This is why I want to leave


This is why I want to leave

10 2
That’s seriously absurd! How is that okay in any way at all? Your school needs to be reported.
So it’s okay to harass students, but not for them to stand up for themselves? I see the game they’re playing.
That’s so fxcking messed up.
Some kid had a seizure at school last week, and another kid was laughing at her. Two kids cussed him out.
Guess who got detention? Not the person who laughed, but the ones who stood up to him!
Schools are so fxcked up tbh. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this every day♥️
God, that's horrible. I hope someone sues the school. I'm sorry you have to go through that, god I wish I could help at all
that’s horrible, it’s illegal and it’s wrong.
fûck your school honestly 🙄
I'm so so sorry Mitch
this is so wrong!! f*** this!! No matter what anyone says you are who you want to be and that's awesome!!
Re: Sure
*hugs back*
that’s RIDICULOUS. Seriously why can’t people accept other people’s differences? It’s so stupid. You don’t deserve this śhït.
we really need a JD to come over to your school and blow it up
... wow.
fūçk your school