I'm so emo 1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1


I'm so emo 1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1

17 0
oh lol 😂 when I saw it I was like "when did Sophia begin to like Nicki silicone minaj?"
plastic minaj!😂🙌
^^like Kim 😏😏💩💩💩 (sorry I had to!i hate KIM BÙTTDASHIAN WITH MY SOUL 😳😂)
😷💩 (not u,the bùttdashians)
sorry,my hate is infinite 4 all the bûttdashians 😂 except to Kris 💕 she is a wonderful Kardashian not...*vomits* bútt..*vomits again bc of the silicone* dashians 😂
i hate Kylie,she called her lipstick "exposed" 😒😂
why did u call marshy a bîtch?
^^oh she's Hannah 😂 (hi 😂)