This took so long because I kept on looking at pictures of my sunshine. Hoseok is such a beauty. An actually angel on earth.. <3


This took so long because I kept on looking at pictures of my sunshine. Hoseok is such a beauty. An actually angel on earth.. <3

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no phun intended makes me cry so much. and i dont cry a lot normally.
no phun intended is also the most religious album to date and anyone can fite me on that. but it really affects me as a "good" catholic girl i can relate to a lot of it and frick it's such a good album
honestly the quote about love two different realities is my favorite
and the part about turning to stone is kind of what the book revolves around.
omg i havent met many other catholic twenty one pilots stans!!! i feel like tyler has a lot of guilt in no phun intended and i can realte
i plan on posting a couple more quotes tomorrow then im going to start some other things. maybe do some more poetry. but for now ill sleep. gn fren