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πŸ‘­ dress comfortable for a long car journey because you want to be able to move around and relax β€’ πŸ’­ listen to music. make a playlist of all your favorite songs on your phone and listen to that when you get bored. then, if someone steals your car radio you won't have to sit in silence! 😏 β€’ πŸ“± bring electronics such as iPods, phones, Nintendos, and so on. This will keep you occupied for the journey. β€’ πŸŒ™ remember to bring a pillow with you, so you can get some sleep if need be! β€’ πŸ“š read. bring some books and read the time away! some people get carsick from reading in the car but if you aren't one of these people then pack some books with you to read in the car! β€’ 🍴 bring a small lunchbox filled with snacks into the car with you so you can snack when you get bored. β€’ πŸ’˜ hope this helps! qotd - do you like the tutorials I post to be in the comments like this one or in the picture like my posts from the past?
I like both
I like this one more
I prefer when it's in the picture
i like both😊
comments, it just looks betterπŸ’–, and you can see who REALLY checks out your account
Both, tbh β™‘
I always get carsick
I like both
ok when I saw the twenty one pilots pun ohmygosh that made my day well night and I know this is your post and I don't want to but in but I have lots of experience with car rides so I would like to help if you do get car sick you can take medicine to help that I get car sick really really easily and I've been taking pills before long car rides and they really help I'm able to read in the car without throwing up
really? i only get carsick when i am hungry (which makes the car ride home from school terrible!) And I'm surprised because you were the only one who mentioned my twenty one pilots reference πŸ˜‚πŸ’˜
I like both!! keep making tutorials!!
okay I saw a tip to snack when you are bored. you should only snack when you are hungry
i can't do any of these things! πŸ˜– stupid carsickness
thks it helps alot