Today was a sad day for me very sad πŸ˜”I whont be on bye don't feel good today 😞


Today was a sad day for me very sad πŸ˜”I whont be on bye don't feel good today 😞

57 4
feel better
I hope u feel better soon x
r u seeking attention, someone just broke up with u... ur young girl be free πŸ’•
hey do you know when Mason will be back on?
what do u mean all i said was πŸ‘Œ srry for talking to him and of course he needs space
soo you owss talking to him omg πŸ™„
so if he doesn't want to talk then he doesn't have to reply back πŸ™„
omg you keep going en going gochπŸ™„
why are u always talking for him he has a voice πŸ™„
picas i'm him girlfriend ok have a bloblem with that 😊
i dont ty very much
if he's boyfriend then y u always saying negative things about u πŸ™„
picas i hate my self stupid can you see omg πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
and he still has a voice of his own πŸ™„ even with u as his gf
soo back off 😊
pretty obvious sound like he making u even happier
look i dont like him ok we were friends
you were is obvious that you en him not friends enimor 😑
en leave him alone goch you owes talk to him goch you don't have friends or what
I don't like you at all soo back offf
thanks to u πŸ™„ and u cheating on him πŸ™„ obviously
I not you bxtchhhhhh someone tell him that ok backkkkkk offffffff knowwwww
i dont care if you don't like me πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
soo back off omgggggg wen are you going to shut up πŸ™„πŸ˜‘goch
u can stop telling me to back off ok πŸ™„
fxck offf
u started it πŸ™„
whats fxck
Dàmn shìt went down last night, was I missed it
*sad I missed it
feel better and it's ok I used to be like you now I'm happy you will too
hey go follow Queen_Swifty if the hacker does not leave then I'm moving on there so help me just do anything to help me get all my followers back bye I'm hacked so follow her like right now I'm telling all my followers to follow my other acc ok so go😘😘