If you all have any questions please ask. And for those who think "well then you should get off your phone and try to sleep" it's not about me being on my phone. I can not sleep. I normally try to go to sleep around 9 and I don't have my phone in my room


If you all have any questions please ask. And for those who think "well then you should get off your phone and try to sleep" it's not about me being on my phone. I can not sleep. I normally try to go to sleep around 9 and I don't have my phone in my room

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aww I'm sorry. don't know if this helps but I sleep about two hours a day. not insomnia tho. hope you're well
hey 👋
I can relate to you but I can't imagine not having the proper medications. I'm sorry for you and I really hope it gets better
I'm really sorry! I had to go to a councilor to help me get threw sleeping at night! your not alone!💕