-Shawn Mendes


-Shawn Mendes

5 0
r u a guy?
Hi , did you say that u wanted to be besties ? Um. I would love to give that a try 😊
yes I'm a guy
ok what's ur name
oh ic
hey u what's ur name?
Brady Moody
ok I guess I have to write Brady on my wrist
lol. making a collage about it would be funny
ok will do tomorrow
how old r u
13, u?
really I'm 12
me 2, but I turn 13 on Friday, so I tell everyone that I am 13 lol!
lol close enogh
I'm Kaitlin
hey Kaitlin, as you know I'm Brady
lol yup
ok I'm going 2 sleep now talk to you tomorrow
ok night 😴