Just learning my French oral while sitting against a radiator and still freezing to death wbu


•Noot• Just learning my French oral while sitting against a radiator and still freezing to death wbu

23 0
french anàl
just out of a pleasantly hot shower and freezing to death wbu
Sit sitting against the radiator. Which isn't as warm now. It was a lot warmer earlier. And I'm still cold. Rip
Still** not sit I cannot England
you cannot England
I'm just cold
I is not good at England language
I can tell
Like Ireland is the most meteorologically stupid place on earth
Is it really that obvious?
True Ireland should just kill itself
And kill me with it
Don't forget to kill me too
but do it sometime after tomorrow because killing Dan and Phil would be an inconvenience
Wait they're coming tomorrow I didn't know that oh
Yeah it's tomorrow
Oh cool have fun~
Penlope stop capitalising stuff that doesn't need to be capitalised thanks