I love this song and UHH this fan art that I found it’s gorgeous. Sorry for the inactivity! Please comment on my last collage if you haven’t already! Be kind! 😘


I love this song and UHH this fan art that I found it’s gorgeous. Sorry for the inactivity! Please comment on my last collage if you haven’t already! Be kind! 😘

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is this from the Broadway song “Monster”? I like be that song😂 (I have a collage with that song)
yeah! I can’t get that song out of my head. out of all the new songs from that musical that one sounds the best
what is wrong with autocorrect? I meant *i love that song not “I like be that song” 😪
Omg Hi! I’m so sorry
You’re fine!
Sorry! I’m ready
I have to go watch a movie, continue tomorrow?💓
hey it’s hedgehug! I was wondering if you wanted to enter my games....you don’t have to BUT it will be super fun!