Spongbob memes funny af 😂😂😂


Spongbob memes funny af 😂😂😂

10 1
nun lol hbu
lol yes didn't go to school but Angel isn't believe me 😭😥😰😪
tats kool 😥😔😨☹️😫😩😢😓🙁😣😰💔😭
yea yea it's ok thxs anyways so u guys still together
awww well tats so sweet 😒😒😒
I don't know
hey 👋 nun 👋hbu bout to go feed my pigs 🐷
wateva piggy
sure lets chat
idk I'm drained out all my thinking went to focus on Angel
wat I don't get it
lol nvm where's ur mind
umm it's boii
yes it is boy is a noun boii is a word so it's boii if u use boy
tat means a noun