If you're reading this Felicia... I'm sorry but I've posted this on Facebook and going to post it on Instagram. I want to spread this around to as many people.. The more people praying for you the better. I told you I'm not giving up on you.


If you're reading this Felicia... I'm sorry but I've posted this on Facebook and going to post it on Instagram. I want to spread this around to as many people.. The more people praying for you the better. I told you I'm not giving up on you.

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lol it's not about how many times you go to church, there are many people who have accepted God in their last moments of life and still went to heaven, having not stepped into church. and I don't go to church often because my mom works on Sunday's but it all matters if you're following Jesus in your heart
and omg I'm 14 and you even look older than me x3
well if she can respect your beliefs than why can't you respect hers?
shadowhunters are characters I. The Mortal Instruments Book series followed by The Infernal Devices series, it was a movie, but it is now turning into a TV show starting man 16 2016. you should definitely read the series, all of them!
they fight demons and protect the world from harm. it's way better than I just explained it tho. πŸ˜‚
ahah thank you! I should take that up as a career, describing books with 2 words πŸ˜‚
tris leaves abnegation for dauntless falls in love with a hottie then dies.
wait did I just spoil the book?
katniss volunteers for her sisters place in the games, falls in love with Peter without realising it, everybody dies, kill snow.
boy comes into the glade in a metal little elevator thingie, remembers nothing, shortly after remembers his name; Thomas, girl comes in he's like woah she's hot, they have a history but don't remember it, griever everywhere they escape go into the scorch people die along the way but yeah, life goes on.
man, I am good at this *flicks hair*
I don't even know your name?! I'm Lindi :)
Awh, thank you! thanks alright! Lindi isn't my full name, because I'm European it has two parts! Hi, Gerri!
Albania, Macedonia and Turkey :)
Albania, Macedonia and Turkey :) but I live in Australia.
7:37 am. I should be leaving for school now. I'll talk to you when I get there!
first period: maths πŸ˜©πŸ”«
finished! now I have a science test!
haha thanks! I'll probably fail tho πŸ˜‚
haha I'm the first one done! πŸ˜‚
no that's okay, my best friend plays the piano. I think I did alright, probably better than I usually do. πŸ˜‚
I don't play and instruments, I sing though 😏
yeah I do sing, I'm not as good as my friends say I am though...
maybe you will hear me on x-factor one day! πŸ˜‚
recess now! haha, you'll need to watch the Australian version tho!
Australia is so boring tho! I love America! I really want to go there!
oh really? lol! but I love Canada too! Shawn. ended is from there and Nina Dobrev! she's Bæ ❀️
haha yeah it is! what do you mean where? I have my history elective now, another test! talk to you soon!
oh yeah, I think Toronto. and thank you but I can tell you that I failed I only answered one question. I forgot my notes at home., 😩
that's alright! I just finished sport and now it's lunch then I get sport again and then I go home ☺️
volleyball. I love it!
I love badminton! and tennis 🎾
yeah, I used to play it when I was younger!
I made an edit with Carrie! yeah my. set friend, Alice a d I play it all the time.,
lol, why would she freak out? yeah I know coz I'm typing fast and talking to my friends at the same time πŸ˜‚
what?! I'm not PC famous, nobody knows me πŸ˜‚
my edits are so plain though!
really? aha that's so strange though, I only made my account in june!
my collage got featured! this is my second time my edits get featured!!!
a book without a room is like a body without a soul, that's the one.
thank you so much! I never thought that it could happen!
yeah it is, I get them from we❀️it and stuff
yes! me too!
yes you can!