i have the most perfect relationship i love him so much no girl or boy better not touch him i will kill you hes mine and only mine and forever will be babe i love you so so much im so happy with you


i have the most perfect relationship i love him so much no girl or boy better not touch him i will kill you hes mine and only mine and forever will be babe i love you so so much im so happy with you

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I love you so much baby❀️
i love you too
I hope one day we can get married and adopt kids😩😍 I love little kids
if you ever want to.. ^
of course i would want to
God I love you so much 😍
i love you too😘😘😍😍
I love you more
i love you more
Nooo I love you more 😩❀️
lol fine baby you win
hey Kyle its Shane bestie Selena I'm glad you dating Shane he is so happy to be with you
aww im happy to be with him also
I'm glad take good care of him please
i will
he still my bbg and boo ok
okay lol
you so sweet
is he still on
no I don't think so
oh okay
I'm sorry
its fine
so whatsup
going to bed night
night sleep tight