Somebody tell her bright pastel is not pastel!


Somebody tell her bright pastel is not pastel!

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just leave her alone and she'll leave you alone. also, bright pastel isn't a color, but there's no reason to call her an idiot.
oh really. well heh why do you hate her?
Emily I am quite happy you're a better perish but please stop picking fights
Shut up
You said I have no friends
leave her alone. also, u think your smart huh? well go to collage then and learn that PASTEL ISNT A FREAKIN COLOR!!!!
I'm not even 14 and know that!
I'm trying to my get into this but all of you please stop!!!!! Can't any of you just admit you're wrong? it's so stubborn! Listen CupCakeTunes, you're cool, but pastel is a soft color, bright pastel varies in color, so it's more than one color, and it also varies in filter. It all depends on what you guys think. just leave each other alone, and move on with your lives!
I'm pretty sure you dislike each other, judging by this post and other comments but that's no reason to call her an idiot. just relax
yeah. I'm pretty sure anyone is smarter then you. especially her!
why is bright pastel have the name pastel in it? I do say that could be neon with a little adjustments but it's not, so guess what you're an idïöt now.
wow. just wow.
Yea she really is.
first of all why would I have a hate-page for someone and I don't own hi-by
Bright pastel is the same as pastel you idiot. -_- *facepalms*
like you can talk
I've been arguing with her over a campaign that she stole from me.. I found out she's 11.. And I'm 16 🙄😒 like why would I copy an 11 year old! Or anyone for that matter.. how stupid 😪 I don't have time for petty arguments lol no offence to her but I'm annoyed I wasted my time