Last collage of the theme! It really sucks!! Anyway, do u ever think ur good at something, but then someone is better at that than u and u feel like ur not worth it? Check comments


Last collage of the theme! It really sucks!! Anyway, do u ever think ur good at something, but then someone is better at that than u and u feel like ur not worth it? Check comments

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Well you see, this doesn't have anything to do with the question in the description (sorry bout that) Y'all may or may not know that I'm really skinny and short and ugly, and I'm 13, the thing is, most girls my age well r taller and more developed in every way than me
The thing is, ppl treat me differently bc of being like that, and it's not fair, specially in theater... there's girls my age there but they don't treat them like me, they all treat me like I'm 10 and a little girl when I'm the same age as those girls!!! it really makes me mad, and sad
It makes me wanna hate myself... idk why I'm sharing this with y'all but I just had to tell someone, I don't feel beautiful at all. A face full of acne, bad teeth, greasy hair, small but, no chest no nothing
u r a very nice and kind person! don't let what they say get to u cause it isn't true! I bet that if u acted on stage they would be mind blown by your acting! don't say that u r ugly u r an amazing person and u r extremely beautiful on the inside!❤️❤️❤️❤️
I don't get it, why is everyone so normal and I'm not! My hormones r in space rn and don't wanna come for some reason, like I freakin got my period in December! and I'm 13!!! Most girls get it at 9-11 😩😩😩😩😭
with amazing collages!
but u r still a person aren't u? it doesn't make u not a person just different in your own way
and it's not bad!
Oh are you okay
Anyway.. Challenge of the day, make me feel beautiful. Don't be disappointed if you can't
u r a caring and amazing person! just because they say u are different doesn't mean it's bad! plus, look at how much u have achieved on here! amazing collages, awesome followers and friends! I think what u have in the inside outshines what's on the outside❤️😉
Wanna talk about it
hey. don't get down on yourself. lots of people do this to feel bad about themselves. I don't know what you look like, but even if you're not very pretty on the outside, you are still beautiful on the inside. ❤️
hey hon, it's ok, don't feel bad about it. just because people say your not pretty doesn't mean you are. Forget about those other girls, if they say stuff like that their bullies. Someone once told me, if what ever you say about someone else,the same applies to yourself. these people are just jealous of you, I bet your way better than them at acting .
btw I'm 11 and still haven't started my period
oh. be confident, believe in yourself, and don't put yourself down. I hope that what everyone is saying is really making you feel beautiful, because so many people,are posting. we are trying to make you feel beautiful, we really are. everyday, look at yourself in the mirror, and say, "I am beautiful." say it before you go to bed and when you wake up. just try it. it might help. 😘
Don't let your self esteem drop low. these people are crazy if they think your not beautiful, though your appearance may not be your personality definitely is beautiful. they're just jealous of how smart and unique you are. Forget about them, find yourself
You are amazing! Think of all the things you love about yourself! Be with others that think you are beautiful, have courage! You're incredibly talented!!!
hey, is something wrong?
I'm not sure what you look like, but I sure you are beautiful. And it's alright to be short. It doesn't matter if others are more developed then you. You are a lovely person no matter what you look like or how tall you are, etc. You are so nice, caring, and inspiring.💕
Also this collage is lovely!🙌
I'm older than 11 and I still haven't gotten my period. I'm also very small and people think I'm like 10. I feel ya