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what do you mean??
bree, yeah... but wait what
no, please dont..
im very sorry if i hurt you, i really didnt mean to..
please, no , stay I won't hurt you I promise
soph, i didnt know you fell for me... if I would've known I would've told you.. & we only got together by the hand of the night
no please soph...
you fall for the wrong people. they might seen like they really care about you but you end up being hurt
im so sorry, i feel very bad... i fell for bree a long time ago & i really shouldve told you, im sorry
alright, can we please still be friends?
please soph, i promise you'll find someone perfect for you & not a jerk like me, but please stay
no youre not. youre a wonderful girl that deserve all the guys on the planet
no youre not!! youre gorgeous and not fat at all
youre beautiful
it's not, i mean it
im not lying, i promise.
dont leave pleasse
please soph..... you really are an amazing friend & i cant loose you
youre not a shîtty person, and if you are, i clearly like shîtty friends
idk but i know that i wont
take some pain killers?
Sophia please don't go
then be with me and ignore all the other things that's bothering you. Your an amazing person, very beautiful too. you shouldn't have all this bad energy bringing you down
oh alright 💕
dont be sadddd
I care Sophia
I not lying believe me
oh do you like him back?
yeah i understand
thank you Sophia❤️
soph? //cade
hey soph // cedric
im glad to hear that:) & im okay
she left me for her ex :/
uGh i know:( & imma tell you the whole story cause youre my best friend and i need to get it off my chest
she used to be my only friend before i met you, thank god i still have you 💗 alright so she told me her ex was back but then she said not to worry because she loved me more. then we had sęx & the coñdom broke so she might be pregnant... now i think she was really mad at me because of this... anyways, after she told me that we needed to broke up because she only liked me as a brother. that fûckįng broke my heart..
yes please
i dont want to choos):
ohhh yesssss & can we eat ice cream?
thank you. youre the best, remix me?
😂love you baby girl
oml who's this Cedric guy 😮 should I be worried. 😂
aw that sucks ): I'm happy you're mine tho