so i may have an obsession with aliens but whatever πŸ‘½πŸ’«βœŒπŸ»οΈ


so i may have an obsession with aliens but whatever πŸ‘½πŸ’«βœŒπŸ»οΈ

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hey Sky πŸ’ž
aliens are real, bruh. you're not the only one, my icon is obsessed as well.
@butterflyerX i'm glad to know i'm not the only one that truly believes in aliens and obsesses with them πŸ’«
Sky ive been great hbu? you should kik me πŸ’ž
tysm for the spamπŸ™ŠπŸ˜Š
I like your newer style more. I see your old style on many accounts. it's great, no wonder you inspired many and have so many followers.
@butterflyerX thank you. i actually enjoy making these type of edits more than my old ones
yeah...I agree. making a style over and over again is like listening to an overplayed song on the radio
I'm an alien (but don't tell anyoneπŸ‘½) please don't tell my alien friends that I'm obsessed with you because it's not right to like humans
@butterflyerX exactly and i got tired of making the same edits over and over
@awk0beee oh dont worry im an alien too but shhhh
tysm for that spam
plz do my contest xxx
Thank you for all the likes!Would you like a shout out?
fun fact: half of life on this planet is of extraterrestrial origin.
super cute, dulceeeπŸ’—πŸ‘½