


602 46
thank u for speaking out and looking after our safety💞
I deeply apologize for my grammar and sentence structure in this post (it’s all over the place) I just wanted to get a message across 🤦‍♀️💀
😂 you dO? awesome I FiNaLlY have a hamilfan to rant to💗👏🏻
I respect you for posting this💗
ahh yes🙌🏼🙌🏼💞
thank you for speaking out! also omg I looked at an image of the rubber bullets and they’re actually really big-
a strong message❤️
ilysm too and I’ll miss you but you have my Pinterest. take care 💖
said beautifully 👏🏼♥️
ty , and this is a wonderful message💕 i just want to say i wasn’t trying to diminish anyone but rather i’m focusing on us seeing that everyone matters equally and include everyone if that makes sense (i’m bad at wording things) and also i just wanted to say as well that as a trump supporter i don’t know what is being said by him or what people supporting him as well are saying but i rather look at what is happening in the community and go from there
this is so powerful ty for saying it
u got featured omG YES
this is amazing thank you💛
AMEN 👏🏽💗
I love this
all this “peaceful” protesting doesn’t make me respect them.
congrats on feature
perch.mam perch
soooo true
it’s so astounding watching footage from different peaceful protests and how officers force these people into staying quiet because that’s what they were ordered to do
I think this is a great message you’re spreading so thank you for posting🙏
yesss it's amazing ✊🏽
Preach. Preach the truth. Preach the facts. Preach
I knowwww
yessssss go queen speak up for equality!!!
hi 😊💕
me too! 🖤
are you on likee
yES SAP 🤧😡😔
you forgot my name 😡😡
ok kapleen 😡 it’s on
This is a really good college good job
omg it does sound like seaweed 😭😌
kelpleen 😈
i don’t rlly like seaweed it made me vomit and after that it was no more seaweed for me djejsjjw
I don’t rlly like seafood much either lol
kelpleen = seaweed = you 😌
i will send you back to the ocean 🌊
hellooo kathleen :)) hru?
i agree omg, it's been really dull tbh
She did. Which is unfortunate. It deserves better.
yeah :/
i know, it's really upsetting.
but watch, when actual school gets back and we have homework, everyone's gonna be like "HAYYY"
same tho :(
it's the little things
acksjcn it's so sad
but i'm gonna go to sleep now lol
gn my dood :)
first of all this post is 👏👏
no your poor dog 😭😭
you can’t do that to your dog man 🤧😤
keLpleEn seaWeeD there’s no seaweed tea I’m so sure of that lol
^^yes pretend that’s seaweed 😌
if you don’t mind, would you please enter my 4k giveaway? you can win some really good prizes!
gasp you mean... CrAyOns
or something else... 🤭
Derek and mark can step on me
omg why did u not like derekkk
pc won’t even allow me to say ha*e
like bruh
omg George I MISS GEORGE
big softie and Jackson is so hot he can step on me and id thank him
that was beautiful🖤
Derek was a little sus 🤔
but he’s stil mcdreamy haha 😌
ikkk George was literally one of the bests and it’s too bad he had to leave the show 😔 they didnt have to KILL him off tho 🤦🏻‍♀️
omgosh preach girl. I’m Black too. thx for speaking us for our community
ALWAYS standing with you ✊🏽 us latinos got your back 😤💖🙏🏽
Hello! I just posted on my account, asking for some new account names for a new start, and I’d really appreciate it if you helped a sister out. It can be anything, and every suggestion is appreciated. Thanks so much!
I’m here for ya girl..we gotta stick together 😉
with us forever, George Floyd😞😭❤️
—-if anyone’s wondering, not that I think anyone will see this comment I’m going back on my break take care and stay safe lovies💓—-
I love this and I strongly agree with he/she.💖
does anyone kn0w hw to use this im not sure :/
omg this is so true ❤️ i went to a rally today for it. i’m praying for y’all SO MUCH ❤️♥️♥️. -AVA
btw congrats on the feature
blm! ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
i’m glad to see you standing up for yourself
i miss you jat
absolutely beautiful
so powerful!
omg so good
hi jat !!! i’ve missed u 🥺 how’s everything for u ???
guys if u gonna protest on a highway do not wear black u will get run over!! and also plz be peaceful not distrustful, and mean bye love y’all
so strong! I respect your voice! 💪💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿
be strong 💪💪🏻💪🏼 💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿
yes! agree
so so sorry
yeah i’m really bored all the time lol i’m kinda just reading books and watching shows
i’m rereading red queen😌
& acotar
i just finished we were liars and not the best book but it’s alright :)))
what books have u been reading 🥗
I agree
black lives do matter
hi I'm new can u pls follow me your collages are amazing!
Hi just wanted to say , your amazing , beautiful and so kind💖👍🏼
hi only just saw you’re back active! how are you? love this btw ❤️
not all lives are in danger though
pls follow me if you like anime content
hey check out my rp and spread the word if you can ❤️
#blacklivesmatter #antitrump
My 90th follower gets a shoutout 🥰
i miss you so much jat :/ ilyyy
yes! pls come follow now for a shoutout!
check out my account pleaseee
did you make this or not but it’s cool
This is my own opinion I think All Lives Matter
plz follow me
I love this !!
this is very inspirational to me love ❤️
can I repost
OPINION: All Lives Matter
I definitely understand what you are saying, but at the same time just because some people are trump saporters that doesn’t mean there not going to agree with you. I just wish people would stop arguing about all of this black lives do matter, and I believe that all lives should be equal whatever color skin you have! if you are not a Christian you may not agree with what I am about to say but I believe god made every single person in this world in his on image! god loves you know matter what!
to all the people saying all lives matter in the comments- just stop it. I get what you’re saying, but right now, it is people of color who are under the most prejudice right now. don’t highjack a post about blm to say all lives matter. if it were white people or Hispanic people (not saying they aren’t oppressed but it’s less than blacks) or Asian people along with the blacks being oppressed, then you can say that, but right now we need to focus on the most prevailing issue right now which is prejudice against blacks.
But lost of black people have died because people just kept killing them for no reason
you are saying white lives do not mater lol all lives mater 😂😂😂
you know what, I literally love this black and white lives both matter at the same equality and what some people did to black people wasn’t exactly right black and white lives matter equally being a white, I find it so extremely sad to here what happened to blacks, what happened is not right at all... we need to fix it
amen black lives do matter
salut je suis française et je soutiens à fond BLM ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿 bravo pour votre engagement c'est vraiment très bien
vous comprenez les vraies valeurs du monde et il faut des personnes pour ça et pas des humains bornés faces au "race"
im sorry but what you have written on my account has encouraged me to come here and give you a little information.
i agree that black lives matter. there is no doubt about that. i have family and friends who are black and i treat them with the same respect level i would treat every race.
but black lives matter is not only about racial justice. the hand symbol has a lot of history behind it.
what gives you a right to attack innocent people's businesses and shops? just because you want to make a point. if you look at the situation closely you can see that they planned this whole thing out.
trump is not a bad president. the media made hime look that way. i am not a trumps supporter because of my family. i made my own choices and this is where i stand. i had a friend who hated trump and hated anyone who was not pro blm. i asked her only to just do some research and she changed her mind. police officers are not against black people. they teargassed the trump supporters at the capital too. and i agree that what they did that day was highly uncalled for.
the trumps supporters that is
the police officers were doing their jobs.
if you dont want to get hurt. dont play with fire!!!
putting up more laws is not going to change people from breaking it.
so protesting and looting does not make racist people to stop being racist
if you have more questions ask me. ill answer anything to my abilities.
why do we have to focus on Black Lives Matter ?( black peoples life’s do matte)this whole making a statement is just making more people racist bc you are showing them the harm that these people can do
ALL lives matter. black ones, yellow ones, brown ones, red ones, white ones, and even unborn ones.ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that's a fact
Hi - don't mean to disturb but i am aiming to get 25 or more ! it would mean a lot to me if you follow but if your not sure come check it out and enjoy 👻❤️
these comments disgust me so much.
the hxte y’all give is incredible
not being disrespectful or anything like that but these “peaceful protests” you are talking abt are literally people burning down business, shattering windows and they are messing with fire, so yes, they are gonna get burned. and yes, i do agree that some officers have gone to far but you shouldn ’t judge all cops like that. these cops are trying to protect and do whats best for us
these comments are so disgusting and terrible
oh I totally agree with Bryson_Lee
OMG, some of these comments....Yesh
I agree with you!
If you are a peaceful protester, you might chain yourself to a tree like back the. or you may have a sign, but BURNING buildings down to the group and having smash and grab robberies? I don’t think so. That is what you call VIOLENT but the democrats avoid EVERYTHING!!!
I love this
Well all lives matter not just black