * I give up wait * walks into the woods with the trees and looks up * hi my monkey * laughs *
darnit*climbs down*
* laughs * it was the one place I didn't look
Matt you on ?
yeah sorry
it's ok
so what's up
nothing reading and talking to you 😘
can I hang out with you for a little ?
ok * drives to your house *
* knocks on the door *
*opens door*hey
hey * smiles *
come in
* walks in * so I don't know if Brady told you but Anna is moving out finally
(the party is starting)really
(ok ) and yeah
hey Matt
what up
I had so much fun at the dance
me too
sorry about the whole I wanna be us thing I didn't mean it to sound rude
it's ok
I jaunt meant that you are you and you don't have to be like Brady you are perfect * smiles *
just meant
* smiles * you are my kind of perfect
and you are mine
I love you Matt
I love you too
but I love you more
no I do
nope not possible
yep totally possible
noooooope can't be because I love you way more
yes I can be
nope I love you way to much I'm winning this time *laughs*
yesss * smiles *
but you won last time * fake pouts *
ok fine you win
* laughs * haha thanks * kisses your cheek *
your welcome
I love doing things like that with you fake fighting about how mush we love each other and playing around like kids *smiles *
yeah it's fun
* smiles * what should we do
Matt you busy
I'm back
what's up
hm that's sounds boring wanna hang ?
ok I will be over * drives to your house *
* knocks on the door *
*opens door*hey
hi * smiles *
come in
* walks in *
*shuts door*
* hugs you * I've missed you
I've missed you too
what should we do * smiles *
we gotta do something * smiles *
like * raises my eyebrow *
I have no idea
ugh * flops on the couch *
*goes to the kitchen*we can bake
yay * gets up and goes into the kitchen *
let's make cookies !
*gets the ingredients *
ok let's start
ok you get to mix them while I watch this time
that's what we did the last time * laughs *
come on help me * whines *
* smiles * yay !
*puts ingredients in *
* stirs them up *
* smiles *
* puts it on the pan and then in the oven *
*takes cookie dough when you aren't looking*
* looks back at you * did you just ?!
*shoves it in my mouth*
hey ! * throws flour at you *
* laughs and kisses you * yum cookie dough
* laughs *
* smiles and brushes the flour off of your face *
* kisses you *
*kisses back*
* wraps my arms around your neck *
* smiles *
-timer dings*
* takes it out *
* smiles *
they smell good
dint eat it yet they are hot * goes to wash my hands *
don't sorry
I don't wanna burn myself like I did last time
* laughs looks at you * this was fun
* smiles looks down grabs a cookie and runs *
hey get back here missy
ah ! * runs *
*chases you*
* hides *
what's up
just got home from school
oh me to had a field trip
we don't have those anymore
awe sorry
yeah they were so fun
I went to a college super boring
wanna do something
you get to pick this time
um πŸ€”
want to watch a movie I got nothing I'm the one usually picking
so movie ig
ok my place or yours
ok wanna walk
* gets up and walks *
* walks *
*holds your hand*
*smiles *
* walks *
* smiles * ( thinks I should have sang at that dance )
-we get there-
* opens the door *
*walks in*
* walk in *
* smiles and then closes the door *
*sits on the couch*
* turns on the tv * you can pick the movie
* lays my head on your shoulder * so
what are we gonna watch
hm idk
you gotta pick something * looks at you *
how about we watch Annabelle
hmm ok * looks at you *
* puts it on *
*'looks at you * are you just trying to make me scared
hey I will be at the pool party soon
sorry just have to do stuff so
it's ok
ok I'm coming rn
it won't let me respond to the post anymore so we can just talk on here
so wanna finish the movie
ok * grabs popcorn and hands it to you * here
*eats it*yummy
* smiles *
* watches *
* eats popcorn *
*puts arm around you*
* smiles and watches *
(thinks I love him ) * smiles *
*covers us with a blanket*
* smiles *
*cuddles you in case you get scared*
* smiles *
you think I'm gonna gets scared don't you * smiles *
* laughs * oh really
* kisses you * thank you for caring but I don't get scared of movies
ok-scary pet comes on-*screams like a girl*ah!
* laughs * Matt oh my god
it wasn't me it was bob
and who is bob * laughs *
my clown friend
you are crazy Matt * laughs and kisses you *
no I ain't*smiles*
* smiles and turns off the movie * that's enough of that
I can't believe you screamed like that * laughs *
me either
* smiles * I can't even reach that pitch * laughs *
I love you Matt * kisses you *
I love you too*kisses back *
* kisses you *
* smiles * will you promise me something
never stop smiling * looks at you *
I won't
good * kisses you *
*smiles*see I told ya
I never doubted you for a second
* laughs *
* looks at your phone and grabs it and runs *
hey*chases you*
haha * runs *
can't catch me * runs upstairs and hides *
oh yes I can
* hides *
*looks for you*
* hides in the closet and sees you walk by *
where are you
* gets out of the closet when you are in another room *
*looks around*
* runs into another room *
*looks in the closet*
* hides *
where are you
* runs behind you and covers your eyes *
hey who turned out the lights
um bob * laughs *
bob that was rude
* gives you your phone *
hey you little phone stealer
* sticks my tongue out at you *
I'm not only the phone stealer I am * kisses you * a kisses stealer * laughs *
yes you are that too
* laughs * but you aren't a stealer of anything
I am a cookie dough stealer
OH MY GOD I forgot about That you better run boy !
*runs and laughs*
* chases you *
gotcha * jumps on your back *
haha * laughs *
I'm arresting you cookie dough theif ! punishment is a kiss * smiles as I pin you against the wall and kiss you *
* smiles * can't catch me !
I have to go to bed sorry
ok night πŸ˜“
love you
love you to ❀️
hey Matt
what's up
hm sounds boring wanna hang ?
ok what should we do . you pick since I did last time
let's go to Starbucks
*gets up and walks*
* walks *
*holds your hand*
* smiles *
* walks and looks at you *
* walks *
-we get there-
* walks in *
*walks in*
what do you want * pulls out my wallet *
no I got this
you sure * looks at you *
ok I just want coffee and thanks * goes and sits down *
ok*goes and orders*
* goes on my phone *
*comes back*
your welcome
* drinks it *
*sita down*
so * taps on the chair *
* looks around and then drinks *
what do you wanna do after this
I don't know I'm kinda tired
we can go home and cuddle
I would love to * smiles *
wanna head back now or ...
what's wrong
just really tired I've been sick for a while thanks to Anna πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜·
oh I'll come over and take care of you
*drives to your house*
* yawns and waits *
* waits *
*knocks on your door*
* opens the door * hi * coughs away from you *
sorry just really sick come in
it's ok
* closes the door *
*walks in*go upstairs and lay down I'll be up in a little bit
ok * walks upstairs *
*walks to the kitchen*
* changes into pajamas *
*makes soup*
* goes and lays down on the bed *
*makes coffee*
* coughs *
*gets medicine*
* grabs a blanket *
*walks upstairs with it all*
* yawns *
*walks in*
* smiles and looks at everything *
here you go princess
* smiles and holds everything in my lap * awe thank you Matt
your welcome
( I have to go I will be back later sorry )
hey Matt
hi princess
how are you ???? I've missed you
I'm good I missed you too
so what's up
nothing studying for finals
I'm studying for a midterm
no it's annoying
I know
yeah so what's should we do
I don't care
movie ?
ok my place or yours
*drives to your house*
* waits *
* waits *
*pulls in your driveway*
* gets popcorn *
*knocks on your door*
* opens the door *!
hey * smiles *
* closes the door * so you can pick what movie we are watching
how about neighbors
* grabs the popcorn and puts on movie *
*sits down*
* puts my head on your shoulder *
* watches the movie *
here * hands you the popcorn *
*takes it*thanks ya
your welcome
*eats it*
* smiles and then looks at the movie *
* holds your hand *
* smiles *
gtg eat dinner
you back ?
yay * smiles *
- movie finishes - * looks at you * what now
this*tickles you*
ah ! * laughs *
*tickles and laughs*
stop * laughs *
I'm joking * pins you down and tickles you *
hey!not fair
ha well I don't play fair * tickles you *
I can see that*laughs*
hey * laughs and gets off of you *
I love you
I love you more
well I love you most
no I do
no i do
no I do
nope * smiles *
ugh fine you win this time
haha*sticks my tongue out at you*
* laughs and rolls my eyes *
Matt you back
I won't be on til Friday
Matt you on ??? - Mary
just got home
yay I've missed you
I've missed you too
wanna hang
you pick what we do this time
let's go get pizza
ok * gets on the car *
*gets in*
* starts the car and buckles up *
* drives *
*turns on the radio*
*drives *
*listens to the radio*
* smiles *
* laughs *
* pulls into the parking lot *
* unbuckles and gets out *
*gets out*
* holds your hand as we walk in *
I'll order you go get a table
*gets a small pizza and then waits for the, to bring it to the table and sits down *
*sits down*
* sits down and drinks Coke * here * hands you an extra Coke *
thanks*driks it*
welcome - they bring the food_
* smiles and eats *
this is good
very good
* smiles * so something is coming up
oh yeah
yeah my birthday * smiles * I forgot to tell you
what day
the 27th
ok what do you
idk we can just hang out on my birthday you don't have to get me anything * smiles *
oh I'm gonna get you something
* laughs * ok
* smiles * I can't wait
wanna head out I already paid at the counter so ..
ok * gets up and walks with you *
*gets up and walks*
* walks to the car *
* gets in the car *
*gets in and buckles*
* buckles *
* drives *
*listens to music*
* sings a little *
* smiles *
* pulls into the driveway *
* unbuckles and gets out*
*gets out*
* hides *
hey where did you go
* hides behind the car *
*looks for you*
* runs behind you and jumps on your back * gotcha !
* kisses your neck * got you !
*laughs*that wasn't fair
I thought you would have figured it out by now * gets down * I don't play fair
yeah I know
* laughs *
* walks *
*runs inside*
hey ! * runs after you *
* runs and almost catches up to you *
*runs inside and hides*
* looks for you *
Matt ?????
Matt where are you
*walks up behind you and stands there*
* doesn't see you because I'm facing the other way * Matt ?
*stands there like an idiot*
* turns around * ah ! Matt !
* punches your shoulder * not funny
ow but yes it is
* raises my arm* stop it * fake pouts *
*mocks you*
* hits you softly *
* rolls my eyes and walks away *
* walks *
*follows you*
* walks into the kitchen *
*walks in and gets water*
* sits on the counter *
*drinks my water*
* taps my nails on the counter *
*looks at you*
* looks up and then away from you *
* gets down and then walks upstairs *
*gets a cookie*
* goes into the room and closes the door *
*walks upstairs*
* undresses and grabs pajamas *
* goes and grabs a t shirt but I'm still in my underwear and bra *
*walks in the room*
* not paying attention *
*lays on the bed*
Matt ! * covers up *
*covers eyes*oops
* gets dressed * ok
*keeps eyes covered*
you're good now
ok*uncovers eyes*
* closes the closet door *
*eats my cookie*
* walks out of the room *
*lays there*
* grabs my laptop and walks back in *
*lays there*
* sits on the bed *
*looks at you*
* looks at some pictures *
*looks around*
* closes the computer *
*looks at you*
what ?
ok * lays down *
*smiles*i love you
love you to ( thinks does he know I was mad .. probably not)
* lays down and yawns *
wanna cuddle
*cuddles you*
* smiles *
Matt I was mad at you and I said I wasn't going to be nice which was mean of me I'm sorry
I know sorry I don't know I think I was just stressed be blamed it in you but I didn't say anything
oh it's fine
GOD MATT why do you do that * looks at you *
do what
forgive me you don't even get a little mad
why would I be mad
I don't know but it's weird * laughs *
* kisses you*
*kisses back*
* pulls you on top of me *
* wraps my legs around your waist *
*kisses you*
* kisses your neck *
* kisses you *
*kisses back*
I love you but I have to go to bed I will text you tomorrow
ok night love you
good morning.
morning princess
* hugs you and smiles *
*hugs back*
wanna do something you
sure like what
your choice this time
umm the mall ?
* gets in the car *
*gets in*
* starts the car *
* drives *
* smiles and drives *
*turns on the radio*
* rolls down the window *
* smiles *
* pulls into the parking garage *
* unbuckles and gets out *
*gets out*
where do you wanna go
I don't care
ok let's go to areopostale
* holds your hand *
* walks into the store* (can we to remixes instead please )
ok I will
* texts * morning
* texts * i missed you
*texts*i missed you too
* texts * wyd
*texts*texting my princess
* texts* 😘 I forgot to ask you what do you want for Christmas bby ?
*texts*i don't want anything I already have the best Christmas present ever
* texts * oh really and what would that be ?
*texts*you of course
* texts * I knew that 😍 did you want to hang out today ?
*texts*sure I'll be over in 5
* texts * ok
*gets in the car*
* waits *
* gets my coat *
*pulls into your driveway *
* sitting on my porch *
*waits for you*
* walks to you and gives you a hug and it starts to snow *
*hugs you*
it's snowing yay * smiles *
* grabs a snow ball and then throws it * ha !
hey*throws one at you*
* doges it * ha gotta throw better if you wanna get me * throws one and then runs *
not fair
* laughs and then stops * ok ok sorry * walks back towards you *
*throws a snowball at you*haha got you
* wipes the snow from my face and stands there * I only have one thing to say !
uh oh
you better run * chases you *
* jumps on your back and then puts snow down your shirt * haha I win * takes a picture *
ah that's cold
that's what you get for thinking me * laughs *
(*tricking ) * laughs and then looks at you *
* smiles *
what now?
I don't know I can make hot chocolate?
* walks inside *
* goes into the kitchen *
* gets the ingredients *
* makes it *
* puts it in the microwave *
* takes it out * don't touch it till I get back I have to grab somethings * walks to the back *
* grabs marshmallows * ok I'm back