Q&A Ask anything! (Except for personal info)


Q&A Ask anything! (Except for personal info)

33 0
what's your goal in life(not on PC)
How tall are you?πŸ’–
@Cupcake711 2!
@-tumblr-_-vibes- To help people πŸ’—
@bratayleyyyy 4 feet 9 inches! (VERYYYY SHORT!)
@HipHopHippo When I was five I almost cut my eye! (It missed and hit my head) Lol! πŸ˜‚
who's ur celebrity idol?
That must've hurt
I GOT MY ACC BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
*tears of joy
@Lushfairy Selena Gomez πŸ˜„
(((((btw I'm coming back soon.)))) shh not tell anybodyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I'm 4 ft 2 in and I'm in gr.5 I'm so short!
what's your favorite animal
or zebra