My princes’ SLAYED 
The MV was honestly so aesthetic and they’re voices dropped like 10 octaves😂😂
I’m super sad that this will be the last comeback for OT7 Dream but oh well, Mark’s graduating lol❤️ I can’t wait for the album release!


•Joo🍯• My princes’ SLAYED The MV was honestly so aesthetic and they’re voices dropped like 10 octaves😂😂 I’m super sad that this will be the last comeback for OT7 Dream but oh well, Mark’s graduating lol❤️ I can’t wait for the album release!

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the line distribution was perfect 🤠🤠
tru tho ahahah but also bts(:
yeah there really isn’t that many EXO-Ls on here but I meant the fandom in general lmaœ
omg my babies! i thought the video was gonna be a chill song, but nOOOooO jaemin just rapped right in front mA fAce. and jisung👏got👏lines👏
I’ve never screamed and smiled so much before! ☺️ jiSuNg hAs liNES AHHHHHHHH 😍😍😍
I love them sOOOOO MUCH
👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ DEM VISUALS