So um this past week was really hard 
I kind got into that what is my purpose stage in life and it's really messing with me because I feel like I have none. So I kinda just want to pause my existence for a while


So um this past week was really hard I kind got into that what is my purpose stage in life and it's really messing with me because I feel like I have none. So I kinda just want to pause my existence for a while

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awwww childd ><
it will get better <33
"Existential crisis" is the phrase you are looking for.
aw noo I wish I could say more honestly all I can say is that just know that you're g88 and one of my bestest frens here on PC. Hopefully you're day turns around today and everything's better. I'll be here for you.
it'll be okay ^^
I'm sorry )):