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Hey do you want to talk right know I am so bored
sure what you want to talk about??
I don't care we could plan things to do a camp I know we will be doing things during the day but we could plan things to do together at night or something
yes that's a good idea!!
what could we do
maybe we could bring some small games.
yah that's a good idea we could make crafts also
like cards
yah have you ever played the game spoons
it is so much fun I will bring cards to camp and we can play I will show you
ok so you like old maid and go fish?
yah it is fun do you have those games?
yes I will bring them!
what are you doing?
what games are you bringing again??
I will bring the cards and do you want me to bring anything else
I don't care.
ok!! I will bring some thread so we can make friendship bracelets out
if you want me to
sure that would be so much fun!!!
ok I will
what are you doing
now we are both bringing 2 things right.
watching tv. What about you?
watching tv
what are you watching
we are doing the same thing! Lol
Dance Moms. what about you?
what is that?
do you like that show
it is like a movie
it is peter pan but they are real people
I love it. there about half a hour long.
I have seen that movie!!!i didn't know the name! Lol
I don't care
what do you do all day
I can't wait till camp
what are your sisters names
Tucker Addison and Sutton
what are your sisters names
Tenley and Marley my brothers names are Gunnar and Ben but we call him Bo
do you have a pet?
I have 2 dogs
do you have a pet
and I have a fish
cool I wish I had a dog
Do you like my profile picture??
what else do you want to talk about
yes love it
I don't care
we're do you get all of your pictures
Facebook and more places
oh that's cool I wish I had all those
I screen shot all of yours
I don't have Facebook I just use my moms
do you have Instagram?
I don't have Instagram
me neither
will your mom not let you have it
no she doesn't like it
my mom doesn't like it either
what do you want to talk about?
I don't care anything is fine with me
are you still watching dance moms?
I have to get in the shower. πŸ˜•Can we talk at 2:00 or before?
yah just comment on one of my pictures when ever bye