

18 0
WHATS 1+1?! πŸ˜‚
2 lol πŸ˜‚
weird questionπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
what is 9+10!?
ummm 19
why r they all maths related??πŸ˜‚
ummm how old are u ??
what’s ur name ??
how old r u guys??
and are u a girl or boy ??
I'm a boy the names Jordan o was controlling this account for ma sis but I just took over instead
I’m gonna delete that message don’t want anyone one to k ow
can u delete it
yeah sure
why don't u want anyone to know
omg wait why did u ask me out lol that’s so cute lol
I mean it's only an age
omg nvm u said I’m beautiful awkward I got that mixed up I’m sry lol ty for the compliment lol
I don't ask you out???
ik but I’m cautious lol
ya I’m sry it was a mid understanding lol awkward
wait whose o. this the boy or ur sis ?? lol
it's Jordan the boy lol
are u not answering me cause I said that okay then umm bye πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
lol oh u here lol
okay how old is ur sis ??
what what u on about
where u going
what did I do
I’m here lol
how old is ur sis ??
nothing lol I wanna c ur face for some reason lol
ma sis is 15
lol u wanna see ma face
ya lol
oh okay
maybe some day 😜
lol nice okay wait can u do it on a remix and delete it plsssss
lol u don’t have to lol
heyyy u here ??
maybe when I get to know you more ✌🏻
oh and I'm guessing you're a girl??
ya lol
what's you're name??
lol I am very smart love shopping and I’m very pretty if I don’t say myself lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚and a u have a gray sense of humour lol
any book and movie recommendations?πŸ’–
ya lol I’m Kashvi
u can see my face reveal on my page it’s very down lol
gray sense of humour??
i don't get it
great *
oh pumpkincole movie recommendation dismissed the move and prisoners the movie
lol ur so serious lol I’m so fun I’m joking ur probably pretty funny lol
lol cool
lolzz u here ???
ahah oki
hey it's pretty late what u doin up
what ??? omg did u see my face am I ugly what !!!
no it’s not it’s 8:36pm lol I’m in Canada
it doesn't matter what's on the outside but what's on the inside
wanna be friends lol?
^^ Im in Ohio and its the same time here
lol awwww ur making me blush awww ty love all u people
sure I'll be your mate
My question- Wanna be friends?πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ
limelightforlife I'll be you're mate
lol ur in Australia I’m a big fan of that country
yes lol I'll be you're friends
he u wanna be friends with me ????? /mate ???
lol yeah
anyone got any questions
coz if not I'm hedin to Bed
okay gnite love y’all
peace ✌🏻
me to lol
can't get to sleep it's to hot in ma bed
am at my cousins house
what u doin??
have u got any questions for me
watching them argue
let me think lol
are u a girl or a boy
the names Jordan
oh my name is Alyssa
this was ma sis account I was controlling it for her but I just took over instead
omg lol
same 17
what’s your favorite band
u know Kashvi ammm foxygirl22 she wanted me to show her ma face and I was like another time
ma fav band is the vamps and new hope club
really omg
she was proper direct just asking to see ma face
scroll up the comments you'll see there
heyy u there??
yea am here
she were proper direct
and she was like I'm pretty and smart like she was selling herself to me and I was like whaaaay
she is directing you to show your face
I was like we've only just met and on pic
not even in person
she wants to see how I look and I was like no wayyy bruh that ain't happening over 4 5 texts
hmmm you're really good to talk to lol
by the way
awww thx lol
hey and by the way have u met that jake guy he's well rude
jake you mean like in real life
I met him in pc
I don't know what is actual name is but his pic is jake do u follow him
ummm no
yeah he's the guy with the display pic of him topless with a red phone case
yea I know him in pc
tbh I think he's quite rude
not to me
lol okay
hey quick question do u live in the us
what state
I'm California
I’m Texas
I love Cali
Texas sounds cool
lol where the cowboys at
yea but it is so hot were I live
it's hot in ma because right know it's boiling
* in ma bed I meant
I'm guessing Alyssa is a girls name lol don't know how to pronounce it
yea am girl
do u know any boys on pic
not really lol just you
haven't met any yet
k no worries
it's getting kinda late
gonna go to bed seeeyaa
it is 8:12 here
ok bye then
no worries
well ama go to play fortnite with my cousin
k seyA
c ya Jordan
c ya Alyssa 😊
am back
hey umm u were talking about me huh πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
I don’t sell myself I just tell people about me
hey ummm 😰😰😰
it kinda just weirded me out coz you were all like I'm pretty love shopping and I'm smart
you just said it out of nowhere
I didn't even ask about you
oh okay well I was just telling u about my self πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯😭😭😭
ummmm okay
lol I’m probably ugly now okay πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β˜ΉοΈβ˜ΉοΈ
lol are we cool lol ????
what I never said that you're Just putting words in ma mouth
what ???
let's just start over
yeah we're cool
umm we’re cool ???🀜
lol ty
wait I was just wondering why did u add a heart after u said something to my friend lol???
lol u here wait who is this Jordan or ur sis lol????
wait did u see my face reveal???!!???😰😰😰😰
bro u here lol ???
why can't I put a heart so
yeah and I saw you're face reveal
lol I was just asking she was wondering to lol u can so what’s up and who is in this Jordan or u sis ???!!?
sooooooooooo be honest am I ugly pls be honest lol
ma sis don't even come on here she just tells me what to do on it sometimes and I do it
I'm on here most the time
lol nice okay so
wait am I ugly which face reveal the one with my mom or by myself ???
u know it then last pic is ur sis in that ????????????
it doesn't matter whether you're ugly or pretty I look at a persons personality
awwwwww okay ty that just made me feel nice but o gtg eat breakfast in a bit but I can still chat a bit
heyyy u here
is u sis in that pic lol????
what background are u from ????
lolzz I’m bored !!!
I gtg go eat love y’all!!!!
yeah I'm here
hey you said you were 17 which means you should be in the 12 grade but u said on one of your chats on you're page that you were in the 6th grade
why did u lie???
ya I’m sry I am I just said that bc ya probably didn’t want to hang out or chat I’m rly sry I am almost 13
ya I’m sry about that πŸ™πŸ™
you shouldn't lie about you're age that is so wrong in so many ways and now I know why you wanted to me to delete that message I sent when u said I'm 17 to coz u didn't want anyone else to see it coz u knew you were lyin
but mate I'm not deleting any of these messages
k but um ty for the spam
yeah your welcome
don't try anything like that again
go check my latest post umm are we still friends I get it if u don’t want to bc I’m a jerk it’s okay
we can still be friends yea but no more lying
okay ik this might sound wired but tyy for forgiving me ❀️
hey u here ????
okay so ya
ummm I’m rly sry u probably hate me and think I’m a jerk I feel like a aΕ›Ε›
hey umm so I gtg to swimming Byee love y’all ❀️❀️
hey Jordan am back πŸ‘‹
hey u know she lied
she's 12 and she goes to me that she's 17
I found out on her page on one of her chats
she didn't tell me the truth I had to find out for my self
oh well u found it
are u there
yeah it’s true I did lie I’m rly sry
i thought u said you were going swimming
or was that a lie to
no I just came back I had a half an hour lesson
heyyyy u here ??? wait u never answered my question
what background are u from ????
I'm half cast half while half Muslim
What's your favorite color?
are u my friend?
I'm not going to ask anything personal, just so you know.
oh I’m Tamil ,Hindu and Punjabi
so ya cool
and Canadian
are u my friend ??
yea I'm your mate
oh ma fav colour is blue
yeah Alyssa I'm your mate
lol cool yay 😁
heyyy what yall up to
roadTrip or why don’t we?!
hmmm why don't we for definite always
oh I feel rly bad for u u get lots of hate from people I’m rly sry about that stuff
lol who gave me the complement?????????
what u on about no one gives me hate
I love why don’t we
I mean to muslims there was a hate page for muslims he was such an aΕ›Ε›
remember Alyssa it was disgusting what a horrible page ugh πŸ™„πŸ™„
oh okay
yea but we got it banned
ya that was good wait why gave me the complement???????? lol just wondering
WHO ????!???? sry for the uppercase letters but who ??!??πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
yea we’re friends love y’all ❀️❀️❀️
was ap
nothing just at my cuzins again
am back home
lol k
so um who ???
u. wanna know something about me ???......... Jordan ........πŸ˜”
ummmm no
oh okay
hey u here and btw I’m not going to grade 6 I am going tograde7 lol
lol u here ??!??
wait umm do u know how old Alyssa is ?????????
ohh okay nvm
so what’s up ??
oh okay
wanna chat ???
lol u wanna ????
heyy it's Isabelle Jordan's sister wanna chat
hey how old r u ??
oh I’m 12 almost 13 lol
what about you Alyssa
she s13lol u ??
ohh okay